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It's been two hours. Two hours I spent looking at my ceiling. I can't sleep. Not at all.

We got home an hour ago and straight into our rooms.

I wanted to kiss her. So badly I can't think about anything else and I swear what I saw in her eyes was the same want I felt in my chest. If it wasn't for my sister's stupid rule, I would have risked it all.

Not that I care about the rule though. But I know Billie does. And as long as she doesn't give me her word on not regretting a kiss, I will wait. I've been waiting for years anyway. Some more won't change anything.

. . .

"Why isn't Billie coming?" I ask Olivia who's closing the door behind her.

Olivia removes her jacket and smiles at me. "Why? Were you expecting her company?"

I nod. My mother has been talking about this dinner for days and I have been preparing myself for this dinner for days. And now she's not even here. I'm aware she wouldn't have talked to me anyway but I adore the little conflicts we have from time to time.

The little jokes I pull or the nickname I'm mocking her with. Even though she keeps telling me to stop calling her Biscuit and she keeps telling everyone how much she hates it, I like that I'm the only one calling her that. It's my own little nickname for her. No one else knows why I am calling her that and no one will ever call her that as well.

Billie loves cookies to the death. If there's anything she would eat for her life, it would be cookies. That's where the nickname came from.

"It was supposed to be a dinner with your whole family, of course I was expecting her company," I tell her and Olivia responds with a smirk.

"Oh, I didn't know my mother and Oliver's parents were invited as well?"

My eyes widen and I just turn around. "I will go now."

Leaving the hallway I hear Olivia laughing behind me but all I can think about is that Billie won't be here tonight.

. . .

"Tell me everything, Evans. How has it been with the Adams girl sleeping in your house," Jacob, one of my teammates asks me with a disgusting looking smirk on his lips.

I raise my brow. "What are you implying?" I ask him.

I know that Billie is one of the most wanted and talked about women in our team as well as my sister. Even though I try my best to prevent Flynn from being hit on by any of them. Not that I want them to hit on Billie but I have no right to tell them to keep their hands off her. She might belong to me but nothing official.

I have no official right to tell men to not hit on her. Even though it bugs me.

"Just saying that I would love to sleep just a room away from that girl," he jokes, earning two claps on his chest from two other teammates.

I just turn around, trying to keep my anger inside and to not yell at him. "Especially cause she's sleeping in your sister's-"

I turn back around, now facing Jacob, but before I am able to yell in his face Julien speaks up, "You better never say something disrespectful about them, Jacob or I swear to god I will shove my fist into your face!"

I close my mouth, a little surprised by Julien's words. I am aware that he's petty close with Billie -even though Billie wouldn't admit it- I would have never expect him to stand up for her just by a little incident.

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