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"Move your fucking legs away!" I tell Blake, who is resting his feet on the wall I am leaning against.

We've been into this way too small closet for one minute and I think my brain is exploding already. If I have to smell his stupid smell for more than six more minutes, I will vomit into this closet. I don't know what it is, this stupid, disgusting, rough, wooden-

"You know, I really wanted you to take truth. Maybe then you would have finally admitted how in love you are with me," Blake says cockily, folding his arms in front of his chest. He is leaned against the other wall of the closet, a stupid smirk settled on his lips.

I roll my eyes. "Sure and after I admitted that, we would have been upstairs, breaking the bed because of how rough and hard you are spanking me," I joke.

"And I thought you'd like it traditionally. But I will be open with trying new things, my love."

I don't like the way his usual smirk turns into an even smirkier smirk. Scratch like. I hate it and I hate how confident he is about saying stuff like that. Normally Flynn is the beautiful girl, who everyone falls in love with. She's the sweet and friendly girl you'd like to meet your grandparents.

I, on the other hand, am the hot and fuckable girl. The one you see in a club and hook up with. The girl, that says something inappropriate, making guys mislayed and taking their confidence. Blake is different, his ego is way to high for me to say something he doesn't know how to respond to and it's driving me crazy.

Five more minutes.

"Blake, I would enjoy this five minutes way more, if you keep your mouth shut," I tell him, looking everywhere but him.

A cold shiver is running down my spine and goosebumps seem to be raising from my arms. I've never liked dark and closed rooms. I cannot leave whenever I want to.

"And I thought you would hate being in a closet with me, no matter what. Seems like there is something I can do to make you happy," Blake keeps talking.

I don't even think my brain is connecting his words to the vocabulary in my head. I can't make sense out of his words anymore. My brain seems to just stop working. The last time something like that happened was, when I was hiding in a closet, when Flynn and I were playing hide and seek.

I wanted to win and didn't get out of the closet, even though I wasn't feeling well in it. I remember Blake opening the closet and telling me to get out.

Four more minutes.

"Biscuit, hey!" Blake calls out my name, snipping his fingers in front of my face. He got closer to me and his feet aren't leaned onto the wall anymore. They are placed right and left next to me. His hands placed on my knees he whispers, "Let's play a game."

My hands start to sweat. "You close your eyes and I will say a word and you will say the first word that comes to your mind," he explains his game. It sounds stupid and I don't know what he wants to archive with that but I do as he said and close my eyes, my head still resting on the wall behind me.

"First word," he says and I nod slowly, not sure if I want to do this. "Color," he says his first word.

I hesitate for a second. My mind is blank. There's no answer to his word- wait, there is. "Dark green." I move my sweaty hands up and down my upper leg.



Blake chuckles softly, trying to hide it. He failed. "Insult."


Now I chuckle. I stopped rubbing my hands on my legs and the goosebumps left as well.


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