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I haven't spoken to Blake a whole day. We've arrived pretty late on Thursday and just splittet the rooms. I'll share one with Flynn, Julien is going to share one with Chris and Blake agreed to take the couch, since he didn't want to switch around and end up with Chris one day. Drama Queen.

Now it's already Friday morning and Flynn and I are getting groceries for the first party Julien wants to throw. Lilly already bought all the alcohol Blake and Julien ordered before she went on a business trip and now Flynn and I get all the snacks and stuff.

"So, what's the plan, Bills? Seven minutes in heaven? Truth or dare? How'd you like to get things started with Christopher?" Flynn asks me, throwing Cheetos into our shopping cart. "I don't want to throw you into something but you two are way too cute together to not start something," she adds.

I take a can of nuts out of the shelf in front of me and look at it. "I don't even know if he likes me that way or if he would like me that way," I say, still looking at the little can in my hand. Nuts with a prize of sea salt, it says right on top of it. "You think we should buy nuts?"

Flynn turns around and looks at the same can in my hand now. "I don't know," she responds to my question in a neutral tone. She shrugs her shoulders and turns back around to the shelf with any types of chips. "But I do know that Chris has a crush on you. Well, I didn't ask him but I am almost 100% sure of it. What about Takis? Should we buy Takis?"

"What if it doesn't work out and Julien is mad at me for scaring his friend away," I enlighten her about the chaos in my head. It's not like I think Julien would hate me or something, because Julien is the definition of a golden retriever boy, but I still don't want to put him in this position. "Just throw every type of chips you find into the cart."

"Julien would never be mad at you for anything," the blonde behind me says, throwing some bags of chips into the cart. "You know what, put the nuts into the cart. Fully drunk, I will eat everything in sight."

I do as Flynn says and throw four canes of nuts into the cart. All of them in different tastes. "What if he's gay."

Flynn turns around and puts her hands on her waist. Furrowing her brows she looks at me. "What do you mean gay? Does a man, who is gay, look at a woman the way he looks at you?"

I fold my arms in front of my chest and smirk. "Why? How does this certain man look at me?"

My best friend sights dramatically and makes a little twirl, throwing her hands in the air in the movement. "Are you blind, Billie Adams? Every time you walk pass this handsome boy, he's right about to fall onto his knees, his drool already floating out of his mouth!"

I laugh right into her face. Flynn always had a thing for being dramatic or dramatic scenes. Some people used to call her sinewy or fake and I used to punch those people in the face but I've always called that enthusiastic and it's one of the things I've always  loved and adored about her.

"Let's make a deal," Flynn suggests cheekily.

"I'm listening."

"We will both drink ourselves to oblivion and both will make out with whom we desire," she speaks out her mind, a huge grin decorating her lips. "For you that describes Chris just perfectly and I will have my eyes wide open for Mr. Perfect, coming straight through our door and if he isn't at the end of the party, I will just throw myself onto the closest victim."

I chuckle again, looking at Flynn's stretched out hand in front of me. I take it into mine and we seal our deal with a handshake.


"What do you think? Sexy as hell? Handsomely overwhelming? Gorgeousness in person?" Julien asks me, spinning around like a little girl, lifting an invisible skirt with the tip of his fingers.

Julien is wearing a loose blue shirt, the half of it unbuttoned, a basic black pair of trousers and white sneakers. His hair is styled, meaning Julien just ruffled through his hair with gel on his hands, and his smile is brighter than ever.

Julien lives for parties, especially the ones he throws himself. I think he's the first and last person I know, who likes to be the host of a house party. He even volunteers to be one and I will never understand why.

"Let me get a closer look first," I tell the red haired boy in front of me. Julien throws his hands in the air and I walk around him, inspecting his look closely. The door behind us bursts open and we both look to where the sound came from.

"What is this? Foreplay?" Flynn asks, standing in the doorframe, her hands on her hips. She chuckles about her own joke and raises one brow.

"No!" Julien yells, "Billie is way to young to do something like that!" Flynn laughs at his joke. Julien is only one and a half year older than us and acts like a ten year old boy, he has absolutely no right to call me to young for anything.

I hit him at the back of his head and walk towards Flynn. "I was admiring Julien's deadly ass gorgeous outfit for the night and not doing any kind of foreplay. And just for you to know, Julien dear, I do know how to-"

Julien covers his ears with his hands, making annoying sounds with his mouth to drown out my voice. In between he yells, "STOP IT! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU DO WITH BOYS, BILLIE!"

Flynn and I laugh, watching Julien run out of the room.

Now is the first time I take a closer look at Flynn, who has already done her hair into and half up half down hairstyle. Two little space buns are on each side on the back of her head, the rest of the hair is curled and two small strands of hair are in front of her forehead and two right in front of her ears.

She looks stunning, as always. Flynn is probably the most prettiest girl I have ever seen and I don't say that because she's my best friend. No, this girl stood in a stupid sandbox, stacking plastic forms on top of each other, when I first decided to approach her by myself.

Before she always came to me and I thought she was weird, in some type way. But that day, when she was wearing those stupid pigtails, that have always looked awful on myself and looked beautiful on her, and an older boy was destroying her stack of plastic forms, I decided to help the weird girl, who had a boys name as well.

Turns out the older boy was her brother and I put him in place for absolutely nothing. Still, I enjoyed putting him in place and I still enjoy it and keep doing it.

"You look beautiful, Flynn. What will you be wearing? I'm sure you came to show me," I tell her, pocking her shoulder.

Flynn starts smiling and takes my wrist. Dragging me upstairs to our room she starts raving, "You have no idea what dress my aunt bought me! It is so so pretty. And she bought you one as well, you will love it!"

We both enter our bedroom and I see two dresses laying on our bed. One is glittery and light blue. It has no strips to hold it in place and I assume this one is for Flynn. She loves this kind of dresses.

The other one looks more simple. It's in a dark shade of red and short, but it doesn't look very special. It's high cuttend at the neckline, not showing of much of my breast. You will be able to see my shoulders and a bit of my collarbone though.

"Wait for the surprise, you will be amazed, I promise," Flynn thrills. She holds the dress up and turns it around. Now I see why Lily has bought it. The front might me simple but the back- well, it's not existing. Except for one stripe on my neck, my whole back would be bare.

I love it.

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