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I don't know what exactly Julien thought would be a funny idea but it's definitely not playing another one of these stupid party games. And still I am sitting here next to him in a circle with a lot of other fully wasted teenagers, waiting for Julien to spin the bottle.

I don't understand what's the hype about this game. You literally just kiss a lot more than necessary people and probably get some illness from them too and for what? Embarrassment. Nothing more and nothing less.

Even though it's very interesting, watching Julien and Ava kissing in the middle of a circle of drunk teenagers, the only thing I can look at is Blake. He is sitting on the couch, his head resting in his hands. He looks like a zombie. No, literally. I don't think taking him downstairs with us was a good idea.

"Evans. You're up next! Come on, spin the bottle, you nasty boy," Julien says, jumping back on the couch. He has a huge smile on his lips and probably a huge problem down there now after that kiss with the blonde beauty next to Mavy.

"Julien, I don't think he should be playing this game. Come one Blake, you have to go to sleep," I tell him and get up from the ground. If Blake is going to make out with some girl here, he is probably going to end up vomiting right into their face.

Blake jumps from the couch, right towards the bottle. "No! I will spin that fucking bottle and it will land on someone very very very beautiful," he roars. He sounds terribly drunk and I don't even think he knows what he's saying.

Blake takes the bottle and every girl in the circle moves a little closer, to get a better view on who the bottle will point on. Blake's other hand is holding his chest, right where his heart is supposed to be, and he spins the bottle with the other one. "Please her, please her, please her," he whispers and I roll my eyes.

The bottle spins and spins and spins and- "YEAH!" Blake suddenly screams, raising his arms in the air in victory. I look at the bottle and the bottle looks back at me. It's pointing right at me. I'm fucked.

Blake gets up from the ground, a tried smirk on his lips. It doesn't look like one of his usual smirks though. Seems like he can just do a half one fully drunk. "Come on, Biscuit, play a game with me," he whispers in my direction.

"I am not going to kiss you, Blake Evans."

"Billie! Come on. It's just a game and he has had a terrible night and everyone is way to drunk to remember it anyway. Also, you wouldn't back away from a dare, would you?"

I wouldn't.

Stupid pride.

Blake is standing right in front of my face. He gives me a small smile. "Dare is dare, Biscuit," he says, taking my face into his hands. I narrow my eyes at him.

He strokes my right cheek with his thumb softly. I close my eyes for a split second, the only thing running through my mind Blake's fucking hand on my cheek.

If I don't slap it away right now, I'll be damned forever.

Blake moves his face closer to mine. His eyes are wide, looking straight into my soul. His lips meet mine and I think I might die.

I forget everyone around us. All the fucking people who are watching. Julien, who is probably taking pictures right now.

The only thing I can think about is Blake's fucking lips on mine and how he smiles while kissing me.

And suddenly I am in sixth grade again, kissing the first boy I have ever loved.


I cannot believe Austin Moolie just wanted to kiss me! I don't want to be kissed by some boy I do not love. I want to be kissed by someone I like looking at. Someone who is making my heart beat faster by just talking. Someone who cares for me.

I want something like my parents have.

"What are you doing here, Biscuit?" Blake's voice sounds from somewhere behind me and I turn around. He's standing behind me, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans.

"Enjoying the company of my own," I answer him, pretending like I am not totally excited that he is talking to me. Just because I like it, it doesn't mean he has to know about that. I know Flynn wouldn't like a relationship between me and him and I don't want to upset her.

"Do you mind not being on your own anymore?" he asks and I try to hide my smile. I am pretty sure he's completely aware of me smiling or even worse blushing. I tend to turn completely red whenever I blush.

"Actually, I do. But it seems like you are pretty alone right know and I don't want to be mean," I say. Blake smiles for a quick second and I tap and the place next to me. He sits down on the grass as well and we both watch the cows in front of us.

"Austin Moolie is telling everyone you're too much of a coward to kiss him." My smile fades and I just stare at him. Completely blank.

"He's doing what?!"

"Well, he came just up to us and told us you backed away from him."

"And then?"

"Then I punched him in the face and told him to shut up."

"You did what?!"

"I punched him in the face, told him to shut up and came to find you," Blake repeats himself and I think at this point my mouth is just opened in gasps. "Oh, this was a rhetorical question, was it? We just talked about them in class-"

"You cannot just punch someone in the face, Blake. That's not something you should do. What is your father going to say about that, if he finds out?"

Blake just shrugs. "I don't care what my father thinks. I care about you and guys shouldn't talk about you like that."

Is it possible for the heart to grow in a second? Like growing into a huge abnormal size? Because my heart feels like the feet of an elephant right now.

"Can I ask you a question, Billie?"


"Why didn't you want to kiss him?"

This will be a big decision. I could tell him the truth or I could lie. I should lie. But I don't want to.

"Because I was waiting for someone else," I tell him the half truth. Well, I didn't say his name, so basically I never betrayed Flynn.

"Can I ask you a question, Billie?"


"Would you back away from me?"

I think my heart just skipped a couple of beats and I shake my head, unable to speak. My face is completely red by now, I know it.

Blake smiles at me and leans forward. His lips meet mine.

I think I might die of a heartache.

A gasp from somewhere around us is what brings me back to life. I cannot be kissing Blake Evans! This has to end right here, right now.

I push him away softly, watching him swaying back and forth. His eyes are closed and a cheeky smile is playing on his lips.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to feel this again, Biscuit."

— — —

I've read thousands of kissing scenes in books before and I would have never imagined it being so weird to write them.

Guys this is the first time I wrote a scene like that, please have mercy. I know it's not well written and exciting to read like it's normally in books but I'm pretty confident about improving myself!

Please have in mind that this book is like a slow burn so don't expect them to be a super cute couple from now on🫢

I hope all of you are doing great!

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