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* TW: problems with food

There will be mentioning of previous problems with eating certain food and a small comment from Chris himself.
If you want to skip this scene, you can skip right to the ** that I will place right after the scene.
I hope I don't trigger anyone with this chapter.


Chris and I have been working on our project for three hours now and I'm starving. I only had breakfast this morning and it's definitely time for a snack and only looking at Chris isn't the whole thing.

I get up from the floor and announce, "I'm gonna get something to eat. You want some as well?" I look at Chris, who placed himself onto a chair in front of Lily's desk. She provided her study for us as long as we need to work on our project.

Chris looks up, his dark brown eyes scanning my body from my feet to my face. "No thanks. I've already had breakfast. Snacks are just going to ruin my perfect body," he tells me smiling.

I turn on my feet slowly, my forehead wrinkling as soon as I turn my back at him. "Uhm, okay?" I know that it's not the best thing to just eat and eat unhealthy stuff but who the fuck cares. If I want to eat something unhealthy, then I the fuck will. And the more chocolate, the better.

I had a hard time with feeling comfortable eating a long time ago. I thought I looked way too fat and had a huge problem with wearing tight things, which was very unnecessary when I look back at the way I looked.

It's different now. I would never let anyone say something about the way I look, except if they give me a compliment of course. I like the way I look and don't want to change something about it anymore. I am good enough now and anyone, who doesn't thing that, is just not right or good enough for me.

This might sound arrogant of me and I know that most of the people will think bad of me, but I'm sick of letting people take control of me. I'm sick of crying in front of a mirror, because I don't look like her.


I lean on the door and walk towards the stairs. The front door opens and closes right after. The sound of keys, that have been thrown onto a table, lure me on and I rush towards the banisters with triple steps. I bend over the banister and spot Blake, who is taking off his shoes.

The tall boy, who's been haunting my life for years, looks up with a small grin on his lips. I shake my head and walk downstairs. "You already tired of Lover Boy?" he asks, sorting his shoes tidy next to the other's.

I roll my eyes and walk into the open kitchen. Lilly has a beautiful house. The kitchen is open, in the middle of it one of those modern looking kitchen islands. I adore this woman and her taste.

"Where were you anyway?" I ask him out of curiosity. I open a cupboard and look through the things in it. Cookies, chips and whatever those gummies- Why am I even still thinking? Cookies it is! "Out hooking up with some girls?" I ask him, going on my toes, trying to reach the cookies. Who even put them up there?

Behind me I hear someone walking closer to me. "I've always been curious about why you always expect me to be hooking up with girls," he says. I turn around, putting my hand on my hips. Blake leaned himself against the kitchen island, resting one arm onto it. "You need help with that? Seems a bit high for you to reach."

I turn back around to the cupboard with the cookies in it, that are in fact too high for me to reach. I go on my toes again and raise my arm towards the cookies. "I can handle it," I tell him.

I feel him walking closer to me, his presence now right behind me. If I go back on my feet now, I will bump right into him. "Yeah I can see that, Biscuit," he murmurs right into my ear, raising his arm as well. Blake follows my hand, except that he can actually reach the cookies.

I groan. Ready to tell Blake to fuck off and that I don't need his help, I go back on my feet and turn around, now facing his chest. No, seriously, if I have to sneeze right now, I will bump my face into it. Blake starts smiling and leans forward, resting his hands onto the kitchen counter, I am leaning against, on both sides.

His face is now right in front of mine and I think I stopped breathing. "You can just ask me for help next time. It will be my pleasure to help you, Biscuit," he whispers, not breaking eye contact with me.

I would enjoy this more, if he had stinky breath and I could tell him so. This way, I can think of nothing. My mind is blank. It's like his fucking smell rushed through my brain and let me forget everything. "Lost your words?" he asks.

I clear my throat and turn my eyes back into narrowing. "It will take more to get me speechless, Blakey Boy," I tell him, digging my confidence back out of the back of my head. I go back onto my toes and move my face closer to his'. First I move my eyes down to his lips on purpose and then back to his eyes and I think he just sucked in breath.

"I think the fact that you suddenly got mute so close to my face is way more interesting. You can just ask me, if you want me next time. It will be my pleasure to help you, Blakey Boy," I speak confidently, making my voice a bit raspier than it is normally.

Blake's eyes fall to my mouth. I quickly steal the cookies out of Blake's hand and rush out of the prison he built, by digging under his arm.

The last thing I hear is a rough chuckle. I stuff one cookie into my mouth and run back upstairs.


"Stop eating the ingredients, Bill Bill!" Julien yells at me, slapping my hand away from the bowl with paprika in it. Julien and Flynn both convinced us all to make pizza this evening, before we go to the beach. We might be hungover, but that won't stop us spending our last night at the beach.

I laugh and put some paprika pieces onto the pizza in front of me. Julien and I are sharing one, because we like the same stuff on a pizza. Chris and Flynn are sharing one and Blake has one for himself. He needs the food to built his phenomenal body, his words not mine.

"Hello, my lovely children!" Lilly's voice halls through the house and a door closes.

Flynn runs towards the front door and greets her aunt screaming enthusiastically, "LILLY!" They both come into the kitchen, arm in arm. Everyone greets her with a smile. Blake walks towards her and they hug.

"I guess this huge sheet metal with pizza on it is yours?" she asks him smiling.

Blake breaks the hug and looks at her. "You can have the half, if you haven't eaten anything yet," he tells her but Lilly shakes her head.

"Don't worry, I'll get something else," she says, walking towards me. Lilly cups my face into her hands and gives me one of her beautiful smiles. Just like I said, those genes that run through their bodies, are nerve wrecking. "Billie, my love, did you have a good time the last days?"

I nod, giving her a smile back. Lilly has always been very afraid of me getting hurt, since my mother died. She always makes sure, I have a time out of everything when we see each other. She wants me to think of something different than to look out for my dad.

"Always, when I'm here," I tell her. She strokes my cheek softly and then returns her attention back to everyone.

"What are you doing this evening? It's the last before school starts again, it gotta be something special," the beautiful blonde says, stealing some paprika just like I did.

Julien, who is putting the first sheet metal into the oven murmurs, "Just because my back is turned towards you, doesn't mean I can't see what you're doing. Lilly." Lilly and I chuckle and Lilly sticks her tongue out at Julien, who is still facing the oven. "I saw that as well."

Blake shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips as well. His arms are folded in front of his chest again and my brain puts the picture of him doing this shirtless into my mind. Blake looks up and my ears start burning. I look away. Fucking embarrassing.

"We will go to the beach. Midnight swimming. You should come with us!" Flynn suggests.

Lilly shakes her head. "I'll leave the half naked partying to you young people. But I'll wait right here for you to come back."


I hope you liked the chapter.
I wasn't sure if it was necessary to put a TW above the chapter but I wanted to be sure anyway.
I hope you all are doing great <3

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