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"Come on, Bills, it's just a little trip to my aunt's," Flynn whispers. Her and Blake are planning a weekend trip to their aunt's, with the little detail that they already want to leave on Thursday.

"Flynn, I can't, I have to do the project on the weekend, remember? Project with hot guy? Important?" I whisper back, keeping my eyes on the paper in front of me. I don't even think, my father would have a problem with me skipping school on Thursday and Friday but I have a problem with failing a project, especially if I have such a great partner.

"Well- then we will invite Chris as well. Blake probably would have asked Julien to come with us anyway, so it won't even be weird." Flynn doesn't even try to whisper anymore.

"And you sure Lilly is fine with so many people coming?" Lilly is Flynn's mother's sister. She's almost ten years younger, which always made her the cool aunt, I guess. I love her and that's why I definitely don't want to be a burden to her.

"Billie, you know Lilly, there's no way she will miss a chance on being the cool aunt, who throws a party for a bunch of kids," Flynn says smiling. I shake my head. Even though Simone and Lilly are sisters, they are not very alike. Lilly has always been wild and free and Simone always strict and organized. But the both have a loving heart, must come from their mother.

"Fine, but I'm not organizing anything. You ask Chris and if he doesn't want to, you let it be and him and I will work on the project instead of going on a weekend trip," I say, writing down what our teacher is explaining.

"Like he would say no to a trip with you."



Flynn groans and throws herself onto the ground. "No one asked for your opinion, Blake!" she mumbles. "It'll be fun! The more, the better," she adds happily.

Flynn has just told Julien and Blake about the idea to invite Chris to our weekend trip. Julien liked the idea, especially because of his newest obsession with us together.

"It's one thing having my sister and her friend over, while I try to strike some goals, it's another, having this little boy over," Blake mumbles, looking at his phone.

I don't know what's his problem with Chris. I don't even think they spoke more than three sentences to each other. The only interaction they have is glaring into each other's backs in the hallways.

Julien rolls his eyes. Stealing a donut from Flynn's box filled with different colored donuts, he says, "Chris is a nice guy, Evans, and don't worry about him hitting on your sister, I already told him she's off limits. And I think he's more interested in a certain brunette anyway." He shoves the mini donut in his mouth by one and winks at me. Charming.

"Great," Blake mumbles, not sounding very happy.

I'm still convinced that his ego is just hurt since Chris arrived here. It doesn't even makes sense. Chris is not staying here forever. Three weeks and Blake can be the hot guy again. Drama queen.

"You have to relax, brother. I was not going for him anyway. No offense, Chris is smoking hot, but girl code over everything," Flynn says, holding one hand up and the other one to her heart. "Right, Billie?"

I sneak a donut from her as well and nod. "Always."

Right when I bite off my donut, Chris pops up behind us. "Hey. Mind if I join?" he asks, smiling at us.



Blake and Flynn answer at the same time. Flynn narrows her eyes at her brother and Blake let's out a quiet growl. I chuckle at the sound that just hit my ears. "Did you just growl?" I just earn narrowed eyes from Blake. I raise my hands in defense, still smiling.

Chris sits down next to me. "Hey."


"Enough with the puppy flirting!" Julien groans, taking the half of the donut Flynn is offering him currently.

"Yeah, enough," Blake mumbles as well.

"Hey, Chris. I wanted to ask you if you want to join us on our trip to the beach. My aunt lives close to the sea and would rent us her house for a few days. And you and Billie could work on your project there," Flynn says, eating the other half of the donut.

"Sure, if that's fine with all of you."


"Ignore my brother. We'd all be delighted, if you'd join us." Flynn smiles at him, her cheeks filled with donut dough.

"Well, when are we leaving?" he asks.

"That's the crux. We are already leaving on Thursday," I tell him. "Except you have a huge problem with skipping school."

Chris shakes his head and in the corner of my eyes I see Blake throwing his head back. "I'm fine with skipping school, it's not like my parents will find out about it anyway,"Chris says.

"Great, if we bring the little boy with us, I'll need more alcohol to get through this trip," Blake says and gets up from the ground. He takes his bag and is about to leave, when I say, "Great, then you will be more of an alcoholic than you already are."

Blake turns is head back in our direction, his eyes piercing straight into mine. "Great, than I will be able to stand the sight of you, since it's not possible being sober."

"Great, than you should show me some of those magical liquids, cause if you think looking at me is unbearable, you should look through my eyes looking at you sometimes that is-"

"Enough with this. You two need to grow up," Flynn interrupts me. "Chris, I promise Billie is a sweet person, this is just special treatment for my brother."

"I see."

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