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My parents came back yesterday.

I haven't talked to Billie since she spent the night here.

I haven't seen her since.

She did not came to school yesterday. She did not talk to Julien. Or maybe he just didn't tell me about it. And I don't think she told her father cause he didn't even looked at me weird or anything. He probably doesn't even know that Billie spent the night with me. At my house. Not with me. Well, with me but-


I turn around and get hit in the face from a banana. It hits my face and falls down to the ground, I just take a deep breath, my eyes closed. "You definitely are not Spider-Man!" Julien yells and takes the banana from the ground.

"Yeah. No shit!" I hit the back of Julien's head. "Have you talked to Billie?" I ask him worried. Cause I fucking am.

Julien just smirks. "A weekend and one added extra day no contact with our Beauty and you are being paranoid. You kept asking me that just yesterday. What is going on with you two?" he asks, raising one brow. "Did you fu-"

"Hey! There she is! With Chris-"

My head spins around. If this motherfucking dick lays one of his fucked up hands on her, I am going to kill him. And I mean it. I will smack his head on the fucking bench right next to him.

I rush towards them, Julien behind me trying to hold me back. "What the fuck are you doing-"

"Back off!" I yell and push Chris away from Billie. He wasn't even doing anything, I just don't want him to stand this close to her. "You don't get to be this close to her. I don't fucking care what you have to say."

Julien frowns. "I don't know what happened but we can talk-"

"You don't get to push me!" Chris yells back at me, pushing me as well.

Julien tries to deescalate the situation but I shove him aside and punch Chris straight in the face. "You fucking bastard! The fact you even dare to come here and-"

Chris punches me back. Fucking-

I throw another punch with my right hand and hit his jaw. "I swear to god if you lay hands on her another time-"

"I am her boyfriend! I get to lay hands-"

I punch his nose, the triumphant sound of cracking bones hitting my ears. "You really should not end this sentence." I smile at the sight in front of me, blood running down from Chris' nose.

Billie just stares in shock.

Julien as well. "Did you just punch him? What the fuck, Blake?!"

I don't get to answer him. Two teachers are already running towards us. One of them Billie's music teacher.

"Blake Evan's, Chris Anderson, Julien McKenna and Billie Adam's, all of you in the principal's office, right now!" the other teacher yells furiously. Billie's music teacher doesn't say anything at all. She just stares in shock.

Her eyes move from Chris' bleeding nose, to my fist -which has blood strains on it as well- and ends on Billie. Her gaze completely focused on her shocked face now. Worried even.


We've been waiting in front of the principal's office forever. No one said shit. I looked at Billie. Billie ignored me and kept looking and the pictures next to the door and Julien kept moving his eyes from me to Billie and back.

"Okay. I don't know shit. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" he asks.

I don't answer. I might hate Chris and want Julien to hate him too but this is not my story to tell. Billie decides for herself who to tell and when. Even though I think it would be better to tell Julien. She needs someone to talk to and she definitely won't talk to Flynn while she's at the competition.

Chris got send to the nurse. Miss Kelly -apparently and English teacher at this school- told me to go after Chris would get out.

"Chris almost raped me," Billie announces and the door in front of us opens.


Julien was furios. Mad furious. Like terribly mad furious. He yelled. A lot. I don't think he stopped at some point. He got sent home when he didn't stop cursing Chris. Injustice hope I will never see Chris' face again.

I clean up my fist myself. My knuckles are terribly red and sore. It hurts closing and opening my fist but the fact I finally got to punch this dickhead makes me forget the small Bain in my hand. I don't even want to touch my face. I hate to say it but Chris does know how to punch.

The door opens and I expect the nurse to finally enter this room.

"Hey." Honey brown eyes.

"Hi," I whisper back. And just look at her, the fucking wet towel completely forgotten in my hand.

Billie looks at the towel in my hand and my injured hand, then her eyes move to the small wound on my face. She takes the towel out of my hand and takes my injured hand in her other. She cleans the wounds silently.

She doesn't look up. And I can't drag my eyes away from her hand holding mine. It's not warm. Not cold neither. Just small. I smile.

"Thank you for defending me. But I can fight my own battles, Baby Boy," she tells me and my smile widens. "Hand me the bandage thing, please," she tells me.

I turn around and stretch out my arm to grab the bandage she was talking about. I hand it to her and Billie starts to patch up my hand. She takes the towel back and starts to clean up the wound in my face. On my right cheek. Her hand. On my face. Right now.

I just look at her. Don't move my eyes away. Not for a second. "If you ever want to talk, just call me and I'll be there. I know we don't actually have this close kind of a relationship but you need to talk to someone, Billie. You can't just deal with this alone," I whisper and Billie looks up.

"Not calling me Biscuit anymore?" she whispers back.

We just look at each other. And are so terribly dangerous close.

Honey brown eyes.

So fucking beautiful.

"I thought you didn't want me to call you that." I smirk.

"What can I say, it grew close to my heart, Blakey Boy," she tells me and smirks as well. "You shouldn't get in any other trouble though. They will suspend you, if you do," Billie whispers.

I smile at her. "I'll try my best. Biscuit." I take her hand, still holding onto the towel, and lower it.

I just look at her. I love her eyes. Our faces are way too close. I could just move an inch closer and-

Billie looks down and sighs.

"I should leave now. Remember keeping the wounds clean."

Billie walks back towards the door, opens it-

"Please keep yourself out of trouble, Blake" she whispers and leaves.

— — —


Here's another chapter, I guess.
I hope you like it!


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