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When I agreed to go to a party to take a break from studying, I didn't think of me being hungover the day after. Well, I also didn't think of a hot guy driving me to this said party and to play drinking games with me and I definitely didn't plan on getting a crush on him after spending like five hours with him.

But things happen and so it comes that I still am at the house, where said party happened, and try to put my messed up hair into a bun. Julien offered me his bedroom yesterday and he took the couch. I didn't think of a way to get home though.

I take my shoes from the floor and walk down the stairs. Julien is still asleep, just as Chris, and I don't want to wake up any of them. I leave Julien a short text and walk out of the house.

B: thanks for letting me stay. already left. didn't want to wake you up.

I try to close the door as quietly as possible, turn around and-

"Blake? What are you doing here?" I ask him. I don't know when exactly he left the party yesterday but at some time I haven't seen him anymore.

Blake ruffles through his hair, messing it up even more than it already was. I don't even think you can call this a hairstyle. His hair is just messy and ruffled through. He looks like he has just woken up.

"I forgot something yesterday and came to pick it up. You need a ride?" he asks, not folding his arms, not in a cocky way and without any kind of joke.

"Can I drive?"


"Then no," I say, fully aware of how awful a walk home is going to be. Especially hungover and with heeled boots but there's not a single thing that gets between my pride and anything Blake Evans says. Honestly, it's just that I like to do things that he doesn't want me to do and I like how his jaw always look like it's going to split in a half once he's mad.

"No offense, Biscuit, even though those shoes of yours look absolutely lovely on you, they don't look like they're pretty comfortable for a walk home," he says. "And in your condition, you shouldn't walk home or drive a car."

Right. But he doesn't need to know that.

"Come on, get in the car and I drive you home safely," he adds, already walking towards the door. I fold my arms in front of my chest and follow him slowly. "Didn't you come here to pick something up?" I ask him, looking at the door he's holding open for me.

"It can wait."

I get into his car and he closes the door. I put my seatbelt on and Blake gets to the driving seat. "Where did you go yesterday?" I ask him the same moment he starts the car.

"Home. I suddenly wasn't in the mood for partying anymore, when you entered the house."

I roll my eyes and move my gaze to the window.

After a while Blake opens his mouth again, "I'm surprised you even noticed me leaving the party, since you were very busy ogling this guy you brought with you."

"I was not ogling him." Lie. "And at least I was being nice to him. Otherwise than you, who was being rude the whole five minutes you were around him. I don't get it anyway, Chris is Julien's friend-"

"Well if he's Julien's friend what where you doing with him the whole time?" Blake's voice sounds almost pissed. His jaw seems to tighten as well.

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