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My phone rings.

And it's Flynn.

Kill me.

I've benn walking my room up and down for 20 minutes straight. I don't know what's suddenly going on between Blake and me but I do know whatever it is it will hurt Flynn a lot if she'd knew.

I would never want to hurt Flynn. Not for one second. I love her like a sister and understand that she can't stand girls choosing her brother over her. I would never do that. I need to be careful that something like today at the nurse's room will never happen again. We might have not kissed but I was sure as hell into it and if I wouldn't have got up in that exact second, I swear we would have kissed.

I feel bad. A lot.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

My phone stops ringing. I sigh in relief.

I know I need to talk to her at some point but if I call her back right now she can tell something is up right away. I should have gone with her instead of staying in this town with Blake. Fucked up life.

My phone starts ringing again.

Damn it!

I just stare at it. Ringing. I hate myself for ignoring her but I just can't talk to her right now. I know I shouldn't have went to Blake's after what happened with Chris but I had to go somewhere. I just couldn't think of anything else than his'.

My phone stops ringing, a message lighting up on my screen.

F: you probably sleeping right now so just call me back as soon as you wake up
F: don't worry nothing happened
F: just need my sister to talk to me
F: to hear your beautiful voice
F: wink wink

I smile. I love her.

My smile drops. I'm a horrible person.

I sigh and walk towards the stairs. Downstairs my father is drinking a smoothie. I raise a brow. I've never seen my father drinking a smoothie before.

"Since when is Oliver Adams drinking smoothies?" I ask him and plump down on the couch next to my father.

"Got the recipe from an old friend. Thought I needed to try it. It's banana mixed with apples and oranges. You want to try it?" he asks me reaching out his arm towards me, holding the smoothie in his hand.

I shake my head. "No, thanks."

My father takes a sip and raises a brow. "Something happened? You look a bit lost, Sweety," he asks me worried.

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired. You look happy though." I smile at him.

My father nods. "Remember my trip two weeks ago?" I nod. "Well, I met an old school friend and we've been talking a lot lately. It's great to get to talk about the old times, you know?"

My smile brightens. I'm glad to see my father happy. I've always been worried to never see him that happy again but this? It's awesome!

"Hey, I'm gonna go on another trip next weekend and I want you to stay with the Evan's as long as I'm gone. You can concentrate on school and don't need to worry about cleaning up or anything," my father explains and takes another sip of his smoothie.

I frown. "Flynn is not even here and why do I need a babysitter for two days?"

There's no way I'm gonna stay in this house if Flynn's not even there. I've messed up already and I really don't need to mess up even worse.

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now