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I've been waiting for this moment a whole week. And know the only interesting thing I am listening to is Flynn's snoring. We agreed to spend the afternoon she comes back together and now she'd been awake for like two hours and been asleep for another two hours.

Two hours I spent emptying out her luggage and cleaning her bedroom. I write a small note on Flynn's whiteboard already emptied out your luggage and cleaned your room, see you tomorrow, my love and leave her room, closing the door as silent as possible.

Right across from Flynn's room is the door to Blake's, which is opening right as I closed Flynn's. "I didn't know you're here," he greets me, leaning against the doorframe.

He's wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized dark blue T-Shirt. His hair is as messy as always and his eyes look sleepy. "Why should you? I'm not visiting this house to look at your stupid face," I tell him and walk down the hallway to the stairs.

Blake follows my step, chuckling softly. "Right, cause when I come home after being away for a long time, you never come to give me a welcome back hug," he jokes as we walk down the stairs.

I take my bag out of the small wardrobe and reach out to the doorknob. I push it down and open the door, a swift of fresh air greets my face, moving some strands of hair out of my face. Blake reaches out his hand and widens the door, his arm grazing the top of my head briefly. "Oh look, You're lucky it's not raining again. You'd probably not take an umbrella from a guy since you also were to stubborn to accept a ride from one."

His voice sounds as cocky as the words he's spitting out and I hate the fact he's so confident about it. "It's not about the male sex itself, Blakey Boy, it's just you and no, I wouldn't take an umbrella from you but thanks for offering one," I tell him, using the same cocky tone he always does.

Walking down the driveway, I hear Blake's voice behind me, "Some day you will be begging on your knees for me to help you, Billie Adams."

"Keep dreaming, you snooty snob!"

When I open the door to my house, my father's familiar voice greets me. "You hungry, Billie?" he asks as soon as I close the door.

I take off my shoes and put them right next to his. We have a small closet for shoes in the hallway, with three compartments filled with my father's shoes and four with mine. Another four compartments belonged to my mother, which are now just empty.

My father put away most of my mother's clothes two month after her death. He put them in a box, which is hidden in the back of his bedroom. He never got himself to throw them away and I'm glad he never did. Putting them away from our eyesight is one thing for us to not be sad every time we look at them but throwing them away completely would have been too much.

"Always. What did you have in mind?" I ask as I enter the kitchen. The table is already set for two people and a casserole dish is put in the middle. I can already smell the baked cheese on top of the creamy noodles. "Mmh, I see," I moan.

My father grins and points to the chair behind the table. I sit down, the spittle already accumulating in my mouth, and wait for my father to start pouring food onto his plate.

"How's Flynn? Did she have a great trip?" he asks me, bringing the fork to his mouth.

"She's fine, I guess. Didn't talk much, she fell asleep and I unpacked all her stuff." I chuckle. Flynn has always been kind of lazy and Just interested in things, if they get her somewhere. Must be running in the family.

"Poor kid, visiting all these museums must be frustrating," my father jokes, his mouth already filled with noodles again. "Flnn mujst bE thriwwled tO be bawck," he mumbles and I smile.

I've always liked that our families are that close, that Flynn talks to my father like it's her own and that Simone threats me like her own child. Even before my mother died it was like that and I would never do anything to change it.


"Come on, Billie. See it as Flynn's welcome back party," Julien says, walking me towards the front door of our school. He's trying to convince me to come to another party this Saturday, he's throwing one almost every weekend.

"She was gone for seven days, Julien. That's not worth a welcome back party so stop pretending that's the reason you're throwing one," I tell him, rolling my eyes slightly. "I have an exam coming up on Tuesday and I really need to study."

Julien sulks, moving his bottom lip forward. "So no Party?"

"No party."

Julien's lips turn upwards slightly and he walks off, waving me in motion. I think we both know I won't stick to studying and go to his Party anyway. There's nothing bad about taking a break from school and have a little fun, right?

Coming closer to the parking lot, I spot Gemma leaning against a lantern. Her gaze is focused on her display, a small smile playing on her lips.

The blonde looks up from her phone and focuses on something behind me. I turn around and notice the black hair of a certain foolish boy whose voice I despite sometimes. Right next to Blake is walking his sister, her school uniform fitting her body perfectly. She's swinging her hips from the right to the left and back, her ponytail moving in the movement.

Flynn raises her hand and waves me. Blake follows Flynn's gaze and grins in my direction, holding a huge black sports bag in one hand and his phone in the other. Cable headphones are hanging down his shoulders and around his neck.

Gemma runs towards Blake and Flynn runs towards me. "Hello, my Love," she greets me, kissing my cheek. "I hope your school day was as wonderful as mine."

I hug Flynn's waist and she throws her arm around my shoulder. We walk to my best friend's car while I speak out my mind, "And why was your day that wonderful, Flynn Evans?"

Flynn takes the car keys out of her bag and unlocks the doors. "Well, it's Friday, school's over. Wonderful day,"she answers with a huge grin on her lips.

We both get inside her car and Flynn is about to start it when someone knocks on the window. Flynn lets the window drive down and Blake -who apparently knocked on the window- leans inside. "Any chance you pick me up after practice? Julien drove me to school this morning and he's not coming to practice," he says.

I chuckle quietly at the image of Blake walking home by foot with his probably very heavy bag, that will cause him a lot of back pain.

"Sorry, I'm already booked this evening and I wouldn't drive all this way from home just to pick you up from practice anyway," Flynn answers her brother, sticking out her tongue to him. "But Billie could take my car and pick you up," she suggests.

I could what?

There's no way I waist my free time with picking up a douchebag from his hockey practice. Like I would grap Flynn's car keys, get into her car and just drive-

Wait! I could do that.

"This is a great idea, Flynn," I agree with her and set my gaze on Blakes face. "I'd love to pick you up from practice, Blakey Boy." I grin right at his face, watching how his eyes drop from my eyes to my mouth for a second.

"Nah, I'd rather walk by foot than let her drive me around," he says and walks off.

I roll my eyes, watching him go away. Flynn starts the car chuckling. "I hate him," I mumble, earning an I know from the blonde beauty next to me.

- - -
Not gonna lie, the part where the side window of the car goes down is translated to English and it sounds weird. I had no idea how to write that or translate it. If there is any proper way, please tell me!

I hope you like the story so far! <3

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