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I swear to god this girl can't keep out of trouble. Even though I am kind of proud of her for punching Jacob in the face, I wish she would just try to not get people angry at her. Jacob is not really a person to just forgive and forget.

And I'm pretty sure he will get revenge on her. Well, he will try to. Not that I will let him though.

I knock on Billie's door another time. Still no answer.

I've been trying to talk to her for hours. First I texted her a million times, asking what the fuck happened between her and Jacob. She never answered me. Then I confronted Jacob in the nursing room. Billie got him good. His nose was bleeding. I have no idea how she did that though, cause Billie's probably not even half as tall as him.

When I finally got home two hours ago, I tried reaching her by talking through the door. She never answered. I am now trying it again. My parents left half an hour ago and asked me to cook dinner for me and Billie.

But I thought it would be even greater to do it together.

I knock on the door again. "Come on, Biscuit. Cook dinner with me," I whisper though the door, bumping my forehead against it.

"Only if you stop asking me about what happened. I've been asked about it all day long and I'm sick of it! I only come with you, if you promise to not talk or ask about it," Billie whispers back, her voice close to the door.

I wonder if she's leaning against it as well. Like they do in all of these stupid romantic movies Flynn has been forcing me to watch all my life. And I wonder if she will ever dare to like me enough to talk to me about such things.

"I promise," I tell her and step aside from the door.

The door in front of me opens and Billie steps outside. I raise my hands in defense and mimic zipping my mouth with the right one. Billie just rolls her eyes and passes me.

I follow her to the kitchen. Smiling, I watch Billie walk through my house in a pair of grey joggers and a black crop top. I don't think there's anything else I would like to look at rather than her. Never have I seen a girl this utterly beautiful.

"So, what did you plan to cook?" Billie asks me, turning around in a twirl. She puts her hands to her waist, looking up to me with a playful grin.

I swear I forgot about cooking dinner for a second. Having Billie stand in front of me, looking up to my me with those honey brown eyes, makes it legs go a little wobbly.

I cough to get my mind straight again. "I don't know. What do you want? Pasta? Pizza? Soup-"

"If you even think about serving me soup tonight, I will punch you in the face," Billie interrupts me in a joking tone. I don't know how to respond to that. I promised to not talk about what happened and I will hold that promise. Billie's eyes widen, like she just realized what she implied. "Let's make pizza," she changes the topic quickly.

I nod in agreement and walk towards the cupboards where the ingredients are supposed to be. I open the first one and don't see shit. I guess I'm not working enough in this house, especially the kitchen. It's a little embarrassing, I can't even find the right cupboard in my own house.

Billie breaks into laughter behind me. "Did you ever cooked something in here?" she asks me and walks passed me to another cupboard.

"Well yes.Technically I did," I answer her, watching Billie open the cupboard she's standing in front of. Inside there's flour. God she's not even living here and knows where our stuff is.

"Gross," Billie complains, trying to reach the flour.

I walk up to her. "Gross you say?" I ask, stepping even closer to her. When I'm right behind her, her hair basically touching my chest. "Why is it that I can hear your heart racing that fast right now? Doesn't look like you're grossed out by me," I whisper down at her.

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