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"How comes that you always end up in some trip?" I ask my best friend, trying to get some air into my lungs. E.p. classes will be the death of me. Who does this because of pure enjoyment? Ah, right, her.

"There's a difference though. The last trip was because I got forced to be there. This one is, because I want to kick some asses, " the blonde girl I've known for eleven years now tells me smiling. Life is unfair. How comes that this girl his looking smocking hot while running and I look like a wet potatoe?

"Yeah whatever. You better win this, because leaving me alone for nothing, is just rude," I tell her, breathing like a dog in the hottest summer ever existed. "But since when is Gemma in The Program?" I ask her.

The Program is like a school club but more serious. They searched for talented girls in our school and put the best of them into a program to train them. Now they travel around the world for running competitions. Flynn is probably on top of the champion list there but she keeps complaining about how slow she got and I really don't understand what she means with that because this woman is probably going to win the next Olympics.

"I don't know but she's quite good actually," Flynn responds and I stop immediately. I wrinkle my forehead and give her a confused look. Flynn turns around. "For a spoiled bitch of course," Flynn adds now.

"Yeah no, you cannot safe yourself anymore now. I will be having nightmares about you complimenting Gemma Smith tonight," I grumble and start running again. I shake my head in confusion.

Since when is Flynn Evans admitting, that Gemma can do something else than being a pain in the ass? She doesn't run after me though. We both ended the task on our own, Flynn finishing it way faster than I did though.

After school I took the next bus to Jeff's. Jeff announced a karaoke night and hang flyer everywhere in town. The place will be booked and Kora and I will be busy as hell. It's not like I already had enough running for the day.

I open the door and the small bell above the frame rinks. Inside Kora is twirling around the tables, cleaning the floor with a broom. A bucket, probably filled with dirty water, is standing next to the bar and the tables look like they have been cleaned the whole day. Looks like everyone is making a big deal out of this whole karaoke thing.

"Billie! My beautiful Billie," Elias greets me, coming from the kitchen. He is widening his arms and walks straight towards me, a huge smile adorning his lips.

Now Kora spins around and smiles at me. "I didn't even hear you coming, Honey," she greets me happily and let's go of the broom in her hands. Now they are both walking towards me, both with widened arms and a huge smile on their lips.

A bit scared I let them strangle me with their hugs and greetings. "If you squeeze just a little more, you might have to look for another waitress," I try to get out, my lungs still getting crushed.

Elias pats my back brotherly and laughs and Kora lets go off me. "I hope you used your time in school properly and got some sleep, cause this evening is going to be extra long," Elias tells me, chuckling a bit.

Another person enters the room, clapping their hands together three times. "Alright people, we have one more hour to prepare before the first guests will arrive," Jeff's voice halls through the room. "Ah, Miss Adams, great to see you," he greets me.

I smile at my boss and Kora takes the broom from the floor. "Cakes are already in the oven, coffee mashing is ready to mingle and everything is very well cleaned by myself," she tells him, smiling proudly. Jeff nods, his gaze wandering over the tables briefly.

"Perfect! Than we just have to set up everything for the karaoke," he says, putting his hands on his hips. Jeff is probably the loveliest boss to ever exist and sometimes I hope I'd have a different plan than going to college and I wouldn't have to quit this job one day because of that.

But since my original plans about stepping outside into the world and try my best to succeed with singing got canceled by myself, I don't have another chance than going to college and study something that might be interesting. Even though I don't know what it is yet.

Sometimes I wish I'd get a sign or something, that would tell me to keep trying with music even though it seems so useless now that I have to do it alone. And I don't want to waist my time on something useless, not when I literally just have one chance to succeed in life and this chance seems to be over a lot faster than we expect sometimes.


I don't know where exactly she got them, but Flynn definitely had some drinks too much. It's not actually legal here to drink at our age and I'm surprised no one has called the police yet.

Flynn is standing on the stage, the microphone in her hand, and she's roaring songs into it. "Your Stare was holdin' Ripped jeans, skin was showin' Hot night, wind was blowin' WHERE YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, BABY?" she screams the last part of Call Me Maybe, introducing the refrain of the song.

The crowd is cheering and I think everyone is singing with her by now. Kora seats herself next to my on a bar hocker. "I love her, but if she gets another man to buy her a drink, I will kick her out of here myself," she says, admiring my best friend on the stage.

I laugh. The sight of Flynn dancing on stage and screaming Call Me Maybe will now forever be burned inside my mind and I love it. "But I will volunteer to give you some alcohol if that means you will get on that stage," she adds.

I look at her and my happy smile turns into a sad smile. "Sorry to disappoint you, but that won't happen," I tell her.

"Too bad, since this handsome boy over there, seems to be very interested in your singing skills." Kora points towards table 4 and I follow her finger. Chris is sitting on a chair at the table and smiles at me. I wave in his direction and Kora gets up from the hocker next to me. Winking at me, she leaves and I turn back around towards Chris.

"Hello there, sexy lady," he greets me smiling.

Sexy lady.

"Why aren't you singing on that stage?" he asks me, throwing his arms around my shoulder. "I bet you'd outshine everyone here."

"I don't sing anymore."

"Why not? I mean they'd love you! Julien told me everything about your secret talent, I am almost offended you never sang for me or even told me about-"

"I don't sing."

"Yeah but don't you thing-" I take Chris's arm and remove it from my shoulder. I move my head and look up to him, straight into his eyes.

"I. Don't. Sing."

He opens his mouth again, ready to try again to get me to sing. But someone interrupts him and it's not me.

"You should really accept a no from a woman or at least listen to what she says, Lover Boy," the raspy voice that has been haunting me for a long time now speaks.

I just sigh, rolling my eyes. "Why don't you just find someone else to border with your presence, Evans?" Chris asks Blake, using his last name as well as everyone else does.

"Why don't you find a way back to where you came from?"

"Why don't you-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Both of you?" I turn to Chris first. "I will not be singing on this stage. Deal with it."

Now I turn around and look at Blake, lifting my chin to reach his eyes. "And you," I start, point with my finger at his chest. "You will stop interfering yourself in my life. I don't need you to help me and I don't need you to talk to people for me. I do have an own voice."

"So. Stop. Fucking. Order. People. Around," I tell him, pocking his chest between every word.

— — —

Four more chapters until you get Blake's POV!! 🥳

I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

Love you all <3

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