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It's dark. Very very dark. I can't see anything.

I'm freaking out.

I put my phone -the flashlight on- on the small table in front of me after I called Blake to have at least a little light. I won't be getting off the couch though. I am hugging my knees and try to not imagine scary noises like a breaking plate or anything.

It's not working.

And it's not like I expected Blake to drop his hockey stick and just come here. I honestly don't know what exactly I expected when I called him. He probably just joked about coming here. He always found it very funny how afraid I am of the dark.

I hear a sound outside. Like a door that is getting shot way too aggressively. I hear footsteps in front of my house.

This is it. The end. I will die. And I have done nothing with my life. I don't sing anymore. I don't write anymore. I don't do anything anymore. It feels like I'm not living anymore since my mother died. At least we will be united again.

I think I stopped breathing.

And my blood stopped running.

And my lungs are not filled with air anymore.


Someone knocks on the door.

I am going to die.

"Billie! Open up!" a familiar deep voice yells from outside. I can tell it's Blake but there's no way I'm gonna get up from this couch. I could step into something or someone could be laying under the couch and grab my foot and then pull me under the couch as well. There could be-

"Billie! Please, it's me. You know it's me," he yells again.

My body snaps forward for a split second, like I was actually about to get up and walk to the door to open it for him. But I'm not. Cause I won't leave this fucking couch for any money.

I don't hear anything anymore.

It's been five minutes and I didn't hear anything.

I don't think I'm breathing either.

Maybe my heart just stopped beating?

Something klicks where my door is. Like someone tucked a key in and tries to unlock the door, turning the key the wrong way at first though.

The door opens and someone steps in.

Now I actually stop breathing.

"Billie. Where are you?" Blake calls.

My head spins towards the hallway. I hear him close the door. A flashlight lightens ups the hallway and I can see it coming towards me until Bake's holding it right into my face.

"Oh Honey I'm home," he whispers.

I glare at him. Probably not very convincing cause I'm still shitting my pants in the dark here.

"Did you just let yourself in?" I ask him, furrowing my forehead.

"We have a key for emergencies, remember?"

"And you thought this was an emergency?"

Blake slowly walks closer to me. He puts down his flashlight on the shelf next to the door. I can see the hallway clearly now. He steps closer to the couch I'm sitting on.

"Well you weren't answering me. I thought this little darkness here might have made you go crazy or anything,"he whispers and sits down next to me.

"I think I am going crazy."

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now