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"BILLS!" Flynn yells from the other side of the street. If no one noticed her before they have definitely now. She is wearing a dirty pair of sweatpants and a white shirt with coffee on it. Her hair is messy but she somehow still managed to look good.

I smile at her and open my arms. Flynn jumps into them, almost hitting both of us over. "Where you ever thinking about joining the Programm? We could hang out so much more, Bills," Flynn suggests laughing and I push her head away from me.

"Never would I even think about joining your stupid team. Do I look like I like to run?"

"I'm gonna be honest with you here, Bills. You do. A lot, actually," Flynn says, checking me out. "But what is he doing here?" Flynn points at her brother frowning. "I don't remember asking you to get me." She starts pocking him in the chest.

"Would you- Flynn- Stop- Flynn- Stop it!" Blake pins Flynn's finger between his' and narrows his eyes at her. "I came to pick you up because I am a wonderful brother. But you just reminded me of how I am never going to do that again."

Flynn pulls her finger back and smiles at her older brother. "I am surprised you two didn't kill each other,"she says casually and walks pass me.

I can see Blake smirking at me in the corner of my eye. He has crossed his arms in front of his chest, flexing his bicep. I roll my eyes and walk to where Flynn went.

She is standing in front of a bakery, looking at all the delicious food in the display case. "I am starving. These strict diet plans they have at the competitions are bullshit. I NEED FOOD! What should I get? A cupcake? Croissant? Oh my fucking god, is this a CINNAMON ROLL?" she squeals.

Blake joins us, already taking his wallet out of his pocket. Going through the dollars in it he sighs. "I am going to live on the streets because of you, Flynnster," he says annoyed.

Flynn snatches the wallet out of her brother's hands and pays for a cinnamon roll and a cupcake. Throwing it back in his face, she smirks. "Coaches suck-" she bites of her cupcake. "They dmn't umnderstamnd hohw-" she mumbles, her mouth filled with cupcake. "Important it is to eat something."

Blake and I both start laughing at the sight of Flynn now stuffing the cinnamon roll into her mouth.


"So, did you and Chris finally fu-"

Kora raises her eyebrow and looks at Flynn who just stopped in her sentence. Liam is sitting on the chair next to Flynn, listening to whatever word Flynn will use to use it himself.

"Went out. That's what I wanted to say," Flynn says smiling innocently.

Kora keeps walking, balancing a plate on her hand. "Sure," she murmurs. I chuckle and take a bucket and a cloth to clean the tables.

Flynn walks with me, eating a piece of cake. "So? Did you?"

I shake my head and walk to the next table. "No. We were on a party together though but-" I stop, interrupting myself. but I got stuck kissing your brother. Isn't that funny he was all upset about your father and Julien started this game-

Yeah no. I will never finish that sentence.

"But what?" Flynn asks and I hand her the bucket with the cloth.

"I don't remember. I was too drunk, I guess. Do you mind bringing those back in the kitchen? Thanks!" I say and walk to table 7 to take their order.

Flynn groans but walks towards the kitchen. I hear Elias yell as soon as she enters the kitchen, "FLYNN EVANS! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY KITCHEN! YOU DO NOT WORK HERE!"

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now