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"So? How was Billie's date?" my mother asks Flynn, settling down next to me at the table. "Did she and Chris have fun? Did they match? Omg, did they kiss?"

I roll my eyes and shove a spoon with cereal on it into my mouth. It's not like I've already spent thinking about their stupid date the whole night. No, seriously. I don't think I slept for a single second.

"Mom, I told Billie to leave all the tea till today. I need something to talk about in math class that has nothing to do with numbers," Flynn answers her, also settling down at the table. She places a sandwich right across from my seat.

Good thing Flynn has already made her plans for the future, which have nothing to do with maths. This might not be a good thing for her but it saves me from listening to her talking about everything Billie and Lover Boy did.

"I will just ignore the fact that you don't care at all about school because it is about Billie. You still should care more about your grades."

I chuckle quietly and see Flynn narrowing her eyes at me in the corner of mine. Flynn doesn't care about her grades. Since she got into the program she's been very safe with everything. I don't think she wasted even one thought about what to do in the future except from the Olympics.

"My grades are extraordinary. I have an extra diploma for athletics, remember?"

My mother sighs. "I know that you have your focus set already but just think about a plan B."

I watch my sister's face closely. I know what she's thinking. My parents always want her to think about everything and not just her dream. They want her to have a backup plan. Different than with me. My father wants me to focus more on hockey than I do right now. My grades are good. Everything is good. I could do what I want to.

"Blake doesn't have to!"

Flynn gets up from her chair, pushing it away from the table. "Why doesn't he need a backup? Why do I need one? I'm good at what I do. I'm the best. I don't need to study in some stupid college!"

She rushes out of the kitchen.


I close the car door.

"Don't say anything. I don't care," Flynn mumbles.

"I'm not saying anything. I don't want to be the cause of you and mom fighting. I'm sorry that they treat you differently," I tell her, turning the car on.

The radio starts playing some Spanish songs for some stupid reason and I feel Flynn's gaze on me. "Well, having dad watching every movement you do and putting way too much pressure on you must be as shitty as not having him believing in you at all," she says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you little troll."


"Watch Where you're going, man!" one of the guys from Bellfold yells through the rink. Our match starts in two hours and the only thing the other team is doing here, is pissing everyone off. I swear to god, if one of them yells another time, I will hit them with my ice hockey stick.

"I hate them," Julien mumbles and I nod in agreement. "But the blonde girl over there, who the captain brought, is a sight for the eyes. My god. What I would do with her," he adds and I hit the back of his head.

"I hope you spent your time with more training than McKenna, Blake. Stay focused!" my father yells, entering the rink. I roll my eyes and skate towards my couch. "I hope you didn't think just because you didn't know I was here, I didn't see you skating. You're too slow! Speed up!"

I roll my eyes. When I was younger, I knew I wanted to be a professional hockey player. Growing up, I started to think that through. I don't want to be a professional hockey player if it means having my father looking over my shoulder 24/7.

"Why did you let him in?" I ask my couch, taking my hockey gloves. "I have two more hours before I have to look into his judging face."

"You know I cannot just tell him to wait in front of the door till the game starts. This is your father we're talking about, Evans," Couch responds.

Julien joins us and grabs his water bottle. "I don't want to be rude, Evans, but your father is very much distracting me with that grumpy look in his face. I am also a little bit scared he will jump off that bench and yell at me."

I groan and watch my father say something to the other team's coach.

"If your father tries to sell you to another team again, I will start a fight," Couch says and walks off towards my father.

"Billie told me that she and Flynn will come watch us. I didn't know she even has time to watch one of your games, since she's so busy dating Chris Anderson. You remember, the guy that was braver than you and asked out your all time crush?"

I hit Julien another time. "If you don't stop talking bullshit, I will hit that puck and sling it right into your face," I tell him and Julien just grins.

"Keep pretending you don't care. We will see about that, when she brings Chris with her to the game tonight."



The game starts in twenty minutes. Billie, Flynn and Chris arrived half an hour ago. I cannot believe Julien was right. How can she even think about bringing him with her.

I hate this. Watching them whispering into each other's ears makes me want to puke right onto the ice. I take back what I said earlier. If they won't stop I will sling that puck right into Chris' face.

"You need to cool off, buddy. They're just talking. Their heads are just very close so they can understand each other more clearly," Julien tells me, patting my shoulder brotherly. "For now at least," he adds and laughs.

I hate him. And I hate them, together. And I hate Flynn for arranging a fucking date for them.

But mostly I hate Chris. I wish I could just push him back in his old town. If I see them kissing just once, I will-

Move your face away from hers you fucking-

"You sure, you gonna be fine through the game? I know you won't admit anything but this is serious, Blake. If Coach or your father notice you'd rather talk to the audience than skating, they'll be furious," Julien interrupts me.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry," I mumble and walk towards our mates.




I groan and skate towards Julien. We are in the lead and there are only 5 more minutes left for the other team to win. So if I want to stare at the benches and watch Billie and Chris laugh together, I can fucking do that!

"Evans! On your left!" Henderson yells at me.

I turn around, stop the puck and skate forward. I move faster, gaining more speed and skate straight forward to the next goal. I move my hockey stick forward and-

I hurl the fucking puck at the glass right in front of me. Behind of it, Chris kissing Billie on her fucking mouth. They both turn their heads and look at me in shock.

Billie jumps from her bench and narrows her eyes at me.


_ _ _


I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I did writing it!

Sorry you guys had to wait this long again.

Thanks for all the support! I hope all of you are doing great!


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