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I might have herpes now. Or something even more gross. Kissing Blake was the most disgusting thing I have witnessed in a long time. And still, his fucking face seems to twirl around mind. And I hate it.

I also don't know what to tell Flynn now. It was a game after all. It's not like I wanted to kiss him. Flynn might even be all chill about it. Probably not.

She's coming back home tonight. Julien asked me to give her a ride with him and I agreed. But that was before kissing Blake Evans. My father puts a bowl of cereal right in front of me and smiles at me. "Long night?" he asks, the small smile still present on his lips.

I groan. "Definitely," I answer him, resting my forehead on my hand. "I don't think I want to go to another party ever again."

My father laughs and places a bowl of cereal for himself in front of him. "Why? What happened?"

I sigh and put a spoon with cereal on it into my mouth. My father and I are close but definitely not close enough to tell him that Blake and I kissed. "I just drank way too much. And I was babysitting Julien the whole time, so."

My father just shakes his head laughing. I don't know for sure if he likes Julien. Some times it feels like he tries to hate him and just fails terribly. Now I laugh.

"When is Smiley Boy picking you up?" my father asks me, using a nickname he invented for Julien when he was ten years old. Julien used to walk around with an extra grumpy face and every time he passed my mother he gave her a big smile. Years later he told me the only reason for that was because he had a crush on me and wanted my mother to like him, so she would try to couple us up.

"Probably in like 10 minutes," I say, looking at the clock on the wall right behind my father. "I am surprised he's even able to walk around today."

Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different now, if my mother was still alive. Would they both be so chill about me going out? About me partying and drinking? I know my father trusts me with not taking things too far when it comes to drinking and I know I would never break that trust. But maybe he's just as chill, because he's too scared to forbid something that distracts me from her death.

And then I wonder if he has something to distract himself.

The doorbell rings and I rush to the door. When I open it, Julien's smiling face greets me. "Howdy, Bill Bill!" he greets me. Julien kisses my cheek and walks pass me right into the hallway. "Oliver! My friend! Where are you hiding?" he yells through the house enthusiastically.

I chuckle and close the door. "He's in the kitchen having breakfast. You can eat my leftovers if you want, I'll get ready," I tell him and knee down to get my shoes out of the shelf.

Julien rushes towards the kitchen and I only hear him greeting my dad, "Oliver, looking good as always." A chair scratches over the floor and I assume Julien just sat down on my chair to eat my leftovers. I tie my shoes and follow Julien into the kitchen.

The red head just finished my cereal and is getting up from the chair. "Wonderful talking to you, Oliver. Where can I put the bowl?" he asks me.

My father just shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. I'll clean up here. You just enjoy your ride, kids," he says.

Julien just nods smirking and says, "Oh we will." I smack the back of his head and walk pass him straight to my father. I kiss his cheek in goodbye and walk up to Julien. I grip his wrist and drag him with me to the door. We both walk outside and Julien closes the door. "Well, there's something I forgot to tell ya-"

"What the fuck is Blake doing here?!" I almost yell, looking at Blake's Pick Up that is parked right in front of my driveway. I turn around to look at Julien. "Don't tell me you invited him to this little trip."

"Fine. I didn't invite him. He invited himself. And don't worry. He won't ruin anything. I will sit right in the middle of you two and none of you can say anything to the other," he tries to make the situation any better. It's not working.

Julien grips my wrist and drags me towards the Pick Up. "If he just says one word, I am going to kill him," I tell my friend and he just nods, pushing his lips together. I narrow my eyes at him and he opens the door for me. It's now that I realize that if Julien wants to sit in the middle, he would have needed to get in first. But it is too late for that now. I am already inside and Julien closed the door.

"Sorry, Princess. He promised me free food for this. If he pisses you off too much, just push him out of the car," Julien yells from outside, giving me thumbs up.

I give him my middle finger in return.

Blake starts the car and I do my best at starring straight forward. I don't know how exactly this trip will go but I don't need any awkward talk about our kiss. I know he would make fun of it anyway.

"So, how are you doing, Biscuit?" Blake speaks first. "Any special memories left from yesterday?" Out of the corner of my eyes I see Blake trying to hide his smirk by pushing his tongue into his right cheek.

"Now that you mentioned it. Yes, there is. There was this hot guy that I totally liked. I wish we would have went upstairs and he'd fucked out what was left of my brain. Oh and there was this other guy, I needed to kiss him. He had the worst breath and was definitely not a good kisser," I tell him, now trying to hide my own smirk.

Blake chuckles. "Right. But some even say that bad breath is very sexy and a bad kisser just makes you look even better next to him," he says and now I chuckle.

I shake my head and turn on the music, drowning my amusement in it.

Blake's chuckles turn into laughter and something in my chest warms for a split second.

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