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I hope Billie wasn't serious about not telling Flynn that the whole thing with Jacob was just a stupid lie. Cause I will not watch her and Jacob snuggle up around Flynn just because Billie is too afraid to upset Flynn with the truth. Jacob would definitely enjoy it, even if he would know it's a lie.

Billie is pretty popular around the boys in my team and there's nothing I hate more. Not that I am a jealous guy. I know that girl is head over heels for me anyway. But I don't like how everyone is looking at her all the time. It's almost disrespectful and not just upsetting.

But I asked Billie to come watch my game anyway. She denied when I asked her but I heard my mother talking to her about taking a coat with her when she goes before I left the house.

I smile at the thought of Billie sitting in the crowd watching me, cheering for me. I even left one of my jerseys in her room. I don't expect her to wear it to be honest but I liked the idea of it.

"You are very certain of us winning tonight, are you not?" Julien asks me and I furrow my forehead. I turn my head towards my best friend who now dips his head to the right in confusion. "You've been smiling the whole time?" he adds and I smirk.

"Omg did you guys have sex?!"

My smirk drops. "What the fuck, Julien? No! I just invited her to watch the game," I enlighten him, hitting the back of his head. He chuckles.

"Never have I thought you and Billie would not just bang but also be all couple like," my best friend says, checking his phone. He looks at the dry screen, way too long to just check the time.

"You waiting for a certain text?" I ask him but Julien just shakes his head and puts his phone away again. He doesn't comment on it anymore and I leave it like that.

"You know the second Flynn is back, Billie will turn away from you and act like nothing happened between the two of you?"

"Did she tell you that?"

Julien stops. We were on our way to the rink. We've been practicing for this game for a long time now and I am certain my team is going to win. "We are talking about Billie Adams, Blake. The girl that would do literally anything for her best friend," he says , waiting for me to react.

I know what he means but just like he said. They are best friends. They should be happy for each other.

Julien raises his brows. "Oh come on, Blake. You and Billie will end up heart broken cause Billie is never going to choose you over Flynn. And Flynn will never be fine with you guys dating. She hates the fact that all her friends are so in love with you and she believes Billie is immune to that. But she isn't, she never was and she knows that. The second Flynn is entering this town again Billie will feel as guilty as never and will never speak to you again."

"Why are you so against this? I thought you love Billie and want her to be happy?" I ask my best friend, clearly confused. Julien is always on Billie's side. They normally act like brother and sister.

"Because you and Billie are not the only one in danger of getting hurt. Finding out her best friend is dating her brother will crush Flynn."

. . .

I couldn't think straight the whole time we've been practicing. Julien's words were stuck in my head.

Billie is never going to choose you over Flynn.

Somewhere in my heart I knew that already but it still hurt to hear it. I guess I got a little delusional from all the time and Billie and I have been sharing in such a short time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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