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Four more days. Four more fucking days until Billie will walk through the door in front of me and live here. And I don't know what to concentrate on. Me feeling excited, nervous, anxious, scared, happy or aroused.

Cause Flynn showed me a lot of these rom-com movies where they fall for their sexy roommate. The only thing I remembered from that was just how crazy fabulous their sex looked like. Well I've been having that kind of scenarios in my dreams since my mother told me Billie would be staying with us as long as her father's on a trip.

"Hurry up, Blake, you'll be late for practice," my father yells from the kitchen and I roll my eyes.

"Where will Billie be sleeping?" I ask my mother who sits down on the couch next to me.

She smiles at me and winks. "In Flynn's room probably. I just want you to promise me she will stay there over night."

"Blake! Get your ass up and leave already!" my father yells again.

I roll my eyes and my mother smiles at me, pinching my cheek softly. I give her a smile for split second before rushing out of the house. Outside I see Billie washing her father's car. She stops cleaning the windows and just looks at the car for a second.

I am about to call out her name when she throws the cloth on the ground. The angry look on her face turning into a sad one. She leaves her driveway, getting back inside without noticing me watching her.

Billie got her driver's license when she was 15. She was very excited about getting it, even though she wasn't allowed to drive back then. When her mother died in the car accident, Oliver got too scared Billie might happen something as well, that's why he has forbidden her to ever drive a car.

I don't think he will keep that ban forever. He probably just needs time to get over everything. It's why I don't let Billie drive my Pick Up. I don't care about her driving my car because she could damage it or something. My car is precious to me but not at all as precious as her.

I'm scared Billie will go crazy when she's actually driving a car. Only if I imagine her driving past the street her mother was driving on that day. I get sweaty not knowing how she would react.

Neither do I want to disappoint Oliver or make him freak out about Billie driving. I promised him to look out for her and I will. He just doesn't know how much she actually means to me and in what way.


Billie is wearing a white skirt.

Billie is wearing a blue zipper.

Billie's hair is braided.

Billie is talking to Flynn.

Billie is laughing.

Billie is ignoring me.

I kissed her. She smiled. Giggled. Blushed. Got shy. And now she's ignoring me.

To be fair I kissed Gemma and I listened to my friends saying she's kind of weird. And I asked myself if it was true for a second. But I don't think so anymore. I like her.

I sigh and get up from my chair to walk to our couch. I jump on it and dig my face into a pillow. Someone sits down beside me and by how the fabric of the couch sinks down a little I can tell it must be my either my father or my Oliver.

"You've been a lot quieter than usual, son." I can tell it's Oliver without even seeing him. Especially cause of the nickname. The word son sounds way softer in his tone than when my father uses it.

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