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It's been two weeks since school started. Two weeks I spent rolling my eyes at teachers, two weeks I kept slapping Julien for whispering un-funny jokes in my ear and two weeks of Flynn basically having a crush on every second guy she lays eyes on. And I cannot agree with her about denoting half of the male sex in this school as attractive.

"You have no taste in men," Flynn says, rolling her eyes. She unlocks the door in front of her and holds it open, waiting for me to go after her. "Fine. Maybe not all of them are that attractive but you have to agree with me about Lio. He is smoking hot."

Lio is a guy in our year, who is in fact not that bad looking. But I don't think any of us has ever spoken to him in person. I may have liked some of his insta pics though. Flynn probably even commented on all of them with a bunch of flames or something.

"Ask him out then," I tell her.

Flynn smashes the door close and inhales dramatically. "Ask him out? Ask him out?! Are you insane? Like I could just walk up to him and say something like Hey, Lio. You wanna come to my house, watch 356 days with me and recreate every little sex scene in there?"

She raises her eyebrows, looking at me. "Well he'd probably say yes to that," I murmur in amusement. I'm not even lying to her. As horny as all of those guys in our school are, they would 100% agree to a hook up, no matter what pick up line you're coming up with.

Flynn walks towards the couch, that looks very much comfortable today and I follow her. We both sit down and I feel myself sinking into the pillows. Flynn puts her hair into a messy bun and sighs. "I just want to have a little romance in my life. Without being in love, life is boring," she complains, pumping her head into a pillow.

I am just about to say something, when someone jumps onto the couch. "Biscuit, I didn't know you were going to delight us with your company today," Blake says, smiling at me. I think the couch just broke, when he jumped onto it. "So, what are we doing?"

"Don't you have a date coming over today?" Flynn grumbles into the pillow she's still digging her face into. Flynn and Blake always had a great relationship. They are always there for each other, always helping each other with their problems. Blake also has this overprotective Brother thing going on. Flynn just likes that, if she needs it though.

"That's rude, Flynn. She's sitting right next to you," Blake jokes, giving me a cocky smirk. I just shake my head, rolling my eyes at the same time. Blake always jokes about going out with me. It's annoying Flynn but I don't think she has an actual problem with that. As long as I don't touch him in an inappropriate way or we have something going on, it's fine with her.

Flynn has a huge issue with friends of her going out with her brother. Since Blake started having interest in girls, Flynn's friends try to hook up with him. She always says they're all choosing him over her. I think that's the main reason why we became so close over the years, that I've never chosen her brother over her. And I would never do.

Someone walks down the stairs interrupting Flynn's groans into the pillow. "Billie, is your father coming over to have dinner with us this evening?" Simone, Flynn and Blake's mother, asks me. Since my mother died, Simone was like a second mother to me, not that she wasn't before my mother died, but still, having her around helped me a lot and I think my dad too.

"Sure. I mean I have to ask him first but he won't complain about a dinner, that he doesn't have to make," I tell her, giving her a friendly smile. Simone nods and continues walking towards the kitchen.

Lifting her head out of the pillow, Flynn mumbles, "I'll bring you home and then we get your dad and come back." She gets up from the couch and stretches. "I bet Oliver is going to be as happy as always about having dinner with us," she adds.

"Yeah, about that dinner thing. I already have plans this evening," Blake says now. He stretches his arms and folds them behind his head. "Sorry, Biscuit," he whispers.

"I don't even care if you're there or not," I whisper back.

"Sure you don't." His eyes are closed and there's a small smile creeping up on his lips, showing off that stupid dimple every girl in town is talking about. I roll my eyes and get up from the couch, now standing next to Flynn.

I never understood what's the deal about Blake Evens. Sure he's handsome -must come from the great genetics- and some of his character is probably acceptable but I don't think he ever had a real relationship. And that's the issue I would have with him as his girlfriend. How can you trust someone on staying loyal to you, who spent so much time of his life not even caring for a true connection. His goal in life is fucking around and no girl seems to care about that.

"What is more important than having dinner with Oliver and Billie?" Simone asks her son, who is setting all of his attention on his phone right now.

"Julien and a bunch of friends are throwing a small party and I already told them I'd come," Blake says bored, still looking at the display of his phone. Simone just sighs but doesn't tell Blake to call that off.

But I wasn't lying when I told him I don't care, if he's there or not. Hell, it was just a dinner. But his mother looked a bit disappointed though.


"It's not like I already had something cooked already anyway," my dad says, reading the newspaper. He's sitting in the kitchen, eating some cookies. His hair looks like a mess, the glasses he needs to read are sitting on the tip of his nose, his right leg is laid over the other one and he's wearing the same white shirt he was wearing yesterday.

I love my dad and I'm glad, that he got such a great support from Flynn's parents after my mother died. He was crushed the first year but it got better every month after that and I'm thankful for that. We don't talk a lot about her though. I'm scared that if I bring her up, he'd go to the same place he was two years ago.

"I like the new haircut, Oliver! Looks hot," Flynn compliments my dad, smiling. He just chuckles softly and turns the page.

"Thank you, Flynn. Very flattering."

Flynn sits down on a chair across from my dad and takes one of the newspapers that are laying all across the table. My dad looks up from his newspaper and raises his eyebrows on me. "Aren't you supposed to work right now?" he asks, his rasp voice sounding soft.

"Jeff gave me a day off," I tell him and he nods at me. Jeff is the owner of the little café I'm working in and probably the best boss you could ask for. He's mostly being understanding about needing a day off, is not too strict about being late -which I mostly am- and does his best at keeping that pervs away from you.

My dad just raises his hands and gives me two thumbs up and Flynn mimics him.

The rest of the evening my dad, Flynn, Simone, Erik -Flynn's dad- and I spent sitting at the dinner table, talking, eating -of course- and playing board games. It was nice. It's always nice having dinner with them. It was already past two in the morning and my dad already went back home, when I walked out of the Evan's house.

"You're still here?" a familiar voice greets me. I don't even have to see the face -not that I could, it's pitch black outside- to know who's standing in front of me right now.

"I am basically living at your house. What kind of question even is this?" I don't even wait for him to answer me and walk around him. His scent hits my nose. Something woody and- rosy? Rosewood? Does that even exist?

"Still acting like we haven't known each other for the past eleven years?" he asks out of the blue.

I already was past their postbox, when I turn around. "Well we haven't. I've known you existed for the past eleven years but I don't have anything to do with you. Actually spending time with someone and them just being the sibling of your friend is a whole different thing," I say and leave their parking lot.

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