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Part Two


I will never take a fucking sip of alcohol in my life again. My head hurts and I feel like someone threw me on the ground and fucked me over multiple times. A door bursts open and someone rushes inside, yelling my name, "BLAKE! Get your stupid ass off the couch!"

I groan. Hearing Julien's wiry voice in the morning right after getting up -in my hangover ass condition- is not something I enjoy. I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is his irritating face. His red hair is hanging down, almost touching my face and his blue eyes pierce into my soul.

I get a headache from the sight in front of me. I push his face away from me and he laughs. "Go away. Your presence is pissing me off," I grumble and turn my face back into a pillow.

"And I thought you'd be in a way better mood after what happened yesterday."

My eyes widen, my face still pushed into the pillow. I was drunk. Totally wasted. I was sick of my father telling me what to do and what to do better. Just because he was some kind of golden boy in his hockey time, doesn't mean he can order me around. I was pissed and needed something to pour my anger down my throat.

Even worse was seeing Billie swinging her hips to the music. I hated seeing her there. I hated knowing she would probably talk to every fucking guy on this party, laugh about all their jokes and let them make their moves on her. And I hate that the only reason she kissed me was a fucking drinking game and the fact I was a total mess.

We kissed. We fucking kissed and I don't even know if she enjoyed it. I did though.

"I mean, I always knew that there was something between the two of you but such a steamy hot kiss, wow wow wow, Evans, I was shocked!"

My eyes widen even more. If I learned something about Billie Adams after all these years of knowing her, it's that me and her will never happen. And I am not going to cry after her like a little boy. Just a Little. Maybe.

"There's nothing between us and it was just a kiss. No big deal," I tell him, not taking my face out of the pillow to hide my lying face. I'm not actually bad at pretending things but Julien is my best friend and has been for a very long time. He knows if I am lying or not.

Julien grabs another pillow, that was laying next to me legs on the couch a second ago, and hits my head with it. "We both know that your little ass has been in love with that girl since seventh grade. But if you want to continue pretending, do it, I will not stop you," he says and chuckles.

Julien might be an annoying little boy by heart but he's for sure no idiot. But I do know what Billie thinks of me. She made that clear more than once and keeps doing it. But I don't think I can ignore this tension between us anymore.

I don't think I want to.

"But if you're really not interested in her, I guess there's no problem with her and Chris hanging out. If you know what I mean," he says and I swear I just heard him winking. I get up from the couch and walk towards the kitchen counter.

Taking a glass out of the cupboard I grumble, "As if Billie likes guys like him."

"Who likes guys like who?" A door shuts close and Chris rushes into the kitchen. He places his bag against one of the chairs and sits down on another right next to me. I roll my eyes and sigh. I will through a fucking party the day this guy is finally leaving again.

"We were just talking about Billie Adams, the very sweet girl. How are you guys holding up?" Julien asks, a small smirk playing on his lips and his eyes dart to mine for a split second. "Cause WE, me AND Blake, would really really like to know how things are working out between the two of you," he adds, emphasizing the we and the and.

Chris smiles slightly. "Good, I guess. Actually, we haven't talked much at the party yesterday. Apparently she left after some stupid game. Haven't seen her since," he explains, sounding a bit sad at the end.

Now I smile a little. I like that the reason they weren't talking that night was that her lips were on mine.

"I have a question for you guys," Chris says and my smile replaces itself with a groan. I bump my forehead onto the kitchen counter and Chris starts talking again, "How am I supposed to take your relationships with Billie? Cause at first, I thought you and her had something going on." He looks at Julian. "Then I thought that maybe you and her were hooking up." He looks at me. " But than I understood that she just hates you." He smiles.

Not what I witnessed last night.

Julian lets out a quick laugh and claps his hands together. "Well, close enough. Billie has been friends with the Evans' for a very long time, which means she has been friends with me for a very long time now. Oh and with Blake and Flynn. But mostly me. I mean, who wouldn't want to be besties with me?" he jokes and I roll my eyes.

"And none of you had ever something going on with her? Have you looked at her?!" he asks again and I am very close to just rip out his tongue.

I will not answer this question. Julien used to have a crush on her in sixth grade and then I kissed her in seventh and then Julien punched me in seventh, even though he didn't even liked her anymore. Well and since then we are just us. Nothing, I supposed, until yesterday. I smirk.

"Well Billie refuses to admit that she likes us, so she keeps saying she doesn't. But we are kind of best friends and her and Blake just have this nemesis relationship," Julian says, earning a narrow from me.

"Sounds promising. To be honest, I was hoping you guys could help me out a little with her. She's stupid hot but very shy and I don't know how to talk to her if she keeps staying stiff like that," Chris rambles.

I move my eyes away from the floor and look at the boy in front of me with narrowed eyes. Julien looks up at me and then at Chris. "Doesn't sound like Billie. She's not actually the shy type of girl. It's probably just because of a guy showing honest interested in her. I think it's been a while since she'd been in a serious relationship," he says and I watch Chris closely.

"Thank god. I don't like it, when my girl had already been with every guy in town," Chris mentions.

Julien walks up to me and takes my elbow in his hand, holding me back from gripping this boys' throat. Leading me out of the kitchen he tells Chris, "We need to go now. My friend here needs to cool of a bit."
_ _ _

I am so so sorry for not posting sooner!

I hope you liked this one!! There will be Billie's and Blake's POVs from now one since you know how he feels about her🤭

Also I edited this one in while my ride to school so don't expect the mistakes to actually be corrected haha

Be prepared for upcoming chapters. I don't have  a lot of time to write at the moment though but I'll try my best to keep you guys updated with chapters!!

Thank you for reading my book <3

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