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This must be some kind of dream. Cause there's no way I made out with Billie Adams last night. And she did it voluntary. No game, no forcing, no payment afterwards.

She wanted to. She wanted me.

Billie didn't answer to any of my texts but I know she read them. I didn't actually expected her to answer though. I just hope we don't move all the way back again. I didn't put all the effort in this just for her to hate me all over again.

I pull my grey sweater over my head and fix my hair one last time. Stepping out of my bedroom I can already hear Billie and my mother talking downstairs. I smile at the sound of Billie's raspy voice. It's not just sexy but also very special. It sets her apart from all the other girls. One of my favorite things about her. Even when we were younger.

"Blake! You're a little late for breakfast but I made you a sandwich you can eat on the way," my mother tells me smiling but my gaze immediately moves to Billie.

She's wearing a tight dark blue long sleeve and a black pair of baggy jeans. Her hair is put into a sleek ponytail, making her facials stand out even more. Especially those beautiful honey brown eyes.

"Hi," I greet her. The tips of Billie's ears turn red and she hides her face in her cup of coffee. "And thanks for the sandwich, mom," I thank my mother, finally moving my gaze away from the beauty in front of me.

I don't know how things between us will be from now on but I definitely will not just give up now. Billie Adams will not get rid of me that easily.

"Billie, Sweetheart, you need to hurry or you'll be late for your bus," Simone tells Billie, earning a nod in response.

I take my prepared sandwich and turn back around towards Billie. "You come with me, I will drive you," I tell her, already picking up her bag.

Billie opens her mouth, about to protest against me driving her to school but Simone interrupts her, "How nice of you, Blake! I'm so glad you guys finally begun to like each other. I was afraid this hating phase would hold on forever."

Billie's eyes widen and I start smirking. "Oh yes, mother. Billie and I definitely started liking each other more." Billie jumps off her chair and shoves me towards the door.

"Time to leave," she says, pushing me outside.

I close the door behind us and follow Billie towards my car. We both get inside and I turn my head towards her. I lean closer towards her face and smile at her. "How did you sleep?" I ask her.

Billie leans her own face closer to mine as well and my eyes drop to her lips for a second. "What do you think you're doing, Blakey Boy? You know whatever happened between us cannot happen again. I already feel bad because of what happened because of Flynn-"

"Please. I will talk to her. I will clean her shoes for a lifetime. Make her dinner. I do whatever it takes for you to not just push me away again, Billie," I whisper.

She smiles at me but her eyes look sad. "She's my best friend, Blake. My sister. I don't want to hurt her."

"How can your happiness ever hurt her? As your best friend, isn't she supposed to be fine with whatever decision you make if it's what you want in the end?"

"That is not it how emotions work, Blakey Boy," Billie whispers, turning her gaze away from me.

It's not that I don't care about Billie's wants and that I don't respect her or anything. I just don't want to accept this line Flynn drew. I don't care about her other friends. I just don't want her to pull Billie away from me.

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