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The sun is setting and Chris, Julien, Flynn and I are playing volleyball at the beach. It's beautiful outside here, especially at this time of the day.

Playing volleyball at the beach and then going swimming at night became some kind of tradition for us whenever we visit Lilly and I hope it's never going to change.

"I got it!" Flynn yells, throwing herself onto the ground to catch the ball. She diggs the ball up and I spike it over the net on the other side. Flynn and I both jump into the air and bump our chests together. "That's what I'm talking about, Bitch!"

I love when Flynn gets enthusiastic about sport things. Her eyes start to light up and you can see the real her. The one, who would never let anyone tell her she can't do something. The one, who would never loose a competition. Flynn is the type of girl, who works for something until she gets it.

"Come on, Chris, we gotta push our buttcheeks together and win this!" Julien screams like a little boy, clapping his hands together. "Less starring at the girls, more digging and passing, Anderson!"

Flynn and I both laugh at his command and Flynn nudges me with her elbow. I just roll my eyes, a small smile still creeping itself onto my lips. Chris throws the ball into the air, raises his hand and- the ball gets smacked into the net. Julien sinks onto his knees and brushes his hands over his face sighing.

Flynn and I make our victory handshake, bumping our chest together afterwards. "CHRISTOPHER!" Julien cries on the ground. "You need to focus." The red haired boy falls onto the ground with his back and throws one arm in the air, his finger pointed. "I want to switch up teams! No offense, Christopher Anderson," he adds, using Chris' full name on purpose.

Flynn jumps happily. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, Chris and Billie will be a team and you and I will, Carrot Boy," she suggests, running to the other side, where Julien is still laying on the ground.

I put my hands on my hips and smile at the sight of them. Flynn hugs her arms under Juliens' and tries to lift him up. She's failing though. Flynn might me athletic, but this red haired, freckles having boy is way too packed with muscles for her to lift him up.

Chris walks up to me, his hands on his hips as well. "There's something going on between those two, isn't it?" he asks me and I try not to smile. I wish.

Flynn used to have a crush on him a long time ago. But she never did anything about it. She never wanted any of her friends to have something going on with her brother, so she felt bad about liking his best friend. But I always thought that they look cute together. Sometimes I even think, Julien likes her a bit more than just as a friend. But maybe I am just imagining that.

Flynn throws the ball into the air, raises her hand and makes a perfect serve, spiking it onto our side. I throw myself onto the ground and dig the ball up. It was perfect, except for the fact that Chris didn't move an inch. I get up from the ground and-

"What was that, Lover Boy? You get such an amazing partner and just stare at her butt, instead of making her happy," Blake's rough voice calls. I turn around and see a shirtless, very tall and for some reason muscular douchebag walking towards us. He's wearing a dark blue pair of swim pants and a stupid pair of sunglasses.

He stops right in front of the field and folds his arms in front of his chest. "This small lady next to you, likes to win, Lover Boy, do something for it," he says smirking. I wish I could roll my eyes at this now but he's right. Flynn and I are very competitive, especially if we're not on the same team. The good thing is, Julien and Blake are as well, that's why it's working with us.

"You guys have to chill, it's just a game," Chris says, laughing it off. He might be right. It is just a game between friends but for us, it's a game we want to win. And it may sound stupid, but it kinda throws me off a little, that he doesn't care at all.

"Rap it up, people!" Julien yells. We all get back to our positions and Julien serves the ball. Again, I throw myself onto the ground, dig the ball and Chris rushes towards it. He raises his arm and spikes it into the net. Flynn and Julien make a victory handshake and I just stay on the ground.

"Come on, Lover Boy, we are switching," Blake tells Chris, gesturing his hand like he wants Chris to move. Chris turns his head and just looks at me, waiting for me to say something. If he stays my partner, we will loose, which would be fine. I am able to loose, but I don't want to loose without trying to win.

"Just for the game, Chris," I tell him and he gives me a confused look. Blake walks up to me and reaches out his hand. I take it and he helps me up.

Blake bends down to my ear. "We will win this, Biscuit," he says, already sure of our victory. I smile and nod. We both get into our position, waiting for Flynn and Julien to serve the ball. Flynn throws the ball into the air and spikes it perfectly. Blake throws himself onto the ground, digs the ball up and I pass the ball. Blake jumps in the air and spikes the ball on the other side.

Point for us.

We've been playing for ten minutes now and there are two points left to make. Flynn and Julien are leading with one point. I jump into the air and spike another ball onto their field. One point for us.

"That's what I love to see, Biscuit!" Blake yells and we clap our hands together over our heads. He interlaces our fingers for one second until I rip my hands away. "Another point and we won. Just like I told you."

I smile up at him. I reach out my arms and take the sunglasses off his face. Putting them on my own, I watch Blake's victory face turn into something else. His grin turns into a soft smile and his eyes focus on mine.

Big dark green eyes.


Seven years ago.


It's dark in here. I don't have a flashlight and I can't even see my own hands in front of me. I reach out my arms and try to find a wall or something I can walk along to find the exit.

I knew doing what Flynn suggests is a bad idea. I would have never went into this ghost train on my own but my best friend decided for some reason that this would be a fun thing to do.

It's not.

Flynn isn't even in here. She left me on my own when she walked through the door. She got in and ran out the next second. I would have ran with her to be honest, but my pride is way too big to do that. And now I am standing in a dark room with absolutely no light in it. Alone.

I still haven't reached anything and I start to think, I will never get out of here. This is a wrong day to die, my mom promised me pizza when I get home.

Something touches my hand and I pull it away as fast as I can and scream my heart out.

"Biscuit, it's me. Relax," a familiar voice tells me and I shut my mouth immediately. I can't see him but I know that Blake is standing somewhere in here. "I didn't know you are that easily scared. Are you afraid of the dark?" He asks and I just know he is smiling right now.

"I am not easily scared and I am not afraid of the dark!" I respond outraged. He's might be right but I will not tell him. He would just continue giving me this victorious grin, showing of his cute dimple.

I've always thought he had such special features. His dark green eyes and just one dimple on his right cheek. Beautiful.

Something cracks in front of us and I jump in fear. I expect him to laugh or say something but Blake Evans takes my hand in his, interlacing our fingers and says, his voice calm, "Come on, Billie, we will get through this together."

I don't answer him. Blake just starts walking, dragging me with him. He's holding my hand. We don't talk. I hope my hand doesn't get sweaty. I am not afraid anymore. He's holding my hand.

At the end of the room, right in front of the door, he stops suddenly. There's some light shining through the door. Just enough for me to see his face. I look up into his eyes.

Big dark green eyes.

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