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„Ginny and Alex, you get abortion as a topic. Talk about how people criticize it and tell us your own opinion," my teacher Miss Roman says. Since a girl in my year gave birth to her first born one month ago, the teachers on my school went crazy about enlightening us about all the responsibility a child brings with it.

They keep assigning us to projects or let us make our own ones. Like today. Miss Roman is currently partnering us all up and assigns some topic all around pregnancy, well more teenage pregnancy. She believes, if we research and talk about all this by ourself and present it to the others, it will be more effective.

I don't care about how we get to have this talk about sex and everything. As long as no boy transfers one of his little ones into my womb, I will just sit here and watch everyone laugh about this whole topic like we're still five year olds. No, really, they act like everyone at this school isn't fucking around with each other.

"Next we have Chris and Billie with how to deal with teen pregnancy and children at your age," Miss Roman announces. I turn my head to the left and catch Chris smiling at me.

At some other point of my life I would have smiled back or raise my brows or gave him some kind of weird face, anything else than just turning my face away shyly. I've always been pretty confident. I know my worth and I know how to flirt with guys but Chris makes something different, it's different with him. I don't know why though, he's not the first good looking guy, who smiled at me.

The bell rings just as Miss Roman announces the last pair and their topic. I pack my stuff and get of my chair. Just when I am about to leave the classroom, Chris stops me by yelling after me, "Billie!" He approaches me and we walk out of the classroom together.

"A project together huh? Lucky me, being here just for a week and directly getting assigned with such a beautiful girl," he says, bringing back my nervousness again. God what even is this and where the hell did it came from?!

I don't know what to say, so I just smile and look at him. At least I am still able to make eye con- Ah, forget about that, I can't even do that anymore. I move my eyes away from his' and start to play with my fingers. What is wrong with you? "I hope you prepared yourself to work with me, cause-"

"Bill Bill and Chrissy, my friends," Julien interrupts me and throws his arms around my and Chris's shoulder. He's grinning from one ear to another and I thank Julien for interrupting me before I could have said something embarrassing, not saying it out loud though. "I see you two are getting along just well. And I was scared Chris would have difficulties because he's younger than me and can't be assigned to my year. But I see, you're taking him in just well," Julien adds smirking.

I roll my eyes at the sexual meant comment. "Julien, you should be careful about making those comments or I will make them happen," I tell him, smirking at him. Well, that's more Billie like.

I think I just heard Chris's jaw drop to the floor. Looking at him again, I feel my confidence flying away again. How is that even possible, the second I look at him, I get week in the knees and forget about every little cocky words, which are normally overloading my head.

"Well, gentlemen, I am sorry to say so but I have to go, there is a special lady waiting for me to come back to her, after leaving her for the last class," I tell the guys in front of me and take Julien's arm off my shoulder.

"Hey, before you go, can I have your number? For project purposes of course," Chris says, a little smile playing on his lips.

Julien nods his head slowly, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Sure, for project purposes only," he says smirking again. At least he tries to hide it, not doing it well though.

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