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"Out of my way, brother!" Flynn yells shoving me aside. She's carrying a lot of clothes for her upcoming trip tomorrow. I am a very proud brother. I would never admit that though.

"What do you need all of those fine ass clothes for? Isn't this a sport competition?" I frown, looking at the suitcase. I bend down and pick up a pink shiny very short dress out of it and raise a brow. "Please tell me the judges are little perverts and you put this dress in here because of extra points."

My little sister rolls her eyes and rips the dress out of my hands again. "We have dinner after the performances," she says annoyed and throws the little pink dress back into her suitcase.

"Sure. Don't even try to sell me this little pink dress as your going out for dinner dress, Flynn."

My sister laughs and I grumble. I'm not actually the kind of brother forbidding anything like dating or boys in general for her. I just really don't need to know she's already having sex and everything else.

I shiver.

Someone knocks on the opened door next to me and I turn my head, just to look straight at the most beautiful honey brown in existence.

Billie pushes my shoulder out of her way briefly and I think the hair on my arms just straighten up. "I've got what you asked for, Flynnster!" she announces enthusiastically, a big smile playing on her lips.

Billie hands Flynn a small bag. My sister smiles and takes fucking red loungewear out of the bag.

"I really don't know how to feel about this? Should I be attracted to this because it's Billie's loungewear or should I be discussed because I know why you want to have those?" I ask, earning an eye roll from Billie and a hit on the back of my head from my sister.

"You still haven't told me who this special person is," Billie complains, crossing her arms and I feel like I've found the time to leave this room and let them have their girl talk.

I walk pass Billie, smelling her flowery scent and close the door behind me. I stop as soon as the door's closed and bump the back of my head on the door.


"You know you had a chance to ask her out, Evans. It's not like you've just known her for a couple days," Julien says, hurling the puck to one of our mates.

I stop and rip off my helmet. "Would you stop say fucked up stuff like that?! I don't fucking care, if I have known her for my entire life! She was not supposed to get together with some random fucking stupid asshole boy, who is not good for her!" I yell at him.

I throw the helmet towards the wall and skate in the direction of the rink's exit.

"Oh? And who is she supposed to get together with in your opinion?"

I turn around and throw my hands in the air. "Have you seen her with him? She's quiet. Fucking quiet! She doesn't not talk around him. Billie is a woman of words! She loves to express herself, every fucking think that comes to her mind, especially when it is about her conversation partner- You know what? I don't even fucking care what you think!"

I turn away from my best friend and escape the ice rink. After our last game, the only thing that haunts my mind any time I enter this rink is how this shitty little boy kissed Billie. And I swear to god if I see that another time, I won't hold myself back. I'll be furious.

I walk down the hallway, my skates in my hand.

"Oh come one, brother, don't be such a bitch. I'm well aware, you just want the best for her but it's her decision who she wants to be with in the end," I hear my best friend's voice talking. "Also, Flynn doesn't seem to be so happy about you two-"

I stop and drop the skates to the floor. I know Julien and Flynn are friends. And I always assumed Flynn had a crush on him when we were younger but Julien seems to care a little too much about her lately.

"Julien. You Are not fucking my sister, are you?"

The red head in front of me raises his hands in defense, his face almost as white as the wall next to him. "No! Of course not. I would never fuck your sister. Not that she's not attractive. Why would I fuck her? Why are you assuming something like that. Did she say anything? Did Billie say anything? What are we talking about right now? I am not fucking your sister," he stumbles and I chuckle.

I shake my head in amusement and turn back around. It's not like I would wish them to date or fuck or anything else but I am not actually in a position to tell my best friend to back away from my sister.

Cause I definitely won't back away from my sister's best friend.


It's colder tonight than it was yesterday. It rained the whole fucking afternoon and now my shoes and socks are soaked.

My phone vibrates and I see my father's name plop up on the screen.

E: Your coach said you were a complete disaster at practice today. Don't you take Hockey seriously anymore? What is wrong with you? We build up this amazing chance for you! Your future is laying right in front of your feet and you just ruin everything! Start taking life seriously!

I sigh and switch off the phone.

The screen lightens up another time and I am ready to throw it out of the window of my Pick Up until I see the name. Oliver.

O: thank you for picking up Billie! You are a bless, son.

I smile and switch off my phone. Tucking it into the pocket of my college jacket I open the door. The light of Jeff's are still bright and shiny but I can see Kora blowing out the candles inside, through the window.

I lock up my car and walk towards the café, my hand tucked in my pockets.

I take a deep breath and open the door to Jeff's. I don't know why I still get nervous seeing Billie in her natural working area. She looks so friendly all the time. It's not a usual face I see from her. At least not towards my direction.

The bell above the door rings when I get inside and Kora greets me with a big smile. It turns to a sad frown when she watches me looking around.

"Chris already went by and took her with him," she explains and I walk towards her.

"I see."

"Honestly, I don't like him that much. I always feel like he doesn't care about what she likes and who she really is, you know. It always feels like he just likes what Billie's appearance is. He likes the girl who used to sing and mysteriously stopped. The girl who is a gorgeous woman that knows how to dress. The girl that lost her mother and is so strong for getting over it. But we both know that this is not the real Billie. You see who she is. She knows that too, I'm sure. She's just not ready to accept that."

Kora gives me a small smile and pats my shoulder softly. "Get home safe, Blake."

— — —

I feel terrible.

You've literally waited like a month for a new chapter. I hope I find more time to write cause I like the direction this book is finally heading.

How are you guys doing? I hope you still enjoy reading this book and are not too mad for waiting this long!

Thanks for all the support! I've literally never expected this book to actually be read by some people. This still feels like a fever dream to me.


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