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I run my spoon through my cereal. Chris has told us all about why Billie came to Julien's yesterday after they got downstairs, both smiling stupidly. Well, Billie looked cute, Chris looked like a clown.

I don't want her to go out with him. It's not like I would want to go out with her but him? Seriously? Chris is a fucking waffle on two legs who happens to have two arms as well. They don't fit together. Billie is funny, friendly (sometimes), cute, smart, competitive, strong, talented, loyal, honest, calm. Chris is-

"You guys should ask Billie, if she wants to come," my mother suggests, placing a cup of coffee in front of her plate.

I narrow my eyes and shove the spoon into my mouth. Chewing the cereal, I watch my sister nodding excited. "Totally! Billie would love to come, I'm sure. I'm calling her right away."

I gulp down my breakfast already hating what I am about to ask. "Isn't she going on her date today?" I ask her.

Flynn shakes her head and my mother widens her eyes. "The date is tomorrow."

It's Sunday. Who is going on a date on a fucking Monday? How- "Billie has a date? How wonderful! Who is it?" my mother asks happily and I roll my eyes. Lucky guy. Not so lucky girl.

"Chris. Remember? Julien's old friend," Flynn enlightens her and my mother smiles. "He's good looking, nice and very very good looking," she adds and rushes out of the kitchen, already holding her phone to her ear.

My mother nods in understanding. She moves her gaze to me and I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding what exactly she's trying to tell me here.

Our families have always been pretty close since Flynn and Billie met in elementary school. Her home has always been a kind of retreat place for us and ours for her. When Olivia died neither Oliver or Billie where talking to any of us. It was the time Lilly visited us more often. She and my mother sat in front of Billie's house, waiting for any of them to come out.

Since their both are back on the road with life -mostly- Lilly and my mother keep an extra eye on Billie. She's like another daughter to them. My mother used to joke about me and Billie getting married someday. Flynn hated that. I didn't.

Flynn comes back inside and smiles. "Billie is on!"


We drove two hours for this. My mother and I sitting in the front seats and Billie and Flynn in the back. They kept talking about Billie's and Chris' upcoming date and I swear I want to throw up now. This would have been a great time for Oliver to become one of these very strict dads.

"I am so happy for you, Bills. But this trip is going to loosen you up a bit. I promise," my mother says smiling and I turn my narrowed eyes at her. "What? You wanna say something, Son?"


She smiles. "Let's get started then, kiddos!" Everyone jumps out of the car laughing and I roll my eyes. My gaze only softens looking at Billie, who is pointing at the Ferris wheel in the back of the amusement park. We've been coming to this one since we were tall enough to ride something in there and Billie gets into the Ferris wheel every time.

I swear to god this woman has a death wish. Who on this planet enjoys getting scooped up in the air and down again? Exactly, absolutely no one.

"I'm gonna go ride the DragonFly!"Flynn yells enthusiastically and takes my mother's wrist. I really don't know what's wrong with them either. I do think those rides are better than a fucking Ferris Wheel but still. Who enjoys such fucked up things?

My mother smiles and rushes towards the ride DragonFly. It's a very very big roller coaster that you're only allowed to ride over 5'4, which is why I'm gonna take my chance and walk with Billie, since she's not tall enough to ride DragonFly.

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