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I don't know how Blake got the keys for the rink and everything. I don't know if I want to know how.

He gave me some skates out of a locker, even though I told him I don't want to skate. There's no way I'm going to embarrass myself in front of Blake Evans, cause I can't skate at all. I've tried it many times when I was younger. Always landed straight on my butt.

Never tried it again after I landed on my stomach once and slid down the whole rink when I was eight. And if I try skating again, it will not be in front of him. He will just laugh at me.

I take the skates Blake gave me and walk down the hallway towards the rink. Blake is already sitting on a bench, lacing his skates. He looks up and smiles at me. "There you are, Biscuit," he greets me. His eyes move towards the skates in my hand. "You don't even wanna try?"

I shake my head. "Skating isn't one of my best talents," I answer him and sit down next to him, leaving some extra space between us.

Blake sighs and gets up from the bench. He walks towards the rink, his steps reminding me of those of a penguin cause of the skates. "How did you get the keys?" I finally ask him out of curiosity.

Blake takes his first step on the ice, his second foot following right after. He glides down the rink, looking like a fucking angel or something. I have no idea how he does this. Without his usually hockey uniform him skating is looking even more elegant.

"You know Kevin? He's something like the janitor of this rink. He once caught me leaving the window open a little so I can slip in here and just gave me a key so no one else can slip in," he answers me.

Blake suddenly speeds up and skates straight towards the entrance. He stops right in front of it by twisting his skates to the right. "Come on, Biscuit. You can't just sit there and watch. Even though I enjoy having you watch me skate, I do would enjoy skating with you more."

Blake moves his head to the right slightly, resting his arms on the small wall around the rink. "Please," he begs and I smirk.

"If you fall down on your knees and beg again, I will think about it," I tell him.

Blake raises an eyebrow but does get done on his knees. He folds his hands and looks at me. "Oh please, Biscuit, make me the happiest man alive and skate with me." I just laugh at him, not being able to stop. "Alright, now come. You've had me begging on my knees for it now do it," Blake's grumbles getting up from the ice.

I just continue laughing while putting on my skates. I lace them, feeling Blake's eyes on me. "You have to promise me something or I will not get on the ice," I tell him in a serious tone.

Blake nods. "Anything."

"You won't laugh. No matter what."

Blake raises his right hand in the air and places his left hand on his chest. "Never. Do you need help getting on the ice?"

I think about saying no for a second but that would be stupid. Now agreeing might hurt my pride but at least I won't fall on my ass. "Yes."

Blake opens his mouth in shock, breathing in extra loudly and dramatically. "Did you, Billie Adams, just asks for my help? Without me forcing you to? How great of a day this is, don't you think?" he asks me with a devilish grin on his lips.

I roll my eyes and stumble closer to the rink. "You know what, forget it. I can do it myself!"

When my skid touches the ice for the first time I slip. Blake catches me and chuckles. "How comes no one knew about your talent, Biscuit?" he jokes and I slap his chest. "Ouch! I safe you from a tragic accident and this is how you thank me?"

"I can slap you somewhere else if that's what you're asking for."

"Even though I am all in for some back bending activities, I'd rather have some more tender ones as a thanks."

I roll my eyes again and Blake starts to chuckle again. He takes my hands -which are currently holding onto his arms- in his hands and opens my arms a little. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, gripping his fingers tighter with mine.

"Straightening your arms to your sides is for a better balance, Biscuit. But you'll need to loose your grip on my fingers a little or there will be no blood left in them. Skating is quite easy, just push yourself forward with one foot, slide and then the other one pushes forward. It's just like walking," he explains and I narrow my eyes at him.

But I do as he says, just to slip again. Blake catches me laughing. "Come on, keep trying."

I follow his words, failing terribly. How comes people are able to pull stunts on those terribly skates. I've always wondered how hockey players are able to skate this fast, hurling pucks at the same time but how the fuck are figure skaters real? I can't even stand straight in those stupid skates and they're doing pirouettes or lifting each other up in the air.

Blake skates forward again, speeding up in a frightening way. I feel my heartbeat raising only watching him. This guy has death wish.

"You are a poser!" I yell when he's a little closer to me.

Blake speeds in my direction. He stops behind me, taking my hand in the movement, spins us around and I slip, pushing us both to the floor. I land on top of him.

"A poser you say?" he asks, a smirk following his words.

Blake's eyes pierce straight into my soul. I blink. Once. Twice.

If Blake Evans continues wasting his time with me, talking to me, looking at me like this, I might go crazy. Having this boy flirting with me is everything I've ever wanted years ago. Something I dreamed of. Something I imagined. Something I wished for.

Something I gave up on years ago.

I sigh and back away from Blake. I try to get up but land on my ass next to Blake on the ice.

Blake sits up straight and turns his head in my direction. "I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy this. I thought could have needed a little distraction. I'll bring you back now," he apologizes.

He gets up and reaches out his hand to me. I look up at him and smile. "Despite the fact my whole ass will be a blue spot when I wake up tomorrow, I did have fun. No need to apologize," I tell him and take his hand.

Blake pulls me up, now standing a little too close to my face.

"So you were enjoying my company after all, Billie Adams?" he whispers.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Blake Evans," I whisper back.

His face is dangerously close to mine. Too close actually. Way too close for me to not feel the little tinkle in my chest. The tinkle that is moving through my arms, my hands, even my legs.

I think I get a headache from looking at his eyes starring back at mine. His eyes that move from my eyes to my lips and back. His hands taking mine. His fingers playing with mine.

"Chris has never deserved to even look at you, Billie. He didn't deserve to talk to you, neither did he to kiss or touch you," he whispers, moving his face even closer.

I steal a glance at his lips, then back to his eyes.

"We should go," I tell him and back away.

_ _ _

Tension is building up guys.

When I started writing this book I didn't expect anyone to actually read it or for me to continue writing it. So I didn't write down any notes about the characters Ort something. So forgive me if some details like someone height or something is mentioned in the beginning and I change it further on in the book.

I just can't remember shit. I don't even know in what season the book should be by now, which is why there won't be any mentioned holidays or something. Sorry for that.

I hope you still are enjoying this boo!


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