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"Well you could have at least call me after a hot make out session!" Julien complains behind me and I roll my eyes. I told him about what happened. I'm not sure if that was the best decision though. Julien might be a loyal friend but he can't lie for shit.

Entering the house completely I hear someone choking. "No seriously, Billie, how comes that I only get to know now? It has been hours since that happened. You could have told me right after!" Julien keeps complaining, following me towards the living room from where the choking sound came from.

I loop around the doorframes to identify who almost died. "And I don't even want to start about how insulted I feel that-"

"Flynn!" I yell, stopping Julien from revealing Blake's name. "You're on FaceTime!" I yell, half in shock and half very happy to see her. My eyes shift to Blake for a second and from the way his face looks he must have been the one choking to death. He smiles at me.

I look away.

"Billie! How great to see your pretty face!" my best friend greets me with a big smile. I smile back at her, feeling the guilt building up in my chest.

"Whose clothes are you-"

"So? Who was with you in that hot make out session you and Julien just talked about? And how come you didn't tell me about it?" Flynn interrupts me.

My skin starts burning and I am getting very close to fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness. Making out with Blake was selfish and a big mistake. I should'nt have done that.

I try my best not to look at Blake even though I can feel his eyes piercing right into my soul. Julien plays with his fingers nervously.

Flynn raises an eyebrow. "Don't you put dare her under pressure, guys. Billie reveals her secret boyfriend whenever she's ready," Simone interrupts the tension that is completely destroying me. She gives me a small smile.

"Yeah no, mother. I am her best friend and we are supposed to tell each other everything. He couldn't be that bad that you are too embarrassed to tell me."

I don't answer her. I never felt this bad in my life.

"Julien?" she calls out his name, raising her brow even higher and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Julien looks like welding beads could run down his forehead any second. If he drops Blake's name now, I will die. Out of embarrassment, guilt and just because I am a bad person.

"Jacob Cappler!" Julien yells and throws his hands over his mouth right after.

Blake and I turn around to look at him. Flynn's mouth just opened in shock.

"Jacob Cappler?! I thought you think he's a brainless prick?"

Blake ignores his sister, turning his head in my direction. His eyes are narrowed, looking darker than ever. "Did you really?" he asks me.

"She did!" Julien yells again and my eyes widen even more.

I tear my eyes away from Blake, feeling his anger building up. No really, it feels like this room is getting hotter every minute.

Julien shrugs his shoulders and signalizes me with his eyes that I should just play along. I inhale deeply before turning around back to the screen Flynn is on, ignoring Blake's starring eyes.

"Yes. It's true," I tell her as quietly as I can, hoping that just no one would hear I just admitted that.

"What the fuck Billie!" Blake yells furiously, actually believing what Julien is scripting.

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now