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We spent the last two days planning everything about our trip. Julien kept talking about parties he want to throw, Blake kept glaring at Chris and Flynn and I told Chris everything about the place we were heading to.

It's finally Thursday and I am standing in front of my driveway, my luggage next to me, waiting for my friends to pick me up. I was a bit surprised when my father allowed me to go with them, especially because he doesn't know Chris. But then I remembered his bromance with Blake and knew right away why he agreed to the whole thing.

Unexpectedly I don't see Blake's Pick Up stopping in front of my driveway, like we agreed, but a much smaller unfamiliar car. I walk towards it, watching Julien get out of the back of the car. "What happened to Blakey's car?" I ask him, using one of my nicknames for him, which I hope he heard.

"Well, Blakey -the fabulous man he is- damaged his car one day before our trip. That's why we had to take Chris's car," Julien tells me smiling. He takes my luggage and opens the trunk- "Uhm, I think we have a little problem here, guys."

I walk up to the red head und look at the trunk. "Seems like someone has to stay here," I say, folding my arms in front of my chest. Smirking, I raise my hand and say, "I am voting for Blake!"

"Funny," he grumbles from the backseat.

"No one is staying, we just have to share seats," Flynn suggests, getting out of the car as well. She walks up to us and adds, "Billie's luggage is getting on one of the seats in the back and we will just sit on each other's laps." We will switch through the ride."

"Wonderful idea, Flynn, I will-"

"You finish that sentence, talking to my sister, and I will rip that tongue out of your mouth," Blake interrupts Julien before he was able to end his sentence.

I roll my eyes. Always so unnecessary protective this boy. "Well, I suggest Chris and Billie share a seat and Blake is driving," Flynn says, winking at me.

Julien is right about to open his mouth, a playful smile playing on his own lips, when Blake starts talking. "No. I suggest baby boy is driving his own car. We don't want anyone to damage it, because they don't know how to handle it, do we?" Blake gets out of the car as well and walks up to us. He takes my luggage and puts it on the middle seat in the back of the car. "This is getting over here and you will sit with me," he says.

"Great idea!" I say, looking up to Blake, I smile right into his face. "Let's not do that," I add.

"Well, my sister is not going to play car seat the whole time, which you should be aware of, and half time Julien and I will switch," Blake says, staring right back into my eyes.

Flynn places herself between us, not interrupting the eye contact though. She puts her hands on my shoulders and shakes me. "It's not for that long. Just get yourself together. You will close your eyes, inhale and the second you open your eyes, we're throwing a big fat party."

I roll my eyes and nod slowly. Flynn turns around to her brother and points her finger at his face, almost pocking his forehead. "Same applies to you, brother!" She narrows her eyes, which Blake responds to with a smirk and folded arms in front of his chest.

Julien's claps his hands together and everyone returns back inside the car. I follow Blake to the side of the car and watch him get in. The black haired boy sits down, looks up to me and claps his hands on his lap. "Come on, Biscuit, no need to be shy," he tells me smirking.

I just glare at him. There are several things I don't like about Blake Evans but the thing right on top of the list is his stupid smirk. "I hate you," I mumble and sit down right on his lap.

He closes the door and moves his mouth to my ear. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, Biscuit," he whispers into it. I just push my elbow into his stomach, earning a moan in return.

Chris starts the car, his eyes watching me and Blake through the rear-view mirror. Blake puts his arms around my waist. "What the fuck are you doing?" I whisper yell at him. "You want my elbow in your stomach again?"

"Since you can't put the seatbelt on, I thought I'd help you out a little. We don't want you to get hurt in a car crash, do we?" He whispers back and I can feel the smirk on his lips. Stupid prig.


I don't know where exactly we are right know or how long we've already been driving around. But I do remember my position in this car now and I wish my body would just go back to sleep now. Sadly, the parts of my body are awaking slowly and now I feel something heavy on my shoulder.

I open my eyes, turn my head to the left and see a sleeping Blake, who is resting his head on my shoulder. My back is leaning against his chest and I am fully sitting in his lap by now, feeling every muscle of his legs. Some strands of his hair are fallen in his face, tickling my neck.

I'm about to push my elbow into him again, when he grabs it with his hand. "You better don't do that, Biscuit. You don't want me to tell everyone I got some bruises from you, while a wild car ride," he whispers into my ear.

"You we're drooling on my hoodie, while you were totally interfering my personal space by resting your head on my shoulder," I whisper back.

"You are fully pushed into my chest and were sleeping in my lap. I don't think any of us has personal space at this point."

"You know what, I want to switch now," I say, moving around in his lap.


"No, I want to switch now. You are pissing me off, seriously," I interrupt him.

"Biscuit, we have like half an hour left, we are not going to switch anymore. And please, stop moving around."

The car makes a sharp turn to the right and I get swirled to the left, the luggage, which is placed in the middle, as well and I try to catch it, moving even more around in his lap. "Billie, stop moving around, seriously," Blake grumbles again.

"Sorry for trying to catch the luggage, before I got buried under it. Stop complaining, you suggested this," I tell him, getting swirled to the right, because of a sharp turn.

Blake let's out a quiet groan, right behind my ear. "Billie, just sit still for one fucking minute-"

"Is there any chance you have like a pebble collection in your pockets?" I mumble, not moving an inch right now. More like a mountain collection. I don't know what happened but suddenly his lap doesn't feel soft anymore.

"No. No pebble collection," Blake whispers back and I'm not sure if to me or himself. He isn't moving as well. We're both just sitting there, both in shock. "I don't want to be that guy, but I told you to not move around that much."

"Stop talking, Blake."

"Yeah, I know."


We spent the rest of the ride not talking, which didn't make the awkwardness go away. When Chris stopped the car, I got out of it as fast as I could and tried to not look at Blake again.

"I'm surprised you two didn't kill each other," Flynn says, getting out of the car as well. "Actually, I'm proud. This just shows we had no right no be worried, Julien."

"Yeah, sure, no right," Julien says, walking around the car. Standing right next to me, he leans his head to my level and whispers, "You know, I think this weekend is going to be very interesting, if you and Evans continue cuddling up like that."

He winks at me, leaving me where I am standing with widened eyes, and helps Flynn getting the luggage out of the trunk. Chris walks up to me and nudges me with his elbow. "I am excited for this. You too?"


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