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"Why does my class have to be the only one, going on this stupid trip," Flynn groans. Flynn's Art teacher -Mr. Johnwill- thinks, bringing his students to some art galleries will make them more interested in art. Which is why he organized a one week trip, starting on Thursday.

"Maybe because you were the one complaining about how boring it is to draw a bowl of fruits," I say, scrolling through my phone. Becca just posted a new picture of-

"Hey!" I yell at Flynn, who just snatched my phone out of my hands. "It's not my fault, you're not paying enough attention to those fruit bowls. Now give me my phone back." I reach out my hand and wait for Flynn to put my phone into it.

Instead, Flynn continues complaining, moving her arms through the air the whole time, "The worst part about this is that Gemma is coming with me. I don't want to spend a whole week with her. She's annoying and mean and disrespectful and-"

"Coming," I stop her from saying bad things about one of the most popular girls in our year. Gemma might be some kind of a bitch but she's rich and pretty and that seems to be enough for most of the people in this school.

"Flynn," she greets us with her angel-devil like voice and a huge fake smile. She doesn't even look at me. "I'd hope seeing you here. I just wanna make sure we get along on this trip, since you clearly have some issue with me."

Flynn and I just look at her with raised eyebrows. I'm still trying to understand how her hair can look that soft when she opens her mouth again. "Oh no, is it cause of me and your brother making out in 8th grade?"

Judging on the look on Flynn's face, she and I both did not know about that. The reason why we dislike Gemma Smith so much is first, because of her name and second, because of her fake friend actions in 7th grade. We didn't care about Gemma existing before but in 8th grade she pretended to be my friend, just to leave me alone at my very first party. She spilled some juice on me purposely, told me she was getting some towels and then left me at the party alone. Flynn just hates her because she was being mean to me.

"Gemma, I don't really care who's hanging on my brother's lips and I don't want to act like friends on our trips. It sounds very nice, but no, thanks," Flynn says, fake smiling right back at her.

I know this all sounds like 6 year old girls having a fight about their boyfriends but this is defined necessary. "Sure. I bet it's annoying for you, listening to him about how in love he is with me," Gemma continues talking.

Flynn furrows her forehead. Since Blake became the hot bad boy and makes out with every girl 10 feet away from him, she just had to know a friend has a small crush on him to end their friendship immediately. It's harsh, I know, but as long as that doesn't concern me, I'm fine with it.

The fake red head in front of us just rolls her eyes and turns around with an annoyed sigh. "Since when does Gemma Smith have red hair?" I ask my best friend, who just bit off her apple.

"I don't know. Probably after her and Jase broke up this Sommer," she says, her mouth full.  I didn't even know they broke up. But it doesn't surprise me, Jase is changing his girlfriends every week. Him and Gemma were dating for a month. "He dumped her on a date, still payed for her food though," she adds.


I've been working for three hours already and my legs feel like they are going to fall off. The café has been stupidly busy this afternoon and I keep running from one table to another.

"Billie! Table 4 keeps asking about their ordered cheesecake," Kora -another waitress- yells through the kitchen. Kora is in her late twenties and has been working in this café for almost eight years. Sometimes she brings her eight year old son to work and Liam might be the cutest boy I've ever seen.

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now