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"You are overreacting, don't you think?"

Julien is laying on my bed, his stomach facing the ceiling. His head is resting on the end of the mattress and his legs are rested on the wall my bed is placed next to. I cross my arms in front of my chest and look at him. "I've known this boy for quite a long time now and I'm sick of listening to his bullshit! I am not going if he is. End of story," I tell him and walk to my desk.

Julien sighs dramatically and runs his hands above his face. "And you dare to call other people a Drama Queen," he mumbles and I just know he is rolling his eyes right now. "And it's just a party, Bill Bill. I don't want to push you or something but you probably won't even see him and if you are drunk and he is drunk, maybe you can stand his presence."

"I don't care if I see him or not. If this boy is in the room, I don't want to be in the same room," I tell him and pick up the books on my desk. I wouldn't describe myself as a messy person. I just forget to clean up my room, then after three weeks I finally realize I have to clean it and then I wait until it's fully messy again.

With the books in my hands I walk across my room. "And I thought you two made things up on the weekend trip," Julien keeps rambling, while I stack the books into a shelf. "Not gonna lie, you looked VERY close at the car ride-"

The last book slips out of my hands, right onto my foot. "Ah fuck!"

Julien gets up from my bed, walking towards me he says, "We both know that there is something going on between you two and if it isn't love, than sexual tension for sure." The red head picks up the book, that has slipped out of my hand, from the floor and smiles at my shocked face.

I rip the book out of his hands and growl at him, "There is no such thing as sexual tension between me and this dickhead!" I put the last book inside the shelf as well and step aside. Julien follows me.

"In that case it won't be as difficult for you to come to my party, right?" Julien's voice sounds close behind me. I turn around and look straight into his smirking face, which is the second point on my list of things I hate.

"What are you implying, McKenna?"

"If there's nothing to worry about, why don't you just walk inside my house tonight and have a great time with your friends?"


10 years ago.

Something is different tonight. Something feels different. But I can't see something different.

There're Lilly and Simone, laughing about a video of Flynn and Blake singing a song. There's Erik, who is chatting with my dad and my mom, who is braiding Flynn's hair. The only one, not sitting at this table is Blake.

I get up from my chair and walk towards the hallway. "Blake? Are you in here? Your mother is-"

I stop in my sentence, looking in a foreign face now. A face with a lot of freckles and very very big blue eyes and a bunch of red hair. I tilt my head to the left. "And you are?"

The boy walks up to me smiling. "My name is Julien McKenna and I like ice skating. You are pretty!" he compliments me enthusiastically and embraces me tightly.

"Let go off me or I'll kick you where the sun's not shining for you!" I whisper yell but the boy doesn't let go. "Just in case you have no idea what I said, Let. Go. Off. Me or I'll kick you in the balls!"

Julien McKenna steps aside from me and giggles, "you said balls!"


"Is there any chance you will act like you don't want me to go there?" I ask my father, cutting a cucumber into small pieces.

"But you love Julien's parties! And I know you'll be safe with him and Blake being there," Oliver says with a small smile on his lips. He loves Blake and he enjoys Julien's company a lot. He does think Julien is a bit weird but who doesn't?

My father takes a red pepper out of the fridge and lays it down next to the cutting board in front of me. "I know I probably should say something about you going to parties and stuff every weekend but I do like the idea of you spending time with your friends and being happy, to be honest."

I stop cutting the cucumber and look up to my dad. "You know this sounds kind of something a father should definitely not suggest to their seventeen year old daughter," I tell him and smile. He's about to add something to the deep and frustrated sigh that just left his mouth but I talk first, "I'll try, dad. I promise."

— — —

I know this chapter is quite short but I hope you still liked it.

Be prepared for the upcoming chapters!😏

I hope all of you are doing great and sorry again for this chapter being this short. The next one is longer. I promise!

Eighteen Candles (you will remember me)Where stories live. Discover now