💔❤️the beast❤️💔

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Keith was standing in a glara cruiser during a mission. He was in his all black blades uniform and his face covered. "Kolivon Keith coming in. I'm in." He said hiding behind the wall his blade in hand. "You need to get the weapon and destroy it. And quickly." Kolivon said through coms. "Yes sir." He said and stood up his blade extending. He ran down the hall hiding behind a wall as sentries passed.

He waited for them to pass before running down the hall again. He opened the door and ran inside seeing a large computer system. He walked up to it putting in the code kolivon had sent him. The sound of the cruiser powering down scared the former paladin a bit. He then drew his sword running to the next door. Once it was opened he ran in seeing blueprints for something large on the screen.

He quickly plugged in his chip extracting as much data as possible. "You got 5 dobashes (minutes) before the cruiser comes back on line." Kolivon said through coms as Keith had found the weapon. "It's some kind of quintessence. But stronger then anything I've ever seen!" He said in coms. "Grab it and get out of there!" Kolivon said and Keith grabbed the quintessence then grabbed the chip before running.

While he was running the ship powered back on with a high-pitched werning sound. It hurt his sensitive ears and he dropped the quintessence. "Keith! Get out of there!" Kolivon yelled as former paladin grabbed the quintessence again and ran. He heard shots being fired as he ran to the nearest door. He turned around unaware that a camera cot a shot of his face.

He pulled the mask back up and jumped out of the ship. He used the jet packs to get back to his ship. The small galran fighter plane shot up from the top of the cruiser as he made his way back to the ship. A searing pain went through his leg and he knew he was shot but his main priority was getting the quintessence back to kolivon and the others.

Once he got to the ship and got out of the fighter plane and went inside letting his mask disappear. "Keith. Glad to see you came back just fine." Kolivon greater him with. Keith gave a short nod handing the canister and chip to him. "They're making something big." Keith said and kolivon nodded. "That's what Krolia said." Kolivon said as the two walked to the main area once more.

The elder glara opened up a channel. "Voltron. Come in Voltron." He said and they all waited until pidge came onto the screen. "Voltron here! Go ahead blade!" She said and the other where soon in the control room of the large castle. Keith was standing next to kolivon on the screen. "We have reason to believe that the glara are making a large weapon." The former paladin said and the others on the other side of the screen looked shocked.

Another screen popped up shared between the two. It held what Keith had returned with from the ship. "Those look like blue prints for a ziforge cannon" pidge said pushing up her glasses on her nose. "You mean those things you and Matt where flying?" Hunk asked for the background.

Kolivon nodded and the other grew worried. "But. There's something else." Keith said and the screen shifted to something else. "What you saw before was on the main control panel. This one. Was in the room with the quintessence." Keith said his voice stronger then lance had thought it could get.

The screen showed a large creature that to everyone looked terrifying and ugly as hell. "Based on what I saw on screen. It's meant to kill all galra. It's located here already made and ready for use. It looked like it had altean technology integrated into it's systems." Keith said and allura nodded. "Seems so" she said.

Suddenly Keith fell to the ground off camera. Kolivon knelt down next to him. "Keith!?" Lance yelled worried for the former paladin. "Yep I'm alright. My leg just gave out." Keith said getting back up with kolivons help. "Where you shot in the leg?" The elder galra asked.

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