💔💔I'm done..💔💔

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Prompt- Keith tries to off himself but stops to think to giving red enough time to let the other paladins know

Pidge was working on her lion in it's hangar. Lance was playing with the video games in his sleeping quarters. Shiro was training alone. Allura was with coran fixing pods. Hunk was baking. Leaving Keith by himself.

The boy paced back and forth over his sleeping quarters panic and anxiety over taking his body. He listened to his father's voice in his head like it was a loop. The last words he ever said to him before running into the burning building.

'ill be okay Keith, and when I get back we'll go to the beach and looks at the stars'

It was from before he went out on call. He never fulfilled that promise. He died that night in that burning building only for that kid to bully and make fun of him. Keith's eyes pricked with tears as they spilled down his face.

The hot tears hit the floor as he fell to the knees in the corner of his sleeping quarters. His breathing quickened and he realized he was having a panic attack. He grabbed at his hair making his scalp bleed as he dug his nails into the sensitive flesh.

He tried to steady his breathing to no avail. He wished shiro was with him at that moment. That thought was wiped from his eyes quickly remembering that the elder was training. Something he should be doing. His shaking hands slowly steadied as he shoved his panic away.

He stood with shaking legs and made his way to the training room. Muffled clangs and grunts where getting louder as he grew closer. He entered the room and the training sequence was ended by shiro. Keith sat on the bench willing his shaking hands to stay at bay.

Shiro sat next to him and grabbed his juice pack. "Hey Keith" he said once he caught his breath. "Hey shiro" hopefully he won't notice the faded tears streaks down his face. "Training?" Shiro asked. Keith nodded standing up.

He called in the gladiator putting it on a higher level than shiro was at. "Keith don't you think that's a bit to high?" He asked. "Nah" Keith said then the fight began. Shiro watched closely at the gladiator at Keith taking in their movements and how they fought.

Keith's seemed to be slow and sluggish almost like he was exhausted, but he still fought anyway. The gladiator fell to the ground Keith's blade sticking out of its chest. Shiro seemed to be in shock. Not even he himself could do that!

"Nice work Keith" shiro congratulated. Keith nodded and sat on the bench sipping at his juice. "All paladins report to the bridge!" Allura voice called through the intercoms. Everyone made their way to the bridge to meet the princess.

Once they where all there a call opened up in the large screen. "Hello paladins of Voltron I am prince lotor son of emperor zarkon." The people said. Keith glared at him. He didn't trust him one bit. "I request to join your collation against my father" he said.

Allura face lit up. "Of course!" She said and almost everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "We grant you permission to board our ship" allura added on. Lotor soon after was on the ship being formally introduced to the paladins. "I'm shiro" "lance" "I'm hunk! Nice to meet you!" "Princess allura" "pidge" "coran"

They all introduced themselves. Except Keith. He didn't trust this guy at all. "And what's your name?" Lotor asked looking at Keith with this odd gleam in his eyes. "Keith." He spat out refusing to shake the others hand.

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