💔💔 annoyance💔💔

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Prompt- Keith gets annoyed by the other paladins and eventually snaps at them. But Allura takes it too far and Hurts him with her words no one seems to see what she did wrong until Keith tells them.

Pidge ran by Keith knocking him off his feet as lance followed. The boy fell and soon got back up as hunk offered to help him. "I'm good, but thanks" Keith said and hunk gave one of his contagious smiles making the other smile as well. "Hey hunk!" Allura called for hunk and he turned around to her and walked away. Keith leaned up against the nearest wall bobbing his head to an unknown song in his head. "Pidgeeeee" lance yelled right in front of Keith. The male scowled before walking to his room. He sat on his bed and plugged in his headphones into his space phone. As he listened to the music he walked around the small room collecting the clutter and throwing it away. He didn't hear it when knocking was present at his door. The door opened flooding the dimly lit room with more light. "Hey Keith it's time for dinner" it was only shiro.

Keith took off his headphones and walked over to him. "Alright, so who cooked?" He asked and shiro grinned. "Hunk" he said and Keith smiled. "Hes the best cook" shiro agreed with the boy. Keith nodded as the reached the mess hall. He was hit in the face with a spoonful of food goo from the despenser. Shiro looked around the room seeing it a mess. Keith grabbed a near by towel and started to clean his face. "What happened?" Shiro asked and pidge looked right at him. "Lance started a food goo fight" they said and sat down. Lance looked offended that they would rat him out the easily. Allura was standing at the table spoon in hand. "Sorry Keith I was aiming for lance" she said and sat down. Keith nodded and sat down having cleaned off his face. Shiro sat down next to Keith as hunk walked around placing the plates down.

One dinner was over Keith went back to his room only to be stopped by coran this time. "Hey Keith we're having a game night want to join?" The ginger male asked. Keith nodded and was led the the lounge. He sat next to shiro as they began a game of truth or dare. Keith would be ignored when they would play so he leaned up against shiro. Shiro held him close. "Hey if you don't want to be here you can leave if you want" shiro whispered. He had noticed that Keith wasn't being talked to or asked any questions. "Nah it's fine" Keith whispered back even if he didn't feel fine. The round continued and Keith was asked one time. "Truth or dare lance" Keith had asked. Lance was Keith's crush since they where shot into space. Lance thought for a second. "Dare!" He said and Keith cracked a small smile. "I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room" he said and everyone kind of looked shocked at the dare.

Keith wasn't knowing to do anything like this so it room everyone by surprise. "Alright" lance said and walked over to allura. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek and went back to his spot leaving Keith feeling heart broken. "All right lance your go" pidge said and Keith was yet again ignored. "I'ma head to bed" Keith said and stood. Everyone wished him a good night as he left. The next morning was nearly the same. Annoying the hell out of Keith. He felt like it was on purpose. He was right. "Enough!" Keith yelled at pidge who had been saying something repeatedly to him. It was one word over and over and over again. Pidge looked at him confused along with everyone else. "I've had enough of all of you! Pidge and hunk keep repeating the same words, alluras making us train more to where we get little to no sleep, lance keeps calling me names I'm done!" Keith yelled and allura clenched her jaw.

"Well many of you wheren't galran we would have actually taken a liking to you. Maybe if you wheren't so moody all the time we wouldn't be doing this just for a response!" Allura yelled back. Keith looked at her hurt present in us eyes for a second before it was gone. "I can't help my genes allura." Keith said gritting his teeth. "Then leave! No one's wants you here!" Allura yelled and the room went dead silent. Keith turned on his heel. "Maybe I will." He said and left the room. As soon as he was sure he was out of sight he sprinted as fast as he could down the halls to his room so no one could see him crying. "Princess maybe that was a bit to much?" Coran asked and allura waved it off. "He can handle it, he's been through much worse" she said. Coran shook his head. "He's been through physically worse. Imagine your father telling you that." Coran said before leaving the room. Allura sat and thought for a second before stuffing it off and waking pit if the room.

Five movements after the argument no one has seen or heard from Keith. "Hey pidge! Have you seen Keith?" Shiro went around asking everyone. "Nope I haven't sorry" she said and shiro ran to another area in search for his little brother. He hadn't searched reds hanger yet so thats where he was going next. When he ran in soft sobs caught his ear and red shields where up. "Red can you please let me in?" He asked putting a hand on the barrier. The barrier opened and shiro walked through searching for Keith. The barrier closed once more behind him. The small boy was sitting up behind one of red large paws crying into his arm. His knees where too his chest and his arms around his legs keeping them pulled in tightly. His blade lay next to him the light shining of a crimson liquid caught his eyes. "Keith?" Shiro questioned as he knelt by the boy. Keith flinched and looked up at him with one eye.

His face from what shiro could see had tear streaks, tears, and blood. He also looked completely exhausted. "Wh-at." He asked his voice breaking. Shiro sat down and Keith looked up at him finally pulling his head out of his arms. "Have you a-lso come to tell me that you don't ne-ed me?" He asked his voice raspy. "No why would I do that?" Shiro said and Keith looked at his hands. "Everyone seemed to agree with a-llura when she sa-id it." Keith explained and shiro pulled him close. "I made a promise and I'm going to stick to it. I promised I would never give up on you." Shiro said and Keith hugged him tightly a new round of tears starting up. Soon the rest of the team came in now searching for Keith. Red growled as they tired to enter the barrier. "We want to talk with Keith!" Coran said and red roared out loud. My cub shall talk when he's ready. She said through their heads. Keith's sobs turned to sniffles.

"Let them in" he said and red lowered the barrier. Everyone except allura ran to Keith and gave him a hug. "Keith I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight" allura said fiddling with her fingers. Keith smiled. "It's fine" he said and she joined the hug.

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