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Promt- Keith and lance are left out. Keith tries to help lance feel like hes not. Lance gets taken back but Keith is still left out

Lance walked out of his room. "Morning everyone!" He said only to be ignored. This was happening a lot recently where he would be left out from basic things like movie and game nights. He didn't pay to much attention to it until one day that started pretending he didn't exist. "Morning" someone said from across the room.

It was Keith. He leaned against the wall head down and one leg propped up on the wall behind him. Lance went over and stood by him as they began to talk. Keith was also left out of everything just he was going through it longer. "What now?" Lance asked looking at the raven haired boy.

Keith seemed to be thinking for a second. "Want to watch altean movies and fill them in with our own language?" He asked and lances face lit up as he nodded. They both ran off to the rest room and flooped on the couch. About and hour or two later they got up and went to the main room for dinner.

They continued to talk while the other ignored them. They started laughing earning a deathly glare from allura as they had interrupted her sentence. The two boys didn't care they kept on laughing. During lights out they stayed in their separate rooms.

Keith stared up at the ceiling while lance looked at the glowing stars outside the window. Keith felt that something big was happening tomorrow. But. He didn't know what it was. He rolled over willing to let sleep take him.

It never happened.

Lance was asleep quickly after doing his skin care routine and staring at the stars.

The next morning all five paladins where awoken by a loud alarm going off through the intercom. They all shot up and grabbed their armor before running to the bridge. Lance was last there per usual. But this time. It wasn't a drill.

"Everyone to your lions!" Allura yelled putting up the partial barrier around the castle. The paladins ran to their lions hangers. Keith looked up at red who lowered her head and allowed him to climb into her cockpit. Keith took the controls and they where soon off into space.

When the fight was over they looked at the wreckage of the glaran ships. "Whoo!" Lance yelled over coms on joy. Pidge joined in her face lit up in joy. Keith smiled as the rest of his team celebrated. Keith was piloting red back to her hanger in the castle.

She could feel the sadness on his mind and purred. It made him relax a bit and removed the sad thoughts from his head. Four of the five paladins met in the bridge sharing high fives. No one seemed to see that something was missing.

Keith had stayed back to red and was talking to the sentimental lion. He partial barrier was around the two keeping them safe. "Keith come to the bridge" alluras voice rang through the intercom. Keith stood from his spot next to red and smiled at her before leaving the barrier.

He was heading to the bridge and saw everyone standing there. "It's time to train" allura said bluntly and Keith gave a nod. She went over the training plans before they went to the deck. Shiro and lance would be teaching each other how to work the others skill, pidge and hunk would be sharpening their technology skills, and Keith was stuck with the gladiator.

After training for three hours Keith was on sequence level 15 while everyone else was given the go ahead to leave. Allura stayed behind to watch Keith's training. The Korean boys swings where getting sloppy as exhaustion crept up on him.

The gladiator hit him in the side with his staff sending him to the floor as he coughed. "End training sequence" allura voice sounded. Her tone was cold and full of hate. She left with out another word. Keith collapsed on the floor and soon after passed out.

He woke up and looked around dazed. He got up off the floor and went to red hangar once more. "Hey red can I get through?" He asked and a small opening opened in the barrier that he walked through. He began talking to the lion who purred in his head calming him when he would get overwhelmed.

Shiro was sitting with the others in the movie room watching some kind of altean movie. Lance was sitting on the middle and everyone smiled. Nothing was missing. Except Keith. He was training in the training deck per allura instructions.

A few weeks later the paladins had freed two of zarkons prisoners at the risk of two of their paladins getting hurt. Badly. Keith and lance both stood in the pods. But everyone was around lances pod while the two slaves where in front of Keith's.

The elder one knew how to speak English due to their teachings. The younger one didn't. The elder one was named 'shadow' while the younger was named 'lavender'. As the pods opened with a slight whoosh the two paladins stumbled out. One behind caught the other left to stumble around by himself.

The two aliens helped the boy stand. "Show them around would yah Keith?" Pidge asked as she and the rest of the group walked away. "Yeah sure.." Keith said and lavender was chirping away. "She's very excited to meet you" shadow said and Keith nodded. The Korean boy showed the two aliens around the castle.

They stayed for a while and observed things that happened on the ship. They noticed things that they wish they didn't. Shiro sat on the couch with the others as Keith leaned on the wall. "Hey shiro?" He asked and looked up. "What? I'm busy." Shiros voice came as cold. "Sorry.." he said and walked away.

Lavender ran after him. She was the only one that saw the glistening tears fall down the red paladins face. Shadow had had enough. "You guys are supposed to be his friends!" She yelled suddenly gathering their attention. "Well he is the loner that always stays away from us." Lance said.

Shadow put her foot down her black hair swirling around her. "How is he supposed to know that he can come to you guys!? You don't invite him to anything and you push him away when he does try and ask!" Shadow yelled at the paladins.

Allura looked at her. "He's galran! What do you expect me to to!?" Allura yelled standing. "To accept him! It didn't change him!" Shadow yelled and allura sat back down. Shadow ran off and the people in the room looked at each other. "We should apologize.." pidge- said and everyone nodded in agreement.

They where all heading to reds hanger where the red paladin was. "Red please can we see him?" Lance asked and the lion growled and the barrier stayed up. "Please red let me see my brother" shiro said stepping up. "And why should I do that?" The lions voice boomed in his head.

Shiro shook his head. "Look I'm sorry" he said and red growled. "You made him feel like shit. All of you!" The lions voice rang through their heads. "Red you can let them in" it was Keith's voice but it cracked. The barrier lowered and they all ran in and hugged Keith.

Hunk hugged him the tightest. "We're sorry we didn't know how that made you feel!" He said and Keith pat his back a small smile on his face. "It's fine I forgive you guys" he said and they all pulled away.

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