❤️‍🔥❤️my angle❤️❤️‍🔥

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Prompt- Keith is an innocent angel and lance is a dirty minded demon. Lance is assigned to be Keith's guardian.

Keith stood in shiros room in shock. "I have to have a demon to protect me!?" He shouted. Shiro sighed at his younger brothers actions. "Yes we all do Keith" he said and the other boy growled. He did not want a demon to guard him. He didn't care that he was going to be the next king. "I don't want a demon to guard me!" Keith shouted and Adam shiros boyfriend stood next to the Japanese male.

"Look this is the way it's been done for centuries." Adam said and the angel before him sighed lowering his arms that where once crossed in front of his chest. "Fine. When will this demon get here?" He asked looking at the pair. "Four days so please be ready." Adam said and Keith nodded. He was the only person Keith would never say no to. The black hair boy went to his room to prepare.

He started organizing his things even though they had been organized before hand. Once he was done he fixed up his dresser then teleported his dirty clothing to the wash room for him to wash later. He grabbed his tablet and plopped down on his bed and continued on his drawing of four days. Shiro stood at the door unknowingly by his brother.

He watched the Korean boy. His indigo eyes scanning over the tablet in his hands as his gloves hand with a small pen crossed the screen. His large white wings close to his body but the ends fell around him as he was relaxed. The normal outfit he wore hugging his body showing off most of the muscles from day to day training with allura who was undefeated in the ring.

Shiro cleared his throat making the other boy jump as he did not know his brother was there let alone how long he was there for. "Yes shiro?" Keith asked looking at him. The white haired male spoke up soon after. "Dinners ready" he said and then left only to be followed by the shorter male. As they made their way to the mess hall where most angels in the castle met everyone bowed as the two passed by.

Once they reached the mess hall they sat down and hunk the chef walked around with pidge setting down the plates. Pidge was a lady-in-waiting only they where non-binary instead. Hunk explained what the meal was before taking his seat next to shiro. Everyone began eating and enjoyed the chefs cooing. Once done they where handed out one of Keith's favorite cakes.

It was a white cake with whipped cream icing and strawberries. Hunk gave the prince a smile to which he returned with his own small delicate smile. Soon everyone was back to their jobs having finished dessert. Shiro and Keith though where training per the princes request. After they where finished they went their separate ways for bed.

After four days shiro, Keith, and Adam met in the thrown room. "Is this really necessary?" Keith asked as he stood in front of the two lovers. "Yes." Adam said and Keith sighed as a demon appeared. He was tall with short chocolate hair and tanned skin. His wings where similar to Keith's but darker in color like that if a fallen angel.

He looked around with eyes of that of an ocean in a violent storm the black horns on his head bring out the freckles that littered his face. Keith couldn't help but stare. "Hello angel" he said looking at Keith who jumped opon hearing him speak. "Hello" Keith said back and room his out stretched hand in a handshake.

Shiro and Adam stood watching the boys you her brother in a awkward situation. "May I know your name?" The demon asked and Keith looked at him. The demon was just a bit taller then himself. "Keith. What's yours?" He said and demon chuckled. "Lance" he said his voice deep and smooth. "Well Keith what first?" Lance asked and Keith began to walk away.

Lance followed the older to his room. Shiro and Adam prayed for the best knowing how demons could be. Keith sat on his bed and teleported his tablet, pen, and glove to him before started in draw once more. Lance sat by him and watched. Every now and then the tablet would mess up making the angel upset. "Mother fucker!" He yelled eventually and gave up teleporting then things away.

Lance sat in shock. "Angels curse?" He asked and Keith looked over at him. "Yeah, not everyone is completely innocent here." Keith said sitting against the headrest arms crossed. "What about you?" Lance asked as he crawled closer. Keith gave him a confused glance. "What?" He asked and lance gave a chuckle.

The demon was now right in front of the angles face. "Now innocent are you?~" lance cooed and Keiths face flushed. His pale skin lighting up from his face down his shoulders. Keith stayed quiet frozen by the demons movements. He had no idea what was going on. Lances hand found it's way to the angels face and grabbed it lightly.

The others indigo eyes slipped closed as he leaned into his hand with a small whimper. Lance pressed his lips to Keith's soft small lips. They seemed to move in sync. Keith wrapped his arms around the others neck hesitantly not knowing what else to do. When they pulled away Keith looked at the other confusion in his eyes.

Lance gave him a soft smile before pulling down his shirt to expose one of his shoulders. The demon bright his lips to the soft pale skin kissing it softly trying to find his sweet spot on his neck. Keiths eyes closed once more as small gasps escaped his lips then a shallow moan when the other found what he was looking for.

Lance opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into the delicate flesh. The other let out a louder high pitched moan as the other began to kiss and suck on the area. When lance pulled away he looked at Keith who was looking back at him. "Are you okay with this?" Lance asked and Keith gave a nod.

Lance laid the other down on the bed with his head on the pillow before removing the others jacket as shirt before doing the same to himself. He crawled on top of him and ran his hands over the others sensitive nubs. The angle gasped and bit his lips hard. The demons hands went from his nubs to the base of his wings.

The angel gasped and let out weak moans. Lance put one of the nubs in his mouth swirling it with his tongue. The other panted and moaned as he grinned up on the others leg. Lance came off the other nipple with a soft 'pop' before going to his ear. "Bad angel~" the demon whispered in his ear keeping his waist down. The other whimpered trying to earn friction.

Lance removed both of their pants and boxers. Keith gasped as his member his the cold air of the room. Lance took the tip in his mouth sliding the tip of his tongue over the slit earning a loud moan from the other. Lance pushed his head all the way down and began bobbing. Keith gripped the pillow case as moans slipped from his mouth.

Lance felt a warm sticky liquid filled his mouth as he swallowed. Lance looked at Keith licking his lips. The other had his head to the side as his breathing was quick. Lance put the tip of his member at the others entrance. "F-first t-time.." Keith whispered and lance leaned down to his ear. "I'll be gentle darling~" lance whispered.

He began to push in and Keith grabbed the pillowcase and bit back a scream as tears filled his eyes. "L-lance!" Keith whimpered out as lance kissed the others bruised and swollen lips it was sweet and made to distract the other from the pain. He pushed in the rest of the way before pulling away from the kiss. Keith was panting as the tears spilled down his face.

Lance started whispering sweet things into his ear as the other relaxed. Once Keith nodded the demon began to move slow at first but it picked up speed. Keith was a moaning mess as lance thrusted faster. "S-slow!" Keith was able to make out between moans. Lance slowed down a bit and kissed the boys lips again. Keith came once more over both of their chests.

Lance began to go fast again as they pulled away from the shared kiss. Lances thrusts began to get sloppy as he chased his orgasm. Him and Keith came for one final time before lance pulled out. He left the room going to the linked bathroom to grab a rag. Once he came back Keith was asleep on the bed his hands shaking even in his sleep.

Lance cleaned them both off then changed the sheets before dressing them and falling asleep.

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