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Prompt- Keith tells the others that he is part altean and part galran. Everyone but shiro sees him as evil, when in reality he's the exact same as before. Allura is the worst of them (feeding less, training more, less time off) how long will he let this go till he snaps?

Lance was flirting with allura in the bridge like normal while pidge and hunk where tracking down the blade of mamora base. Shiro was helping coran with the teliduv, and Keith was training with the gladiator at a pretty high level. Odd enough he found it eazy and upped the level to an even higher level. "I've never seen someone have such a high level on the gladiator before" allura said as the sequence ended. Keith chuckled. "I find it pretty easy weird enough" Keith said looking at the blade in his hand. It was his BOM blade.

Allura looked on shock. "That was higher then the level for altean warriors!" She said and Keith looked at her with the same amount of shock. "Wait a second, what are those?" She asked as he told finger tips pressed against his lower eyes. There rested two red marks similar to her own just they extended more then they did before. "Your altean!" She said and Keiths indigo eyes opened wide in shock. "There's no way!" Keith said in disbelief. He had recently unlocked his blade with the BOM and didn't tell anyone he was part galran, and now he's finding out that he's also altean!?

Oh this wasn't going to end well. "I'm so glad there's another altean alive!" She said and Keith nodded a small smile on his lips. Yes it was fake but she didn't need to know that. "I gotta go, I have to shower before dinner" Keith said as he made a quick escape. Once he got to his room he locked the door and leaned against the cold metal wall. His breathing was short as it came quickly and shallowly. Once his breathing steadied he went to the bathroom to start the shower that he said he would do. Then he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and nearly fell backwards. In the mirror was him but he had the galran markings from his mother and the altean markings from what he believed was his father.

Keith looked closer and saw that the sclera was a light but glowing yellow, he had lavender colored patches over his body, two pointed ears on the sides of his head that where a lavender color, and his nails had grown to be similar to that of a galran shoulders. The more he looked at himself the more scared he was of the others finding out. As he hopped into the shower he tried shifting from form to form checking the mirror when he felt something change. Once he got out he saw that he was galran with altean markings. He quickly shifted into his altean form that looked identical to what he looked like before just with the pointed ears and markings. Hunk came by and alerted him of dinner as he walked out of the bathroom and into his room to change.

Keith walked to the mess hall as took his seat. "Whoa! What happened to you man?" Lance asked spotting the markings. "Nothing mu-" he was cut off by an excited allura. "He's altean!" She said and the other looked at him with wide eyes. "That doesn't explain the fangs though" pidge said pushing their glasses up their nose. Keith looked at the flood in front of him which was the normal food goo that coran prepared. Keith took a deep breath before looking around the table. "That the thing I have to tell you something after dinner." It was with now or never. They nodded and went back to eating. Nervousness ate at the Korean boys stomach as the time came to tell them. Everyone stood in the bridge shiro next to Keith and everyone in a circle.

Keith took a final deep breath and looked around again before letting the words slip from his lips. "I'm part altean and.. part galran.." he said shifting to his normal for which was a combination of the two cultures. Shiro placed a hand on the boys shoulder and smiled. "Well still treat you the same" he said and Keith nodded before taking in everyone else's faces. Hunks was one of distrust, pidge had one similar, coran looked like he accepted and was okay with this, while lance Keith's crush and allura both had faces of disgust. Keith nodded and looked back at shiro whom he knew he could trust. Allura clapped her hands and everyone eyes went to her. "Alright let's get some rest everyone! We've had a long day!" She said and everyone gave a nod before walking to their assigned rooms.

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