❤️💔the dragon prince💔❤️

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Prompt- Keith, shiro, Adam, Krolia, kolivon, and pidge are dragons and lance, allura, hunk, and coran are human. Humans and dragons are at war.

Humans and dragons where at war.

Why? Lance didn't know. All he knew was that the dragons had done something.. despicable.. to the king and the previous queen. His mother and father. His mother was now dead. His father told him a specific black and purple dragon killed her. That's why he also hated dragons. Or that's what he thought. His sister's where so interested with the scaled beasts. How they flew, their culture, their families, their designs. They wondered how they came to be. Lance also started to be curious.

One day he was exploring the forbidden forest torch in hand to fend off the darkness the forest gave off. It was still light out and sometimes there would be a opening or two that let the warm sunlight into the cold forest air. As he wondered his found many flowers. All a beautifully glowing blue that matched his eyes. They glowed brightly in the darkness of the the forest. As he was passing a sun lit patch a large shadow flew over momentarily blocking out the sun light.

The large creature let out a painful roar before falling out of the sky. It fell about a mile in front of the human who ran to the creature. It was a large dragon. It laid on it's side a crimson liquid coloring it's black scales. The purple glowed brightly even in the bright light of the sun. It was beautiful. Lance crept closer now seeing a large arrow sticking out of its side right under the wing. He walked closer as the dragon moved onto it's stomach making the human freeze.

The dragon growled at the human as he approached. Lance put up his hands showing no weapon. "I won't hurt you. I want to help." He said and the dragon relaxed. Well as much as one can with an arrow in their side. Lance walked up and wrapped his slim ran hands around the arrow closest to the dragons body. "This is going to hurt." He warned before jerking the arrow out of the majestic creatures side. The dragon let out a loud roar of pain sending all the bird into the area into the air.

The dragons head flopped down as it's sides rose and fell quickly as it's breathing picked up and slowed. Lance ran his hands over the sharp spines if it's back earning a shiver from the large beast. A dark purple mist covered it scaring the human and making him back up. A shorter male stood there. His black hair longer in the back then the front like a mullet. Lance room notice that he was in fact shirtless.

The pale skin glowed lightly in the sun light balanced out by the long black tail that laid around his feet. The large purple horns connected to his head as two large wings folded up against his back. They where solid black with glowing purple decals. Lance looked over him examining him. That's when he saw the crimson oozing from his side. Lance room a step forward making the boy back up tail thrashing dangerously.

"Don't worry I just want to patch you up." Lance said and the boy nodded and stayed still as lance wrapped the bandage around the wound. The boy looked at him as the human stood in front of the hybrid. "What's your name?" Lance asked and the boy looked up at him. "Akira. Please call me Keith." The hybrid now known as Keith said. "What about you?" Keith asked and lance gave him a soft smile. "Lance" he said and Keith gave a small nod as shouting from the forest.

Keith looked worried. "They found me" he whispered lance took his hand and they began running the opposite way of the shouting. "Lance where are we going?" Keith asked as they stumbled opon a large lake that was fed by a large roaring water fall. Keith looked at the taller as they walked to the side of the lake where a large slab of stone stood. They began to climb ending up behind the water fall. Keith's tail swung behind him at the feel of the slimy wet stone below him.

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