💔❤️reincarnation ❤️💔

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Tw: death of a major character
Requested by Kamiko_1234
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The paladins stood around a large table. Keith, lance, hunk, pidge, and shiro. They where the gods or as everyone else knew them as the protectors of the universe. "Anyone have an ideas?" Shiro asked. He was the leader of the team. "We need to defeat the guys now!" Keith yelled slamming his hands on the table. Lance put his hand on his shoulder calming him.

They looked at the center of the table where a hologram of their leader and princess allura stood. "Paladins we have an idea come to the bridge" she said before her hologram disappeared. "Well? What are we waiting for!?" Pidge yelled and they all started walking to the bridge where allura stood with coran.

The five paladins bowed before her then stood up. "What's your idea princess?" Shiro asked being the calmest of the group. She went on to explain her idea. "That seems like it should work" hunk said thinking. "We just need to change a few things and it should be just fine" he added on and pidge nodded.

Allura looked out at the five paladins. "Then it's settled we start tomorrow to give hunk and pidge time to reform the plan. Now get some sleep we have a long day ahead." She said and they all left going to their rooms. While on their way Keith pulled lance off to the side.

The brunette was taken aback for a second. "What is it Keith?" He asked and the older fiddled with his shirt. "Look.. one of us could die on this mission.. and I just wanted to tell you something.." he said And looked up at lance. Lance chuckled lightly. "Keith we're gods we can't die" he said and Keith shook his head.

Keith took lances hands in his. "L-look lance.. I love you.. a-and not it the friend way.. as something.. m-more.." he stuttered out. Lance smiled at him pulling one hand away to cup Keith face. "I know" he said with a small smile before interlocking their lips together. The kiss was sweet and full of emotion.

They pulled away and looked at each other Keith being lost in the others blue ocean eyes and lance being lost in the boys deep violet eyes. "I won't leave I promise" they both said but one of them was lying. They both left for the rooms shortly afterwards. Pidge was with hunk trying to resolve how the plan will go.

Pidge was wrighting everything down as bullet points at hunk spoke. "So if this happens we'll defeat them" hunk said thinking. Pidge gave a nod. "I think thats it! That's all the needed be changed. Now the plan should be flawless" pidge said with a smile.

Hunk nodded with a yawn. "Come on it's time for bed" he said and they both stood heading to their rooms. Shiro was up training wanting to be in the best shape possible for tomorrow. He toon one last swing at his punching bag before calling it a night. He changed out of his training equipment and laid down ont he bed going right to sleep.

The next morning they woke up and went to the bridge to discuss the final plan. "How long till we reach the planet?" Shiro asked while the others where off training. "About 2 Vargas (hours)" allura said now worried. "Are you okay princess?" He asked walking up next to her.

She let her head hang low. "I'm just.. worried.. you guy may not be able to die from illnesses but you can die from their weapons.. I'm worried one of you will be killed.." she said and shiro pulled her in for hug. "None of will die allura" shiro said. Yet no one knew he would be lying.

After two Vargas passed and they reached the planet they all went to their lions. "Ready for the final battle?" Shiro asked his voice slightly shaky. "Yes sir" everyone shouted in unison flying out of the ship in their lions. The fight went on for hours and at the end the paladins won.

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