💔❤️ zombies ❤️💔

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Prompt- zombie apocalypse

Keith, shiro, lance, hunk, pidge, coran, and allura where sitting in the living room of lances family house the news was playing on the TV due to shiro putting it on at the last second. "There is a new disease going around. Only one case has been found. It seems to turn it's victim into a mindless creature." The reporter said and a video pulled up on screen. A person was in the white room as she walked around like how zombies world in movies.

Krolia walked into the house and stopped right behind the couch joining the others who where watching the woman. "Scientists have the woman on lock down so the disease won't spread. They are also running experiments to find a way to reverse and prevent this disease." She said as the video disappeared from the screen. A second after her face became one of panic. "Breaking news! The woman escaped the cell!" She said.

A live video pulled up onto the screen. There where people running as a two zombified scientists chased them. Lance felt a shiver go down his spine. Hunk reached to the side and threw up. Krolia stood behind her son as the rest of the McCain family entered the room along with kolivon and Adam. Krolia filled them in as the video was cut off. Pidge felt like crying and she did as Matt and his parents walked in. They were all there to celebrate them coming back to earth safe and unharmed.

Keith was trying to hide his shivering to the best that he could. Shiro stood and hugged his husband tightly. "What's going on?" Matt asked his voice high with panic as he held pidge close. "The news said that there was a new disease that basically turns people into zombies" shiro explained as he pulled away. Keith stood. "I'm going to the store to get as much as we can. I know that hospital. It's not far from here." He said his head low. "Keith are you sure?" Krolia asked placing a hand on her son's shoulder.

Keith looked at her with a small smile. "I'm the fastest and best with a sword I'll be fine mom" he said before grabbing his mamoran blade and leaving. Lance couldn't help but worry for the Korean boy. "He'll be fine lance, if he's not back by sun down we'll go find him" shiro said and lance gave a nod. Lances family was already boarding up windows with kolivon and Sam. "Where are the lions are they safe!?" Allura asked suddenly. "Yes yes princess they are safe indeed" coran reassured her.

She gave a nod before going to help the other board up the many windows in the house. Meanwhile with Keith he was putting stuff into his bag. Stuff that would stay fresh fro a while and wouldn't need to be heated up. He pulled cans of soup, ravioli, snack cakes, bread, and water all into his bag before looking around the almost abandoned store. The lights where off and the windows had already been smashed. He also grabbed walkie talkies, Batteries, phone chargers, and medicine from the pharmacy. While he was going over the mental list in his head a low mumbling sound was heard from around the corner.

Keith pulled out his blade and it extended to it's full form before 10 zombies showed themselves. The boy took off running the zombies right behind him. He made sure his backpack was on tight before he jumps from wall to wall to get to the roofs of the buildings there he continued running. The sun had began to set by the time he landed back in front of the McCain household. He gave rapid knocking as the door opened. He ran in and slammed the door behind him out of breath. "Keith are you alright?" Shiro asked walking closer.

Keith gave a nod before walking to the kitchen and setting out everything he got. "This should last us around a month at best. I'll have to go back out tomorrow to get guns and ammunition." Keith explained and Krolia shook her head. "We should go in pairs from now on" lances mother spoke up and Krolia agreed. Soon enough Sam and Colleen agreed as well. They all didn't want to see their children get hurt. "That's a good idea Mrs McCain" shiro agreed and everyone split into pairs.

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