💔❤️sharp teeth, soft tongue❤️💔

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Prompt- Keith is sweet and forgiving but often closed off and anxious due to in the past being used. In other words he had sharp teeth protecting a soft tongue. Who will make him lower his walls and show his more sensitive side?

Shiro sat in his room in the Garrison wrighting his lesson plan for the next day. Adam sat next to him also doing the same thing. A soft knocking alerted the pair that someone was at the door. "Come in" shiro called out standing and fixing his shirt. He was expecting admiral Sandra or Iverson not the small cadet, who seemed to be to skinny and small for his age, that stood at the door. "Yes cadet?" Shiro asked and the boy looked down. Shiro doesn't remember seeing this cadet in his classes so he assumed he was a knew or a transfer student.

Iverson was standing behind the new cadet. Shiro wouldn't forget the terrified face of the young boy. "Go on tell captain Shirogane who you are." Iverson said and the cadet looked up at shiro. His indigo eye had small tears in the corners that slowly fell down his face. "I-im Keith kogane.." the small cadet addressed and stuck out his hand hesitantly. "I am captain Takashi Shirogane, nice to meet you cadet kogane" shiro said and took his small hand and shook it gently. "N-nice to meet you sir.." the cadet spoke. "Good." Iverson said as they pulled away. "No leave me and Shirogane to talk would you?" Iverson asked.

The cadet nodded and walked around the corner head down. "Look Shirogane. That kid is a troubled case. No one can get him to behave, but you have something that can fix those people. So if you could can you fix him as well?" Iverson asked and shiro looked at his commander in shock. "Yeah I can try" shiro said and Iverson called the cadet back. "You'll be staying with captain Shirogane for a while." Iverson said and the cadet nodded before Iverson left leaving the boy with shiro and his boyfriend. "Please come in" shiro said clearing the door way for the young boy to come in. The cadet walked in and looked at Adam. "Hello I am captain Adam" Adam stood looking at the boy and gave his hand to the boy. "Cadet keith kogane" he said shaking the others hand.

Keith sat on the bed his leg bouncing as shiro have him a glass of water. "Please tell us about yourself" Adam said as he was sitting next to the small boy. Keith stayed quiet only answering yes or no questions with a nod or by shaking his head. "You should rest cadet you have a long day tomorrow" shiro said and Keith gave a nod before looking around the room. "Here" Adam said and patted the spare bed in the room. It was next to his and shiros shared one. "Thank you" Keith said before laying down. Shiro and Adam went to theirs after closing the lights. Keith slept lightly. Something he picked up from living in foster homes. His mother he never met and his father died by saving someone from a house fire. He begged and begged for his father to not go back in but he did anyway. He never came back out of that building. Keith still had nightmares of that night.

As time went on Keith started to grow comfortable to shiro and Adam. While others saw him as cold and anxious the other two saw him as sweet and forgiving. It hurt the two men to see the boy they've grown to see as a son get bulled and pushed around just to turn right around and forgive them when they give a lame excuse for doing it. Then the Kerberos mission came around. "Keith me and Adam are going to a space mission with Sam and Matt holt, please take care of yourself there's money on the drawer just enough till we get back okay?" Shiro said his hands on the boys shoulders. He looked better then the first day they met which was about a year or two ago. He was a healthy weight and an normal height for his age. "Yes sir" Keith said trying to keep his face neutral. Adam pulled him in for a hug to which Keith returned tears slipping down his cheeks. Shiro joined the hug and hugged them both tightly.

"We'll be okay Keith"

Let alone did they know that those words would be an empty promise. About 8 months after the Kerberos launch and 3 weeks after they should have been back, Iverson called Keith to his office. "Cadet keith." Iverson saluted. "Commander Iverson." Keith saluted back. They both lowered their hands and took a seat. "Keith the Kerberos mission crew crashed. They all have passed. I'm sorry." Iverson said and Keith shook his head. Shiro was the best pilot he knew! There is no way that ship crashed so he said just that. "Well I'm sorry but it did." Iverson said. Keith stood his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Go back to class cadet." Iverson said and Keith lunged at him punching him in the eye and the mouth before security pulled him away. He was expelled not long after. He gathered his things from shiro and Adams room suck as his clothes, his blade, and shiros black cropped jacket.

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