❤️💔 nightmares 💔❤️

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Lance sat in the training room watching Keith practice. It was always a sight to see him alone and training but this time he looked oddly tired. More then normal anyway and his performance was faltering allowing a few punched to the chest or gut. Lance wondered what was up. This never happened to Keith.

The raven boy ended the training sequence and collapsed against the wall drinking the space juice. He rubbed his eyes before getting off the wall and walking to lance. "Your turn." He said and lance stood up Keith taking his place on the floor. The brunette walked out to the floor and started the training sequence.

Once lance was done he walked over next to the red lions paladin grabbing his juice. They say in comfortable silence drinking their justice after training. They where both hot a sweaty. All of a sudden the alarms went off and they both shot up. Keith's balance faltered but he gained it back quickly.

They both ran to the bridge to see pidge and shiro already there. Hunk followed behind them. "And we're dead." Allura said and coran shook his head. The five paladins groaned. "I was working on something princess!" Pidge complained. Allura gave her a look. "Will zarkon care of you are? No! Of course he won't!" She said and walked down from her spot.

She took a quick glance at the paladins. "You all need to be faster. And Keith what was that? Usually your the first one here!" Allura complained and Keith looked up at her. "Sorry princess I was training with lance" he said and a shiver went through his body.

Allura nodded her head taking that as a viable excuse. "Your all good to go" she said and they all went back to what they where doing. Keith and lance sat in the training deck area. Keith got up and started the sequence again. His movements where slow and fatigued.

He got punched in the gut a bit to hard one time and fell to his knees coughing and spitting out a bit of blood. Lance ran over to his side deactivating the training sequence. "Keith you alright buddy?" Lance asked and keith nodded sitting up.

Lance stood helping the other two his feet. "You should rest you don't seem like your okay" lance said being worried. "I'm fine lance" he said pulling his hands away. "I'll tell shiro." Lance threatened. That grabbed his attention. "Please don't. Fine I'll go rest. Just don't tell him." Keith said before walking out.

On his way to his room Keith rubbed his arms remembering the dream from a few days ago. It chilled him to the bone. He got to his door, punched in the code, and walked in. He flipped on his bed being out instantly.

Keith woke up and looked around. He wasn't I the castle anymore. In fact he had no idea where he was. He got up and walked out of the room. It looked similar to the castle just it was darker in color and all the blue was purple. It was starting to sound off alarms in the ravens head.

He kept walking around until he came to the main control room. He looked around and saw that he was not even in a castle. He was in the mothership to the galra. Keith looked down at his hands and saw that there where purple and his nails where longer. Claw like even.

He looked at his clothes and saw that they where in fact not his normal paladin clothing. It was almost like the sentries armor but darker. "Ah Keith great to see you here." Zarkon spoke. When Keith looked around he didn't see anyone.

Until he looked at his blade. The small blade in his hand showed not him in the reflection but zarkon. "We're not much different Keith in fact we're exactly the same." The reflection spoke. Keith dropped the blade and backed up against the wall.

Allura showed up but she was transparent. "How could you Keith!? I trusted you!" She yelled he voice sort of distorted. Keith fell back against the wall his breathing picking up speed. Shiro showed up next the same way. "I thought you where my brother." He said and turned away.

They both disappeared and Keith had tears running down his face already. Hunk and pidge appeared. "We trusted you. Why did you do this!?" Pidge yelled and hunk just looked at him. "Why did you kill us..?" He asked and Keith looked at his hands once more.

His vision was blurred with tears. "I-im sorry! I-i d-didnt mean to!" Keith yelled reaching out for the two. They where replaced by lance. "Keith.. I loved you.. why would you do this to me.." he said tears running down his face as the hit the ground with no sound at all.

That was Keith's breaking point. He tangled his hands in his hair and sobbed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry lance! I'm sorry!" He continued to yell over and over again.


Keith shot up in bed and realized he was crying. He quickly ran to the bathroom seeing his normal pale skin. He went back out into his room rubbing the tears for his eyes. "Everyone to the bridge zarkons attacking! This is not a drill!" Allura yelled. Keith pulled on his armor running to the bridge.

He was the first one there followed by shiro, lance, hunk, then pidge. "Get to your lions!" She yelled and they all ran to their lions and flew out of the castle. "Keith pidge take you those cannons! Hunk lance on me! We're taking out that tractor beam!" Shiro yelled.

They all flew off as pidge and Keith started exploding the ion cannons. Hunk swung his lion into the tractor beam causing no damage. A loud scream was hear ove their shared coms. "Keith!" Pidge yelled. They put together that one of ion beams had shit the red lion.

Shiro focused on the tractor beam. "Keith come in! Keith!" Lance and shiro where yelling. "R-red lion.. checking in.." Keith's voice came through coms. He sounded extremely weak but he tried to move his lion. "Reds dead" he added on.

The ion cannon hit him hard and soon enough he was being pulled in by a tractor beam. "Come on! come on!" Keith yelled trying to get red to power up. It powered back on not to long after and Keith tried to get out of the beam. "Pidge! A little help!" Keith yelled.

Pidge was using her lions jaw blade to explode the glaran cruisers as she flew by. Lance fired at the tractor beam only for it be protected by a partial barrier. Keith put more power to the boosters and shit out of the beams range. "Keith you alright!?" Lance yelled through coms.

Keith grunted. "Yeah I'm fine" Keith said as another ion cannon shot in his direction. He managed to dodge it just in time but in the process he cracked his helmet. "Team! On me! Form Voltron!" Shiro yelled as the flew in formation. The fleet aimed at Voltron right after he was formed.

"Form sword! Form shield!" Shiro yelled and him and Keith formed the sword while pidge formed the shield. The blocked the on coming ion beams and Keith swung the sword slicing a ship in half. This continued for around 2 hours. The ships where either destroyed or retreated.

Keith looked up at the sky. "Wait. It's with victory or death for the glara. MOVE!" he suddenly shouted as a large beam shot from the sky aimed right at Voltron. All five paladins screamed as the ray hit them. It had enough force to make them disband.

All five lion floated in space no life what so ever. "Everyone check in.." shiro said sitting up again. "Green lion.." pidge said testing her lion. "Yellow lion.." hunk said after throwing up. "Blue lion" lance said "blue dead" he said as they all waited for the red lions check in.

After a few minutes passed they began to get worried. "Keith this isn't funny answer" lance said and shiro got up. "Rendezvous as the red lion" he said using his jet pack to propel himself forward with no gravity. All four paladins soon met at the red lion.

They made their way inside and saw that Keith was passed out in his chair. Suddenly he shot up tears in his eyes. "Keith you alright?" Pidge asked floating in front of him. Keith nodded but lance knew something was up.

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