❤️❤️‍🔥the sea❤️‍🔥❤️

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Keith swam through his small town under the blue ocean. He was heading back to his home. Keith swam through the opening they called a front door and saw shiro and Adam sitting on the couch. "Hey Keith how was the academy?" Shiro asked swimming up to him from his spot on the couch. "Same as always" Keith responded with.

He had a black tail with glowing purple along the sides and on the fin (pic above). Shiros was similar just instead of glowed an eire blue and was longer. Adam soon joined his tail was white with black swirls and glows yellow in some places. "You hungry?" He asked and Keith shook his head. "No I'm not thanks for asking though" he said before going to his room.

Shiro have Adam a concerned look before going to the couch once more. Keith sat on his bed looking out the small hole on the rocks that he called a window. He wondered why he could never go to the surface. What was above those blue waves where there where what the academy called humans. They had two legs and walked around on them.

It was interesting to the raven haired siren. He looked around outside his room establishing that his two father's where asleep before he swam past them heading for the door. He swam out of the small house and made his way to some tall rocks he saw on his way home. They reached just above the surface and where completely flat.

He poked his head out of the water and climbed into the rocks. It was a lot harder then it seamed. He looked around once he was seated on the rock. The breeze felt cold but refreshing against the sirens pale skin. He saw a large wooden ship start to pull up and he jumped off the rock into the water swimming to it. He poked his head out of the water once more.

The ship was large and made of a darker stained wood. A net was thrown over board followed by yelling of the people on it. Keith was caught up in the net and began to panic thrashing around in the net under the clear ocean water. Someone shouting was heard as the net was pulled from the water. The siren looked at the people on the ship.

There was 4 people. Two girls and two guys. The siren kept trying to get out of the net as the first girl walked up to the net. She had long pearl white hair tied up in a bun and markings under her eyes. She wore a white button up, black long pants, a corset belt, and black shoes.

The oner girl was dressed in a similar fashion just she wore a black shirt, a white corset belt, long white pants, and had short blonde hair. Keith used his longer nails to trying and get out of the net that wrapped it's self around the boy. Who he assumed was the captain walked up to him and knelt down.

Keith looked up at him. "Well who's this beauty?" He cooed and Keith felt his face heat up slightly. The other boy tried to touch him to where the siren backed up out of his reach. The captains hand landed on his tail and Keith let out a scream biting his arm his fangs sinking into the soft pale skin.

The captain backed up as Keith could feel his tail ripping itsself in half making it into was the others thought were legs. Keith kept letting out loud whimpers until the process was completed. Keith passed out left in nothing. The captain ordered the first woman to grab clothes from his room.

She sprinted off handing the captain a pair or pants, boxers, and a shirt. The captain dressed the once siren male them ran his hand through his chocolate brown hair. "What just happened?" The larger male asked as he was off to the side. "It seems that after lance touched him he turned human a rare trait in sirens." The shortest of the group said having her laptop open.

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