💔❤️ troubles on Valentine's day ❤️💔

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Lance bursted into the bridge of the atlas. "Happy Valentine's day!" He yelled and everyone looked at him. Well everyone who was in the bridge. Shiro, Adam, allura, coran, pidge, and hunk looked at him the two alteans being confused. "What's Valentines day?" Allura asked and lance face palmed forgetting that they don't know what the day was about. "So Valentines day is the major day of the year where people celebrate their loved one, so you'll get you love something special" lance explained.

Adam nodded "like this" he said and handed shiro a small-ish teddy with deep brown fur and a chocolate filled heart attached to it. Shiro gave a small smile before pecking his husbands cheek and handing him his own gift. "Like that" lance agreed and allura nodded. "Ah so it's like Valentin nap on altea?" Coran asked and "yeah sure let's go with that" lance said with his signature goofy smile. Keith walked into the bridge looking exhausted.

He was dressed in his paladin uniform but his alert eyes where full and sleepy. "Are you alright Keith?" Shiro asked and Keith mumbled a reply before sitting in his assigned chair and effectively falling asleep. Almost everyone looked around at the others in the room worried for the past red paladin. Everyone sat down as the take off sequence began. They where going back out into space. Allura did a quick check to see all the lions still in the hangars before lift off. Shiro was yelling orders. His bear was with Adam who was in the seat next to him.

Allura opened the wormhole as the atlas flew into it and out into the middle of space. Keith suddenly woke up and looked around seeing the darkness with the very faint twinkling dots spread out randomly. A feeling of relief washed over him as he saw the stars dancing around him it almost lulled him back to sleep where the nightmares awaited for him. They weren't frequent he thanks anymore for that, but last night he was up ridiculously late making and planing something for someone he wanted it to be special.

As the atlas began searching the area everyone stood and went back to talking or hanging out with their loved ones. Keith sat alone in his seat absorbed by his thoughts and the stars that surrounded him. "Keith, you alright man?" Someone said in front of him snapping him back to reality. "Yeah sorry lost in thought." Keith stated as he realized the person was none other that lance.  "What ever you say emo-boy!" Lance said his voice cheerful as he bounded away. Keith went back to looking at the stars. His planing had not been completed so thats what he was doing then.

Shiro was chatting with Adam about mainly keith. Lance bounded over to allura who looked a bit upset. "Allura what's wr-" he was cut off by the altean. "Lance I like you!" She said loud enough to draw everyone's attention to the two. Lance mumbled his response and allura hugged him tears welling in her eyes. Shiro and Adam could tell they where ein fact not tears of happiness but those of sadness and rejection. Lance pulled away and held her arms. "I'm sorry" he said and walked to his seat. Keith looked over at the Cuban and wondered what he said. Allura rushed out of the room as hung had walked in.

He held two plates in hand, a towel over his shoulder, and an apron around his body. "Anyone hungry?" He asked and everyone met in the atlas mess hall. The rest of the atlas crew what there sitting in pairs. Particularly couples sitting together and eating with others. Keith looked around nervousness filling his large indigo eyes. "You okay?" Lance asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Keith cleared his expression before looking at him and giving a solid nod. Lance nodded back as they all walked to a back table. It was large enough for them all comfortably. It went shiro, Adam, coran, and allura who had joined back after calming down, on one side. Then the other was Keith, hunk, lance, and pidge on the other.

Hunk set plates on the table that where filled with his food that was also being served to the rest of the crew. They began eating and commenting on the chefs cooking that was excellent. Keith remained silent most of the time taking in his surroundings and planing best way to get out of there and to the hangars if something went south. And just as they thought they where safe. The alarms started to blare. Intruder. Intruder. Intruder. The alarm blared as they all ran to the bridge blades and guns ready. Krolia stood with he hands up looking terrified as someone held her at gunpoint.

To Keith the armor was familiar. Where had he seen it before? "Hello paladins" the person said turning around to face them. It was Zethrid from lotors team, and ezor was holding Krolia still as she tried to move or get away. Keith stepped up the the from of the group on hand in a fist the other gripping his blade that extended before the people behind him. "What do you want Zethrid?" He said his voice cold as he glared daggers into the galran woman. "Well half-breed, lotors looking for you again." She said and Keith let out a low growl as Zethrid chuckled. The rest of the black paladins team backed up feeling like something was about to go down.

Boy where they right. Zethrid toon a shot at Keith who dodged it. Shiro pointed at lance and hunk to go save Krolia while the rest fought the sentries that the two intruders brought. The sentries had just started filing into the room. As lance and hunk ran off another shot was fired. Lance toon a glance at Keith and Zethrid. He says a side of Keith he never thought he would see. His eyes where slitted and had a protective glint to themas he swung, and when he opened his mouth he saw slim and sharp fangs. He looked angry as he fell back to the floor. He'll ask about it later, but for now he'll focus on ezor who held Keith's mother Krolia. 

Keith swing again but it was blocked by her gun. He landed on his feet and ran behind her raising his blade only to be knocked away as he fell back. Zethrid chuckled putting her foot on the boys stomach keeping him down as she pointed the gun at hks head. "Any last words paladin?" She asked and Keith chuckled as red marks began to appear below his eyes in the same place as allura and coran's but in a different shape. They where larger and longer then there's but the where there. Keith kicked the woman off him and into the wall with new found strength. His blade still grew as he grabbed it. He stood watching the now passed out zethrid that was laying at the base of the wall. Everyone was sin shock as they watched from their spots.

Ezor dropped Krolia and ran over to zethrid as she and a few sentries carried her away and to their pod. Keith looked over at them and the alteans eyes widened in shock. "What something on my face?" He asked and reached up to his face. "Keith you have altean marks!" Hunk shouted unable to contain his excitement for his friend. "What?" Keith asked as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He did in fact have altean marks below his eyes. "Mom did you know about this?" He asked Krolia who shook her head. "How could you not know of his father was altean?" Allura asked and krolia shrugged. "He must have been very excellent at hiding it." She said.

Keith touched the marks on his face in amazement but also in shock. "Keith Keith may I talk you?" Lance asked grabbing the boys arm gently. Keith gave a nod looking at him. Lance pulled him out into the hall way and toon a deep breath. "Keith I know we may not have been the best of friends for a while but I wanted to let you know that" he paused and took another deep breath letting it leav him as a sigh "I love you and always have" lance confessed. Keith stood there watching his face. "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way" lance quickly said and Keith shook his head planting a small but sweet kiss on the other cheek.

"I love you too"

The words where like whispers in his ears as the boy walked away but now with out leaving a small gift from the boy in his hands.

A small delicate necklace sat in his hands.

On the end was a pendant that was hand made.

I love you

It read in fancy cursive handwriting.

Lance held it close as the boy walked away to get some rest. He let a bright and small smile cross his face as he put it on. The small gold chain matched his outfit perfectly. On the back was a small note.

Lance I love you for forever no matter what!

It was short but sweet. And that's all that matters.

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