💔❤️❣️ misunderstandings❣️❤️💔

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Tw: blood

Pidge was walking down the hall as she passed the bridge. "He should have been back by now!" Lances voice. Pidge froze and listened closely to the conversation. "He's fine lonce don't worry" alluras voice. "Come in paladins. Kolivon of the blade of mamora." A staticky voice came in. "Kolivon!" Shiros voice. "Where's Keith!?" Lances voice.

Silence. "Injured." Kolivons voice. "What!?" Shiro and lance. "It was your job to make sure he was safe!" Shiro voice. "I'm sorry that he ran in unsupe-" that's all pidge hears before she ran to hunks room. "Hunk hunk! Open up!" She said and the doors opened. "What is it pidge?" He asked as she walked in.

She went in and sat on the bed as he came and sat next to her. She told him everything that she heard and what she thinks is going on. "So wait wait wait. You eavesdropped on their conversation and are now making assumptions?" Hunk asked and pidge nodded. "I think you might be right" he said and pidge shot up from her spot.

She turned around and looked at him her arms out. "See! Keith could be coming home! This is the perfect time to get them together! After he heals anyway" pidge said and they both started thinking. "I have an idea-" hunk said and whispered the plan to her. "Perfect hunk" she said and smerk on her face.

Pidges assumption was correct. Keith did in fact come back to the castle to prevent himself from hurting himself even more. What none of them expected where the amount of injuries he had. He had one on his head, the blood was starting to show through on that one and bruises all over his face. Those was the only visible ones.

Lance immediately took him to his room to change out the bandages and of course Keith being Keith denied it the whole way saying that he was "fine". At around 7 in the afternoon everyone was either resting or training. Pidge was on her way to the training room when she passed lances door.

She stopped by the listen. "Ah! Lance slow down! Ow!" Keith's voice. "Sorry sorry!" Lances voice. "Ow!" Keith's voice. "I'm sorry!" Lances voice. "Here bite this" lances voice followed by a muffled scream. "Almost done" lances voice.

Pidge covered her mouth and ran to hunks room. "Your a fucking idiot you know that?" Keith said looking at the Cuban boy. "I'm sorry! I was just trying to help!" Lance said crossing his arms. "Thanks anyway" Keith said and put the bandages away with his non broken arm. That's what they where doing. Re-setting his arm.

Shiro suddenly bursted into the room. "What is going on?" He asked and the two boys jumped then looked at him. "I was re-setting his arm" lance said and Keith held up his arm that's now in a split. "Oh sorry" shiro said with a side glare at pidge. "Sorry for interrupting please continue" he said backing out. The two boys looked at each other and burst out laughing.

When they finally calmed down Keith gave lance a soft kiss on the cheek. "Wonder what they where thinking?" Lance said thinking. "By the way I was screaming, probably that you where fucking me" Keith said with a shrug. "Oh I can make you scream alright" lance said with a smerk. Keith looked at him and put his hand on the bed. "Wanna bet loverboy~?" Keith said and he was suddenly pulled into a kiss.

Lance grabbed him by his collar and pulled the half galran male on top of him. Keith put his good arm around lances shoulders as the other grabbed his waist pulling him down. They pulled away and set their foreheads together. The Cuban boy reconnected their lips and licked the others bottom lip silently asking for entrance.

The other opened his mouth slightly but gave lance enough room to slide in. The younger boy slid his tongue into the others mouth and explored every part of the other mouth. The older of the two let out a soft whimper and tilted his head more. They soon pulled away due to lack of oxygen a string of saliva connecting their lips.

Lance looked up at Keith who was straddling his hips. "You sure you want to do this? Your pretty beat up and you have a broken arm" lance said worry filling his voice. The Korean boy thought for a second. "No i-im not sure" he said and lance sat up Keith falling into his lap. He wrapped his arms around his waist hugging him.

Keith put his head in lances next as Silent sobs shook his body. Lance rubbed his back. "Shh~ it's alright Keith it's okay to refuse.." lance said as his hands traveled to his hand where it rubbed the back of the raven haired boys head. He knew Keith liked the feeling. Once the boy calmed down he still didn't move his hand.

He kept rubbing his head. Keith pulled away and looked at him the wound on his head reopened. "Hey.. let's get that bandaged up alright..?" The Cuban boy asked and held the others face. Keith leaned into his hand and gave a slight nod. "You gotta let me go so I can get the bandages" lance said placing a soft kiss on Keith's head.

Keith shuffled off him and he got up to grab the bandages again. "Why are you helping me?" Keith asked sniffling as tears came back to his eyes. Lance turned around and gave him a smile. "Because I love you and your my boyfriend silky" he said and Keiths eyes sparked a bit it then disappeared as fast as it appeared.

He let his head hang a bit and thought coming to his head he couldn't stop from coming out of his mouth. "I deserve it.." was all he said and lance shook his head. "No you don't." He combated as he Bandaged his head. "You deserve love and attention" lance added on and pulled Keith's head into his shoulder. "Thank you.." was all that was said before quite snores filled the silent room.

"Your welcome.. and I love you"

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