💔💔mental training💔💔

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Tw: rape and abuse

Hunk was the second person to walk into the bridge. Shiro and allura where already there. "What is the team needed for?" He asked and looked between the two as a half awake pidge walked in. "Oh I'm glad you asked! We're doing a new team training exercise!" Allura said clasping her hands together. "It's going to last all week" shiro said and sighed.

Pidge looked between the two and nodded. Lance walked in for once he was actually ready. "Where's mullet? Usually he's the second one here" lance said standing next to pidge who was next to hunk. Shiro gave a shrug. "Lance would you mind going to check on him?" Allura asked and lance groaned. "Why me? Make shiro do it!" He said.

Allura shook her head and lance walked out with a sigh. He knocked on Keith's door only to me met with a half awake boy. "Keith were supposed to meet at the bridge" lance- said and Keith nodded going back inside to change. Lance went back to the bridge to wait. Soon Keith walked in not as alert as normal but dressed in his paladin armor.

Allura looked at the paladins in front of her and clasped her hands as she explained the week. Monday was training, Tuesday was the vision thing, Wednesday was break day, Thursday was with the lions, and Friday was the new tool they had made. Pidge rubbed her eyes as she was now fully awake.

Allura smiled at them all. "Let's get this week started shall we?" She said and all the paladins made their way to either their room to change or to the training deck. Once they where all there the sequence started. They had to work together to get the gladiator down. They did that for the most of the day.

Once training was over they met in the mess hall for dinner then went to bed for the next day of training. Keith found it hard to sleep due to nightmares so he was exhausted when the next day came around. They sat in a circle with head pieces on. Coran was yelling orders saying to "clear you minds" "focus on building Voltron".

Keith kept thinking back to his dream that involved his mother's blade and zarkon. "Keith stop thinking of zarkon!" Lance yelled and Keith took the head piece off and threw it to the floor before getting up and walking away. "What was that about?" Hunk asked looking around the circle.

Everyone shrugged and decided to wait until later in the day to continue. Once the after noon came around they all sat down in the circle and tried again. This was the first time they where able to do it. They all went to the mess hall for dinner. "Keith you alright?" Pidge asked as Keith just pushed his food around his plate deep in thought.

He gave a nod not looking up. Hunk gave everyone a concerned look as he began eating. The next day everyone was in the lounge laughing and playing games. Even Keith joined in when uno had started. They had a break to eat lunch then started up movies that lasted till dinner. After dinner they played a few more games then went to bed.

The next day they spent strengthening the bonds with their lions. Shiro got a hold of it instantly. Everyone else was having a okay time getting it together. Once they where done they where talking in the lounge. "That was fun" lance said throwing himself into the couch. Pidge nodded in agreement.

Hunk sighed as he sat on the couch. "That was intense" he said and shiro sat next to him. Keith remained standing his arm crossed. They team started talking and laughing as they calmed down from the training. "Great work paladins" allura Allura walking in. She had a smile on her face. "Get some rest we have a long day ahead tomorrow" she said and everyone gave a nod before going to their rooms.

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