💔💔oh baby..💔💔

166 3 0

Tw: self shaming, passing out, and eating disorder




This is how training would go for the red paladin. He trained constantly and the others where starting to notice. His performance flopped majorly. Lance was the first to notice.

One day Keith was training at a higher level then any of the paladins had gotten too and lance walked in. "Hey Keith" he said sitting on the bench. "Sup lance" he said his voice sounding strained as he ducked back to avoid a blow to the head.

Lance looked up from his phone. "I've been meaning to ask you. You alright? Your performance isn't the best" Keith waved it off with a half ass excuse. Lance nodded not believing him entirely. The sequence ended and lance stood up as Keith took his spot.

Then it was pidge.

The group was having dinner and she looked at him. "Hey Keith you seem overly tired you alright?" She asked and Keith nodded. "Just didn't get much sleep" he said his tone bland. Then during the next team exercise he had passed out only to be caught by shiro.

Pidge was sceptical about his behavior. She kept a close eye on the red paladin.

Then it was hunk.

It was also during dinner. Keith was poking around at his food not really eating to much. "Keith you alright? You haven't eaten anything" hunk said and Keith looked up at him. His eyes they looked.. darker.. then normal. "Yeah sorry hunk I'm just not hungry"

Hunk had given him a smile. "We can always put it in the fridge for later" he said and Keith did just that. He went back to the training room to train for another 6 hours before the night cycle had started.

And lastly it was shiro.

Keiths training sequence had stopped suddenly when shiro had seen the boy swaying from side to side. "That's enough for today" shrimp said walking up next to him and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Shiro" he said but he didn't pull away.

Instead he leaned in closer to the touch. He grabbed onto shiros arms as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his legs gave out from under him. Shiro lifted him up and took him to his room.

The group of paladins where talking in the lounge room about Keith's behavior recently. They where all worried to say the least. "We need to talk with him" allura said and everyone agreed but shiro. "I've known Keith most of his life. If he has a problem we should wait for him to come to us." He said and looked around at the others.

Keith was stubborn and shiro knew this. He knew that instead of making Keith do something you have to wait till he's ready. If you don't do that then your going to have a hell of a lot of work to do.

Keith walked into the lounge sweaty and exhausted. He plopped down next to shiro and leaned his head on the other shoulder before falling asleep. Lance gave everyone a nod and the lights dimmed. Keith woke up suddenly.

He looked around and everyone was looking back at him. He landed against the back of the couch. "Keith is something wrong?" Allura asked and Keith looked at her. He gained enough confidence to tell them everything that he has been feeling.

He told them about how he didn't like the fact that he had glaran DNA in his body and how he's over training to try and get that out of his head. About the eating disorder and they still accepted him as him. Lance looked at his boyfriend. "Oh Keith" he said and pulled him into a hug.

Soon the others joined the hug. Weeks after the talk Keith had been getting better. Hunk helped him with the eating disorder and shiro helped with everything else.

Lance was there too.

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