💔❤️he's still the same❤️💔

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Keith walked into the bridge head down. "Keith? What's wrong?" Shrio was immediately at his side. Hunk, pidge, shiro, coran, and allura where in the room but lance was no where to be seen. Keith looked up and scared the room before anyone could notice. "I have something to tell you all" he said his voice shaking.

Shiro placed a hand on his shoulder and Keith looked out the window into space. "I just found out.. that.. I am.. glaran.." he said and let his head drop again. Shiro was taken aback for a second but stayed at his side. Allura looked furious. Coran was understanding. Pidge and hunk didn't know what to think.

Keith looked up and toon in all of their faces. Allura walked up he heels clacking on the hard altean floors. She stopped right in front of Keith and looked at him anger present in her gorgeous teal eyes. "How could I let this happen?" She said backing up.

She saw that Keith's eyes had a slight yellow tint to them and that he had small but noticable fangs in his mouth. Keith kept his gaze on the ground. "How could I let another glara pilot the black lion! We all know how that turned out." She said anger lacing her once calm voice.

Pidge and hunk looked down making no move to even help him. Keith was pulled into a unexpected hug by shiro who was to stunned by alluras actions to say anything. Coran sighed and walked over to the princess. He began talking with her as shrio led him out of the room.

Lance was standing by the door. He was about to walk in but decided against it and ended up listening. "Hey Keith look at us" lance said and lifted Keith's head by his chin to look at him and shiro. "Well love you either way, Your still the same person glaran or not" shiro said.

Keith teared up and hugged the two of them. It became a small group hug between the three. When they pulled away the two taller men looked at the past red paladin who looked back at them. "Thank you" he said his voice cracking at the end.

Lance and shiro smiled. "No need to thank us, that's what families for" shrio said and lance smiled. "That's what I'm for! I don't judge!" Lance said in his usual goofy tone making the second eldest of the group chuckle a bit. "I'm going to the training deck" he said and as he walked passed lance he gave him a peck on the cheek.

Lances had went up to his face as he smiled. "Someone's love sick" shiros voice chimed in making lance jump. "Am not!" Lance said and they both started laughing. "Okay maybe I am" he said and they looked at each other with a smile. "This is the part where you tell me if I hurt him you'll kill me?" Lance said.

Shiro thought for a second. "If he's happy I am too, but if you hurt him I will make sure you feel the same" he said with a straight face before breaking it with a smile. "We'll see you later!" He added on before walking away and leaving a stunned and terrified lance in the hallways.

Keith swung his sword stabbing the gladiator and watched as it disappeared into tinny pixels. It was group training day. The day after Keith had come out as glaran. Lance and hunk with working on hand-to-hand combat, shrio was working with his robotic arm, and Keith and pidge where training with the gladiator.

Pidge was knocked down and Keith jumped into font of her swinging his sword. The gladiator jumped back giving Keith enough time to help pidge to her feet. She got back to fighting as Keiths rematerialized in front of him. He glanced at the control section.

They where only supposed to go against the gladiator once, but so far he's gone up against it three times. This being his third. He felt his body slowing down allowing for more hits to be landed on him. One of those times he fell to his hands and knees and spat out blood into his hand.

He got up and grabbed his sword anyway. Usually allura would have stopped the training by this point but it continued anyway. Pidge spared a concerned glance to the male before the gladiator attacked her once more. Keith was hit across the head with the butt of the gladiators weapon.

The training still went on until a faint 'end training sequence' was yelled. Keith patted his hands around realizing he was on the ground. Some one sat him up and he leaned against them his head killing him. Someone yelled was heard very faintly in the back ground.

The person holding Keith slowly stood him up. He wobbled and leaned heavily on the person holding him. Before he knew it he had passed out. He woke up what felt like a few hours later in a healing pod. It opened and he fell into shiros open arms.

The black paladin looked up at shiro. "You feeling alright?" He asked to which Keith nodded slowly getting back up on his own two feet. Lance was soon in the room and hugged Keith tightly. He returned the hug putting his head against his shoulder.

Allura walked in with the others. "We're sorry Keith, we where blind sighted by the fact that you where galran to realize that you are in fact still the Keith we knew before we came to space" hunk said his voice weak and Keith walked I've rto him and gave him a hug.

Hunk gave a small smile and hugged him back. "Your forgiven all of you" Keith said and allura looked down. "Even you allura" he added on and she looked up at him. "But-" she started. "No it's fine" Keith said with a smile smile.

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