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Lance was getting scolded at by shiro. "This is why you don't eat things off the counter with out asking one of the alteans!" He said and lances tail brushed the ground his ears pinned against his head. Yes. He was in fact a cat. "I'm sorry that I was hungry!" Lance lashed out his ears springing up before he walked to his room.

He face planted on the bed and let out a loud groan of annoyance. He soon rolled over and put his arm over his eyes. He ended up falling asleep curled up around a pillow. Hunk knocked on his door waking him up. "Yeah?" He asked his voice deep and all scratched up. "Shiro told me to come get you it's time for dinner" he said and lance got up slowly.

He soon walked out of his room and stretched before heading to the dinning hall. He saw everyone there but Keith. "What's mullet?" Lance asked before taking his seat. "He said he didn't feel well so he's staying in his room" allura said as she ate her food. It's wasn't space goo so that means hunk made dinner.

Lance hung his head down before getting up. He grabbed Keith's plate and went to his room with his own plate. He kicked the door lightly. A muffled groan was heard inside. "Come in.. doors open.." Keith mumbled finally.  Lance opened the door and was hit by a wave of heat. "Damn why is it so hot in here?" He asked before waking in.

Keith groaned again having the blankets over him. Lance took notice of the hood on his head. "Mullet you alright?" Lance asked and Keith glanced at him. "Yeah I'm fine" he said sitting up the blanket falling around his waist. "Why is it so hot in here?" Lance asked setting the two plates down. "I don't know to lazy to change it I guess" he said something moving the blanket behind him.

Lances own tail was swaying side to side. "Did you eat the fruit that was on the counter this morning?" He asked finally after a long awkward silence. Keith gave a slight nod and toon his hood down. A pair of fluffy black ears popped out. "They look so fluffy" lance said going to touch them only to be smacked away by Keith.

Lance looked at him with pleading eyes. "Fine" the half galran male said his ears lowering. Lance put his hand on Keith's head and the boys ears went all the way down as he leaned into lances hand. The Cuban boy watched as the others eyes closed and purrs filled the once silent air. "Come on let's change the temp in here" he said getting up.

The Korean boy let out a shine at the loss of touch but got out of the blanket. Lance changed the temp to a more reasonable heat and sat next to the other on the bed. Lance handed him a plate and Keith shifted around to sit in front of the other and lay back on him. Both still about to eat and be comfortable.

Lance toon his plate and started eating with one hand as the other went to Keith's head to pet around his head making him let out soft purrs. After a while they both finished eating and was watching shows on lances space phone. Keith had his head on lances chest. Lance had one hand holding up the phone and the other was petting the boys head.

A loud knock came from the door. "Come in!" Keith said as he moved off of lance and sat up. Lance his in the bathroom quickly. "Hey Keith have you se-" shiro started and was cut off by a groan. "you too?" He asked and Keith gave a nod. "Sorry I was hungry and it was the only thing I saw" he said with a shrug. That's when Keith too had a lecture.

Keith put his hands up stopping shiro. "You came in here asking something what was it?" He asked and shiro nodded. "Have you seen lance? No one's been able to find him" he said and Keith shook his head. "Sorry shiro I haven't" the younger boy of the two said and shiro walked out closing the door behind him. "Your good now lance" Keith said and lance came out of the bathroom.

He sat next to the other boy who laid his head on lances shoulder. "Cat nap?" Lance suggested and Keith nodded. Lance laid down opening his arms to which Keith curled up against him his back against the others chest. Lance wrapped his arms around the others waist as the both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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