💔💔 our treehouse💔💔

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I walked through the forest coming across a large tree. I placed my hand on the strong yet rotting bark. Soon a latter was bright to my attention. As I began climbing memories filled my head.


"Lance come on!" A boy shouted climbing up the latter as fast as he could.

"I'm coming I'm coming slow down!" The other boy yelled back following.

They both continuously laughed enjoying the time they spent.


Tear welled up in my eyes but I forced them aside as I reached the top. A large tree house stood before me. On the door was a old piece of paper with some colorful drawings. I can't tell what it was anymore. But another memory filled my head.


The two boys ran inside and sat on the ground crayons in hand.

"What do you want to draw today lance?" The older boy asked.

The other began to think.

"How about Voltron!"

"Great idea lance!"

Then they began to draw with brightly colored crayons.


I let the tears slip from my eyes as another memory took place in the large tree house. This one was a few years into the future.


"Lance.." the boy from before stumbled into the tree house tears running down his face.

Lance got up and hugged his friend tightly.

"It's okay.. I'm here.."


The memory was over as soon as it started. I got out of there as fast as I could and fell to my knees in front of a grave the rested at the base of the tree. "Why did you leave!?" I yelled as the tears fell on the ground.

"I loved you, you idiot! Why did you leave me!?"

My yells where full of sorrow as I looked at my best friends grave.


"When I die I want to buried here with all of our memories!"

Lance looked at his best friend.

"Your not going to die any time soon! I promise!"

The young boys then ran I to the distance playing tag.


I looked at my arms that held his blade as his death replayed in my head.


Lance looked over his shoulder.

"Keith move!"

A shot was fired and the boy fell to the ground hand on his chest as a crimson liquid began to pour from the wound.

Lance ran over to him and propped his head up yelling for help.



"I love you.. I'm glad I met you.."

Then he was gone.

He passed in lances arms as desperately yelled for help disbelieving his best friend and crush had died.


I blinked away tears to read the head stone that sat on the dying grass by the old treehouse.

Keith Akira Kogane
A brother, a son, a father, and a best friend

I gripped the blade in my hands and looked around tears in my eyes blurring my vision. "I'll see you soon everyone.." I whispered before sliding the sharp blade over my wrists repeatedly and watched as the crimson liquid pooled and dripped onto the dying ground.

As I slowly bled out a thought of everything me and my team had went through. Allura a was gone first. She saved everyone from honerva. Shiro was second. He was piloting the atlas. Then it was pidge. She couldn't handle it anymore. Then it was hunk. His familia had died so he found to point in staying. Coran passed soon after due to a medical condition.

Then it was Keith. He passed in my arms while fighting. Now it was my turn. As I laid down feeling the dizziness of blood loss. "I'll see you all soon.. my familia.. friends.. crush.. I'll see you all.. soon.." then I let the darkness take over as my body went cold.

Lance McClain was no more.

No more suffering.

No more missing people.


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