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Keith laid in his bed not feeling the best. "Paladins time for training" alluras voice came through the intercom. Keith got himself up and sluggishly made his way to his closet where his armor and under suit hung. He continued to put them on before heading out to the training deck.

He was the last there. "Oh good now that your all here we can start!" Allura said and began the training sequences. Keith and shiro where forced back to back while small drones fired at them. Lance was fighting the gladiator with hunk. Pidge was fighting with the same small drones as shiro and Keith.

Suddenly the whole sequence stopped. "Sorry! Just a bit of difficulties I'll get it up and running right away!" Coran said as lance fell on his butt dropping his Bayard. "How do you fight this thing on your own Keith?" He asked and Keith rubbed the back of his head.

Everyone looked at him. "A lot of practice?" Keith said even though it sounded more like a question then an answer. "Keith you know it's not a good idea to train alone with that thing right?" Shiro said and Keith nodded. Pidge stood up heading to the doors.

She attempted to open it and failed. "Well the doors are stuck" she said and the lights flickered off in the room leaving the paladins in the dark. Keith turned on the flash light at the end of his armors sleeve and pointed it looking around.

Soon enough everyone else's flickered on as they looked around. Shiro was now helping pidge turn back on the power to the room and lance was helping hunk calm down. Keith was leaning against the wall and started coughing. No one noticed that it was him which to Keith was a good thing.

Lance looked around his light following his gaze. "Okay who's coughing?" He asked and everyone shook their heads when the light landed on them. The power flickered back on and they turned off their flashlights. The sequence powered back on again only to be put away.

"Okay we got the problem fixed and training will continue when we're sure this won't happen again" alluras voice said over the intercom. The paladins walked out of the room the doors no longer stuck and went to sit down on the couches in the rest room.

Keith started coughing again on the way there. "You alright Keith?" Shiro asked falling behind next to him. "Yeah I'm fine probably have something in my throat" Keith said as they reached the rest room. They all went in and sat down.

Hunk, pidge, and shiro on one and Keith and lance on the other. "How about a movie?" Hunk suggested and everyone looked at him. Everyone said "sure" or "yeah" while hunk got up to put the movie on. The others where grabbing blankets and what not to put down on the floor.

Once everything was set up the turned out the lights and turned on the movie. That's when Krolia walked in looking for Keith. "Keith?" She looked around unable to see him. "Yeah?" He said standing up and walking over to her. "How are you feeling?" She asked and looked him over.

Keith nodded. "I feel fine" he said and Krolia sighed. "Keith you look terrible you sure you feeling okay?" She asked and Keith nodded once more. "Yeah I feel fine" he repeated then started coughing again.

Krolia pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "Keith your sick go to your room and lay down." She said and Keith whined. "Why?" He asked and lance looked over along with the rest of them. "Keith you need rest. Your obviously not feeling good." She said.

Lance stood up and walked over to them. "Here I'll take him to his room" he said and Krolia looked over at him. "Fine make sure he gets rest" she said and lance nodded before helping Keith to his room. "I can walk on my own." Keith said trying to pull away.

Lance opened the door to Keith's room and made him lay on the bed. "Rest I'll be right back with some water" lance said leaving the room. Keith didn't know what stopped him but he didn't get up even though he wanted too he just rolled onto his side and wrapped blankets around himself.

The door opened again and lance walked back inside with a cup of water. He sat it on the small bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?" Lance asked and Keith groaned in response. "Not so good I believe?" Lance asked and Keith gave a slight nod.

Lance sat up against the head board and Keith made his way to sit on his lap and lay his head on his shoulder his legs off to the side. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith waist pulling him close. He pulled the blanket over them both.

"Sleep" lance said and started humming a quite song. Once Keith's breathing leveled out the younger boy know he was asleep. At some point he had also fallen asleep. Krolia came into the room to check on her son and say good bye before she left again.

When she saw the two she smiled. "I'm glad he found you lance" she said then left. She said he good byes then got into her pod.

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